## Units used in these files
- Time -> ms
- Voltage -> mv
- Current -> mA
- Conductance -> siemens
- Length -> cm
- Area -> cm^2
- Axial Resistance -> ohm.cm
- Specific Resistance -> ohm/cm^2
- Specific Capacitence -> mF/cm^2
## Abbreviations
The naming convention for most of the variables is eithet
- comparmtentProperty ex: d2Area == the area (property) of dendrite 2 (compartment)
- ionChannelComparmtent_property_ ex: CaD3_ek == Potassium resting voltae (Property) of Calcium (Channel) of dendrite 3 (Compartment)
## Compartments
- S ==> Soma
- ah ==> Axon Hillock
- d# ==> dedndrite number #
## Channels
- fs ==> Fast Sodium
- dr ==> delayed rectifier