# Script provided by Kenneth Knoblauch
# This code is based on functions from the aod package of R written by
# Matthieu Lesnoff and Renaud Lancelot
# (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/aod/index.html), published
# under the GPL-3 license
# (https://cran.r-project.org/web/licenses/GPL-3).
betabin <- function (formula, random, data = NULL, link = c("logit", "probit", "cloglog"),
phi.ini = NULL, warnings = FALSE, na.action = na.omit, fixpar = list(),
hessian = TRUE, control = list(maxit = 2000), ...)
CALL <- mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
tr <- function(string) gsub("^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$",
"", string)
link <- match.arg(link)
if (length(formula) != 3)
stop(paste(tr(deparse(formula)), collapse = " "), "is not a valid formula.")
else if (substring(deparse(formula)[1], 1, 5) != "cbind")
stop(paste(tr(deparse(formula)), collapse = ""), " is not a valid formula.\n",
"The response must be a matrix of the form cbind(success, failure)")
if (length(random) == 3) {
form <- deparse(random)
warning("The formula for phi (", form, ") contains a response which is ignored.")
random <- random[-2]
explain <- as.character(attr(terms(random), "variables"))[-1]
if (length(explain) > 1) {
warning("The formula for phi contains several explanatory variables (",
paste(explain, collapse = ", "), ").\n", "Only the first one (",
explain[1], ") was considered.")
explain <- explain[1]
gf3 <- if (length(explain) == 1)
paste(as.character(formula[3]), explain, sep = " + ")
else as.character(formula[3])
gf <- formula(paste(formula[2], "~", gf3))
if (missing(data))
data <- environment(gf)
mb <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), names(mf),
mfb <- mf[c(1, mb)]
mfb$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mfb[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
names(mfb)[2] <- "formula"
mfb <- eval(mfb, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mfb, "terms")
modmatrix.b <- if (!is.empty.model(mt))
model.matrix(mt, mfb)
else matrix(, NROW(Y), 0)
Y <- model.response(mfb, "numeric")
weights <- model.weights(mfb)
if (!is.null(weights) && any(weights < 0))
stop("Negative wts not allowed")
n <- rowSums(Y)
y <- Y[, 1]
if (any(n == 0))
warning("The data set contains at least one line with weight = 0.\n")
mr <- match(c("random", "data", "na.action"), names(mf),
mr <- mf[c(1, mr)]
mr$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mr[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
names(mr)[2] <- "formula"
mr <- eval(mr, parent.frame())
if (length(explain) == 0)
modmatrix.phi <- model.matrix(object = ~1, data = mr)
else {
express <- paste("model.matrix(object = ~ -1 + ", explain,
", data = mr", ", contrasts = list(", explain, " = 'contr.treatment'))",
sep = "")
if (is.ordered(data[, match(explain, table = names(mr))]))
warning(explain, " is an ordered factor.\n", "Treatment contrast was used to build model matrix for phi.")
modmatrix.phi <- eval(parse(text = express))
fam <- eval(parse(text = paste("binomial(link =", link, ")")))
fm <- glm(formula = formula, family = fam, data = data, na.action = na.action)
b <- coef(fm)
if (any(is.na(b))) {
print(nab <- b[is.na(b)])
stop("Initial values for the fixed effects contain at least one missing value.")
nb.b <- ncol(modmatrix.b)
nb.phi <- ncol(modmatrix.phi)
if (!is.null(phi.ini) && !(phi.ini < 1 & phi.ini > 0))
stop("phi.ini was set to ", phi.ini, ".\nphi.ini should verify 0 < phi.ini < 1")
else if (is.null(phi.ini))
phi.ini <- rep(0.1, nb.phi)
param.ini <- c(b, phi.ini)
if (!is.null(unlist(fixpar)))
param.ini[fixpar[[1]]] <- fixpar[[2]]
minuslogL <- function(param) {
if (!is.null(unlist(fixpar)))
param[fixpar[[1]]] <- fixpar[[2]]
b <- param[1:nb.b]
eta <- as.vector(modmatrix.b %*% b)
p <- invlink(eta, type = link)
phi <- as.vector(modmatrix.phi %*% param[(nb.b + 1):(nb.b +
cnd <- phi == 0
f1 <- dbinom(x = y[cnd], size = n[cnd], prob = p[cnd],
log = TRUE)
n2 <- n[!cnd]
y2 <- y[!cnd]
p2 <- p[!cnd]
phi2 <- phi[!cnd]
f2 <- lchoose(n2, y2) + lbeta(p2 * (1 - phi2)/phi2 +
y2, (1 - p2) * (1 - phi2)/phi2 + n2 - y2) - lbeta(p2 *
(1 - phi2)/phi2, (1 - p2) * (1 - phi2)/phi2)
fn <- sum(c(f1, f2))
if (!is.finite(fn))
fn <- -1e+20
withWarnings <- function(expr) {
myWarnings <- NULL
wHandler <- function(w) {
myWarnings <<- c(myWarnings, list(w))
val <- withCallingHandlers(expr, warning = wHandler)
list(value = val, warnings = myWarnings)
reswarn <- withWarnings(optim(par = param.ini, fn = minuslogL,
hessian = hessian, control = control, ...))
res <- reswarn$value
if (warnings) {
if (length(reswarn$warnings) > 0) {
v <- unlist(lapply(reswarn$warnings, as.character))
tv <- data.frame(message = v, freq = rep(1, length(v)))
cat("Warnings during likelihood maximisation:\n")
print(aggregate(tv[, "freq", drop = FALSE], list(warning = tv$message),
param <- res$par
namb <- colnames(modmatrix.b)
namphi <- paste("phi", colnames(modmatrix.phi), sep = ".")
nam <- c(namb, namphi)
names(param) <- nam
if (!is.null(unlist(fixpar)))
param[fixpar[[1]]] <- fixpar[[2]]
H <- H.singular <- Hr.singular <- NA
varparam <- matrix(NA)
is.singular <- function(X) qr(X)$rank < nrow(as.matrix(X))
if (hessian) {
H <- res$hessian
if (is.null(unlist(fixpar))) {
H.singular <- is.singular(H)
if (!H.singular)
varparam <- qr.solve(H)
else warning("The hessian matrix was singular.\n")
else {
idparam <- 1:(nb.b + nb.phi)
idestim <- idparam[-fixpar[[1]]]
Hr <- as.matrix(H[-fixpar[[1]], -fixpar[[1]]])
H.singular <- is.singular(Hr)
if (!H.singular) {
Vr <- solve(Hr)
dimnames(Vr) <- list(idestim, idestim)
varparam <- matrix(rep(NA, NROW(H) * NCOL(H)),
ncol = NCOL(H))
varparam[idestim, idestim] <- Vr
else varparam <- matrix(NA)
if (any(!is.na(varparam)))
dimnames(varparam) <- list(nam, nam)
nbpar <- if (is.null(unlist(fixpar)))
else sum(!is.na(param[-fixpar[[1]]]))
logL.max <- sum(dbinom(x = y, size = n, prob = y/n, log = TRUE))
logL <- -res$value
dev <- -2 * (logL - logL.max)
df.residual <- sum(n > 0) - nbpar
iterations <- res$counts[1]
code <- res$convergence
msg <- if (!is.null(res$message))
else character(0)
if (code != 0)
warning("\nPossible convergence problem. Optimization process code: ",
code, " (see ?optim).\n")
new(Class = "glimML", CALL = CALL, link = link, method = "BB",
data = data, formula = formula, random = random, param = param,
varparam = varparam, fixed.param = param[seq(along = namb)],
random.param = param[-seq(along = namb)], logL = logL,
logL.max = logL.max, dev = dev, df.residual = df.residual,
nbpar = nbpar, iterations = iterations, code = code,
msg = msg, singular.hessian = as.numeric(H.singular),
param.ini = param.ini, na.action = na.action)
invlink <- function (x, type = c("cloglog", "log", "logit", "probit"))
switch(type, logit = plogis(x), probit = pnorm(x), log = exp(x), cloglog = 1 -
link <- function (x, type = c("cloglog", "log", "logit", "probit"))
switch(type, logit = qlogis(x), probit = qnorm(x),
log = log(x), cloglog = log(-log(1 - x)))
pr <- function (object, ...)
.local <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("response",
"link"), se.fit = FALSE, ...)
type <- match.arg(type)
mf <- object@CALL
b <- coef(object)
f <- object@formula[-2]
data <- object@data
offset <- NULL
if (is.null(newdata)) {
mb <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), names(mf),
mfb <- mf[c(1, mb)]
mfb$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mfb[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
names(mfb)[2] <- "formula"
mfb <- eval(mfb, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mfb, "terms")
Y <- model.response(mfb, "numeric")
X <- if (!is.empty.model(mt))
model.matrix(mt, mfb, contrasts)
else matrix(, NROW(Y), 0)
offset <- model.offset(mfb)
else {
mfb <- model.frame(f, newdata)
offset <- model.offset(mfb)
X <- model.matrix(object = f, data = newdata)
eta <- as.vector(X %*% b)
eta <- if (is.null(offset))
else eta + offset
varparam <- object@varparam
varb <- as.matrix(varparam[seq(length(b)), seq(length(b))])
vareta <- X %*% varb %*% t(X)
if (type == "response") {
p <- invlink(eta, type = object@link)
J <- switch(object@link, logit = diag(p * (1 - p),
nrow = length(p)), probit = diag(dnorm( qnorm(p) ),
nrow = length(p)), cloglog = diag(-(1 - p) *
log(1 - p), nrow = length(p)), log = diag(p,
nrow = length(p)))
varp <- J %*% vareta %*% J
se.p <- sqrt(diag(varp))
se.eta <- sqrt(diag(vareta))
if (!se.fit)
res <- switch(type, response = p, link = eta)
else res <- switch(type, response = list(fit = p, se.fit = se.p),
link = list(fit = eta, se.fit = se.eta))
.local(object, ...)
setMethod(predict, "glimML", pr)
setMethod(fitted, "glimML", function (object, ...) {
mf <- object@CALL
mb <- match(c("formula", "data", "na.action"), names(mf),
mfb <- mf[c(1, mb)]
mfb$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mfb[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
names(mfb)[2] <- "formula"
mfb <- eval(mfb, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mfb, "terms")
Y <- model.response(mfb, "numeric")
X <- if (!is.empty.model(mt))
model.matrix(mt, mfb, contrasts)
else matrix(, NROW(Y), 0)
offset <- model.offset(mfb)
b <- coef(object)
eta <- as.vector(X %*% b)
eta <- if (is.null(offset))
else eta + offset
invlink(eta, type = object@link)