This script defines the default values of all
parameters and defines functions to compute
single neuron and synapse parameters and to
properly set the seed of the random generators.
Maximilian Schmidt
from config import base_path
import json
import os
import numpy as np
complete_area_list = ['V1', 'V2', 'VP', 'V3', 'V3A', 'MT', 'V4t', 'V4', 'VOT', 'MSTd',
'PIP', 'PO', 'DP', 'MIP', 'MDP', 'VIP', 'LIP', 'PITv', 'PITd',
'MSTl', 'CITv', 'CITd', 'FEF', 'TF', 'AITv', 'FST', '7a', 'STPp',
'STPa', '46', 'AITd', 'TH']
population_list = ['23E', '23I', '4E', '4I', '5E', '5I', '6E', '6I']
f1 = open(os.path.join(base_path, 'multiarea_model/data_multiarea',
'viscortex_raw_data.json'), 'r')
raw_data = json.load(f1)
av_indegree_Cragg = raw_data['av_indegree_Cragg']
av_indegree_OKusky = raw_data['av_indegree_OKusky']
Simulation parameters
sim_params = {
# master seed for random number generators
'master_seed': 0,
# simulation step (in ms)
'dt': 0.1,
# simulated time (in ms)
't_sim': 10.0,
# no. of MPI processes:
'num_processes': 1,
# no. of threads per MPI process':
'local_num_threads': 1,
# Areas represented in the network
'areas_simulated': complete_area_list,
Network parameters
network_params = {
# Surface area of each area in mm^2
'surface': 1.0,
# Scaling of population sizes
'N_scaling': 1.,
# Scaling of indegrees
'K_scaling': 1.,
# Absolute path to the file holding full-scale rates for scaling
# synaptic weights
'fullscale_rates': None
Single-neuron parameters
'initial_state': {
# mean of initial membrane potential (in mV)
'V_m_mean': -58.0,
# std of initial membrane potential (in mV)
'V_m_std': 10.0
# dictionary defining single-cell parameters
single_neuron_dict = {
# Leak potential of the neurons (in mV).
'E_L': -65.0,
# Threshold potential of the neurons (in mV).
'V_th': -50.0,
# Membrane potential after a spike (in mV).
'V_reset': -65.0,
# Membrane capacitance (in pF).
'C_m': 250.0,
# Membrane time constant (in ms).
'tau_m': 10.0,
# Time constant of postsynaptic excitatory currents (in ms).
'tau_syn_ex': 0.5,
# Time constant of postsynaptic inhibitory currents (in ms).
'tau_syn_in': 0.5,
# Refractory period of the neurons after a spike (in ms).
't_ref': 2.0}
neuron_params = {
# neuron model
'neuron_model': 'iaf_psc_exp',
# neuron parameters
'single_neuron_dict': single_neuron_dict,
# Mean and standard deviation for the
# distribution of initial membrane potentials
'V0_mean': -100.,
'V0_sd': 50.}
network_params.update({'neuron_params': neuron_params})
General connection parameters
connection_params = {
# Whether to apply the stabilization method of
# Schuecker, Schmidt et al. (2017). Default is False.
# Options are True to perform the stabilization or
# a string that specifies the name of a binary
# numpy file containing the connectivity matrix
'K_stable': False,
# Whether to replace all cortico-cortical connections by stationary
# Poisson input with population-specific rates (het_poisson_stat)
# or by time-varying current input (het_current_nonstat)
# while still simulating all areas. In both cases, the data to replace
# the cortico-cortical input is loaded from `replace_cc_input_source`.
'replace_cc': False,
# Whether to replace non-simulated areas by Poisson sources
# with the same global rate rate_ext ('hom_poisson_stat') or
# by specific rates ('het_poisson_stat')
# or by time-varying specific current ('het_current_nonstat')
# In the two latter cases, the data to replace the cortico-cortical
# input is loaded from `replace_cc_input_source`
'replace_non_simulated_areas': None,
# Source of the input rates to replace cortico-cortical input
# Either a json file (has to end on .json) holding a scalar values
# for each population or
# a base name such that files with names
# $(replace_cc_input_source)-area-population.npy
# (e.g. '$(replace_cc_input_source)-V1-23E.npy')
# contain the time series for each population.
# We recommend using absolute paths rather than relative paths.
'replace_cc_input_source': None,
# whether to redistribute CC synapse to meet literature value
# of E-specificity
'E_specificity': True,
# Relative inhibitory synaptic strength (in relative units).
'g': -16.,
# compute average indegree in V1 from data
'av_indegree_V1': np.mean([av_indegree_Cragg, av_indegree_OKusky]),
# synaptic volume density
# area-specific --> conserves average in-degree
# constant --> conserve syn. volume density
'rho_syn': 'constant',
# Increase the external Poisson indegree onto 5E and 6E
'fac_nu_ext_5E': 1.,
'fac_nu_ext_6E': 1.,
# to increase the ext. input to 23E and 5E in area TH
'fac_nu_ext_TH': 1.,
# synapse weight parameters for current-based neurons
# excitatory intracortical synaptic weight (mV)
'PSP_e': 0.15,
'PSP_e_23_4': 0.3,
# synaptic weight (mV) for external input
'PSP_ext': 0.15,
# relative SD of normally distributed synaptic weights
'PSC_rel_sd_normal': 0.1,
# relative SD of lognormally distributed synaptic weights
'PSC_rel_sd_lognormal': 3.0,
# scaling factor for cortico-cortical connections (chi)
'cc_weights_factor': 1.,
# factor to scale cortico-cortical inh. weights in relation
# to exc. weights (chi_I)
'cc_weights_I_factor': 1.,
# 'switch whether to distribute weights lognormally
'lognormal_weights': False,
# 'switch whether to distribute only EE weight lognormally if
# 'lognormal_weights': True
'lognormal_EE_only': False,
network_params.update({'connection_params': connection_params})
delay_params = {
# Local dendritic delay for excitatory transmission [ms]
'delay_e': 1.5,
# Local dendritic delay for inhibitory transmission [ms]
'delay_i': 0.75,
# Relative standard deviation for both local and inter-area delays
'delay_rel': 0.5,
# Axonal transmission speed to compute interareal delays [mm/ms]
'interarea_speed': 3.5
network_params.update({'delay_params': delay_params})
Input parameters
input_params = {
# Whether to use Poisson or DC input (True or False)
'poisson_input': True,
# synapse type for Poisson input
'syn_type_ext': 'static_synapse_hpc',
# Rate of the Poissonian spike generator (in spikes/s).
'rate_ext': 10.,
# Whether to switch on time-dependent DC input
'dc_stimulus': False,
network_params.update({'input_params': input_params})
Recording settings
recording_dict = {
# Which areas to record spike data from
'areas_recorded': complete_area_list,
# voltmeter
'record_vm': False,
# Fraction of neurons to record membrane potentials from
# in each population if record_vm is True
'Nrec_vm_fraction': 0.01,
# Parameters for the spike detectors
'spike_dict': {
'label': 'spikes',
'withtime': True,
'record_to': ['file'],
'start': 0.},
# Parameters for the voltmeters
'vm_dict': {
'label': 'vm',
'start': 0.,
'stop': 1000.,
'interval': 0.1,
'withtime': True,
'record_to': ['file']}
sim_params.update({'recording_dict': recording_dict})
Theory params
theory_params = {'neuron_params': neuron_params,
# Initial rates can be None (start integration at
# zero rates), a numpy.ndarray defining the initial
# rates or 'random_uniform' which leads to randomly
# drawn initial rates from a uniform distribution.
'initial_rates': None,
# If 'initial_rates' is set to 'random_uniform',
# 'initial_rates_iter' defines the number of
# different initial conditions
'initial_rates_iter': None,
# If 'initial_rates' is set to 'random_uniform',
# 'initial_rates_max' defines the maximum rate of the
# uniform distribution to draw the initial rates from
'initial_rates_max': 1000.,
# The simulation time of the mean-field theory integration
'T': 50.,
# The time step of the mean-field theory integration
'dt': 0.1,
# Time interval for recording the trajectory of the mean-field calcuation
# If None, then the interval is set to dt
'rec_interval': None}
Helper function to update default parameters with custom
def nested_update(d, d2):
for key in d2:
if isinstance(d2[key], dict) and key in d:
nested_update(d[key], d2[key])
d[key] = d2[key]
def check_custom_params(d, def_d):
for key, val in d.items():
if isinstance(val, dict):
check_custom_params(d[key], def_d[key])
def_val = def_d[key]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError('Unused key in custom parameter dictionary: {}'.format(key))