
Theory package to predict the stable fixed points of the multi-area
model of macaque visual cortex (Schmidt et al. 2018), perform further
analysis on them and to apply the stabilization procedure (Schuecker,
Schmidt et al., 2017) to the network connectivity.

Theory : provides functionality to predict the stable fixed point of
the model, perform further analysis and execute the stabilization


import json
import pprint
import nest
import numpy as np

from copy import copy
from .default_params import nested_update, theory_params
from .default_params import check_custom_params
from dicthash import dicthash
from .multiarea_helpers import create_mask, create_vector_mask, dict_to_vector
from .theory_helpers import d_nu_d_mu_fb_numeric, d_nu_d_sigma_fb_numeric

class Theory:
    def __init__(self, network, theory_spec):
        self.params = copy(theory_params)
        check_custom_params(theory_spec, self.params)
        self.custom_params = theory_spec
        nested_update(self.params, self.custom_params)

        self.network = network
        E_L = self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['E_L']
        self.NP = {'theta': self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['V_th'] - E_L,
                   'V_reset': self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['V_reset'] - E_L,
                   'tau_m': self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['tau_m'],
                   # assumes that tau_syn_ex = tau_syn_in in LIF neuron
                   'tau_syn': self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['tau_syn_ex'],
                   't_ref': self.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['t_ref'],
                   'tau': 1.}
        self.label = dicthash.generate_hash_from_dict({'params': self.params,
                                                       'network_label': self.network.label})

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.label == other.label

    def __str__(self):
        s = "Analytical theory {} of network {}".format(self.label, self.network.label)
        s += "with parameters:"
        s += pprint.pformat(self.params, width=1)
        return s

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.label)

    def integrate_siegert(self):
        Integrate siegert formula to obtain stationary rates. See Eq. (3)
        and following in Schuecker, Schmidt et al. (2017).
        dt = self.params['dt']
        T = self.params['T']
        rate_ext = self.network.params['input_params']['rate_ext']
        K = copy(self.network.K_matrix)
        J = copy(self.network.J_matrix)
        tau = self.NP['tau_m'] * 1e-3
        dim = np.shape(K)[0]
        nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': dt,
                              'use_wfr': False,
                              'print_time': False,
                              'overwrite_files': True})
        # create neurons for external drive
        drive = nest.Create(
            'siegert_neuron', 1, params={'rate': rate_ext, 'mean': rate_ext})

        # create neurons representing populations
        neurons = nest.Create(
            'siegert_neuron', dim, params=self.NP)
        # external drive
        syn_dict = {'drift_factor': tau * np.array([K[:, -1] * J[:, -1]]).transpose(),
                    'diffusion_factor': tau * np.array([K[:, -1] * J[:, -1]**2]).transpose(),
                    'model': 'diffusion_connection',
                    'receptor_type': 0}
        nest.Connect(drive, neurons, 'all_to_all', syn_dict)

        # external DC drive (expressed in mV)
        DC_drive = nest.Create(
            'siegert_neuron', 1, params={'rate': 1., 'mean': 1.})

        C_m = self.network.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['C_m']
        syn_dict = {'drift_factor': 1e3 * tau / C_m * np.array(
            self.network.add_DC_drive).reshape(dim, 1),
                    'diffusion_factor': 0.,
                    'model': 'diffusion_connection',
                    'receptor_type': 0}
        nest.Connect(DC_drive, neurons, 'all_to_all', syn_dict)
        # handle switches for cortico-cortical connectivity
        if (self.network.params['connection_params']['replace_cc'] in
                ['hom_poisson_stat', 'het_poisson_stat']):
            mu_CC, sigma2_CC = self.replace_cc_input()
            mask = create_mask(self.network.structure, cortico_cortical=True, external=False)
            K[mask] = 0.
            # Additional external drive
            # The actual rate is included in the connection
            add_drive = nest.Create('siegert_neuron', 1, params={'rate': 1., 'mean': 1.})
            syn_dict = {'drift_factor': np.array([mu_CC]).transpose(),
                        'diffusion_factor': np.array([sigma2_CC]).transpose(),
                        'model': 'diffusion_connection',
                        'receptor_type': 0}
            nest.Connect(add_drive, neurons, 'all_to_all', syn_dict)
        elif self.network.params['connection_params']['replace_cc'] == 'het_current_nonstat':
            raise NotImplementedError('Replacing the cortico-cortical input by'
                                      ' non-stationary current input is not supported'
                                      ' in the Theory class.')
        # network connections
        syn_dict = {'drift_factor': tau * K[:, :-1] * J[:, :-1],
                    'diffusion_factor': tau * K[:, :-1] * J[:, :-1]**2,
                    'model': 'diffusion_connection',
                    'receptor_type': 0}
        nest.Connect(neurons, neurons, 'all_to_all', syn_dict)

        # create recording device
        interval = self.params['rec_interval']
        if interval is None:
            interval = dt
        multimeter = nest.Create('multimeter', params={'record_from': ['rate'],
                                                       'interval': interval,
                                                       'to_screen': False,
                                                       'to_file': False,
                                                       'to_memory': True})
        # multimeter
        nest.Connect(multimeter, neurons)

        # Set initial rates of neurons:
        if self.params['initial_rates'] is not None:
            # iterate over different initial conditions drawn from a random distribution
            if self.params['initial_rates'] == 'random_uniform':
                gen = self.initial_rates(self.params['initial_rates_iter'],
                num_iter = self.params['initial_rates_iter']
            # initial rates are explicitly defined in self.params
            elif isinstance(self.params['initial_rates'], np.ndarray):
                num_iter = 1
                gen = (self.params['initial_rates'] for i in range(num_iter))
        # if initial rates are not defined, set them 0
            num_iter = 1
            gen = (np.zeros(dim) for i in range(num_iter))
        rates = []

        # Loop over all iterations of different initial conditions
        iteration = 0
        total_time = 0.
        for nsim in range(num_iter):
            initial_rates = next(gen)
            print("Iteration: {}".format(iteration))
            for i in range(dim):
                nest.SetStatus([neurons[i]], {'rate': initial_rates[i]})
            # simulate
            nest.Simulate(T + dt)
            data = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[0]['events']
            # Extract the data of this iteration
            ind = np.where(np.logical_and(data['times'] > total_time,
                                          data['times'] <= total_time + T))
            res = np.array([np.insert(data['rate'][ind][np.where(data['senders'][ind] == n)],
                            for i, n in enumerate(neurons)])
            iteration += 1
            total_time += T

        if num_iter == 1:
            return self.network.structure_vec, rates[0]
            return self.network.structure_vec, rates

    def replace_cc_input(self):
        Helper function to replace cortico-cortical input by different variants.
        mu_CC = np.array([])
        sigma2_CC = np.array([])
        if self.network.params['connection_params']['replace_cc'] == 'het_poisson_stat':
            with open(self.network.params['connection_params'][
                    'replace_cc_input_source'], 'r') as f:
                rates = json.load(f)
                self.cc_input_rates = dict_to_vector(rates,
        elif self.network.params['connection_params']['replace_cc'] == 'hom_poisson_stat':
            self.cc_input_rates = (np.ones(self.network.K_matrix.shape[0]) *
        for area in self.network.area_list:
            area_dim = len(self.network.structure[area])
            mask = create_mask(self.network.structure,
                               cortico_cortical=True, target_areas=[area],

            input_areas = list(set(self.network.structure.keys()).difference({area}))
            rate_mask = create_vector_mask(self.network.structure,
            rate_vector = self.cc_input_rates[rate_mask]
            N_input_pops = self.network.K_matrix.shape[1] - 1 - area_dim
            K_CC = self.network.K_matrix[mask].reshape((area_dim,
            J_CC = self.network.J_matrix[mask].reshape((area_dim,
            mu_CC = np.append(mu_CC, np.dot(K_CC * J_CC, rate_vector))
            sigma2_CC = np.append(sigma2_CC, np.dot(K_CC * J_CC**2, rate_vector))
        tau = self.NP['tau_m'] * 1e-3
        mu_CC *= tau
        sigma2_CC *= tau
        return mu_CC, sigma2_CC

    def initial_rates(self, num_iter, dim, mode='random_uniform', rate_max=100., rng_seed=123):
        Helper function to create generator for initial rates

        num_iter : int
           Number of elements in generator
        dim : int
           Dimension of each element, i.e. number of populations in
           the network
        mode : str
           Mode defining the process to generate each element.
           Currently only 'random_uniform' is supported: each element
           is drawn from a uniform distribution
        rate_max : float
           Maximal rate for uniform distribution.
        rng_seed : int
           Seed for random number generation. Defaults to 123.
        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=rng_seed)
        n = 0
        while n < num_iter:
            yield rate_max * rng.rand(dim)
            n += 1

    def mu_sigma(self, rates, external=True, matrix_filter=None,
        Calculates mean and variance according to the

        rates : numpy.ndarray
            Stationary rates of the network.
        external : bool
            Whether to include external input into the calculation.
            Defaults to False.
         matrix_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        vector_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        if matrix_filter is not None:
            K = copy(self.network.K_matrix)
            J = copy(self.network.J_matrix)
            K[np.logical_not(matrix_filter)] = 0.
            J[np.logical_not(matrix_filter)] = 0.
            K = self.network.K_matrix
            J = self.network.J_matrix
        if (self.network.params['connection_params']['replace_cc'] in
                ['hom_poisson_stat', 'het_poisson_stat']):
            mu_CC, sigma2_CC = self.replace_cc_input()
            mask = create_mask(self.network.structure, cortico_cortical=True, external=False)
            K[mask] = 0.
            mu_CC = np.zeros_like(rates)
            sigma2_CC = np.zeros_like(rates)
        KJ = K * J
        J2 = J * J
        KJ2 = K * J2
        if external:
            rates = np.hstack((rates, self.network.params['input_params']['rate_ext']))
            rates = np.hstack((rates, np.zeros(1)))
        # if dist:
        #     # due to distributed weights with std = 0.1
        #     J2[:, :7] += 0.01 * J[:, :7] * J[:, :7]
        C_m = self.network.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['C_m']
        mu = self.NP['tau_m'] * 1e-3 * np.dot(KJ, rates) + mu_CC + self.NP[
            'tau_m'] / C_m * self.network.add_DC_drive
        sigma2 = self.NP['tau_m'] * 1e-3 * np.dot(KJ2, rates) + sigma2_CC
        sigma = np.sqrt(sigma2)
        return mu, sigma

    def d_nu(self, mu, sigma):
        Compute the derivative of the Siegert function by mu and sigma
        for given mu and sigma.

        mu : numpy.ndarray
            Mean input to the populations
        sigma : numpy.ndarray
            Variance of input to the populations
        d_nu_d_mu = np.array([d_nu_d_mu_fb_numeric(1.e-3*self.NP['tau_m'],
                                                   mu[i], sigma[i]) for i in range(len(mu))])
        # Unit: 1/(mV)**2
        d_nu_d_sigma = np.array([d_nu_d_sigma_fb_numeric(1.e-3*self.NP['tau_m'],
                                                         mu[i], sigma[i])*1/(
                                                             2. * sigma[i])
                                 for i in range(len(mu))])
        return d_nu_d_mu, d_nu_d_sigma

    def gain_matrix(self, rates, matrix_filter=None,
                    vector_filter=None, full_output=False):
        Computes stability matrix on the population level.

        rates : numpy.ndarray
            Stationary rates of the network.
        matrix_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        vector_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        full_output : bool
            Whether to return only the matrix itself or all variables
            contributing. Defaults to False.
        if np.any(matrix_filter is not None):
            assert(np.any(vector_filter is not None))
            assert(self.network.N_vec[vector_filter].size *
                   (self.network.N_vec[vector_filter].size + 1) ==
            N = self.network.N_vec[vector_filter]
            K = (self.network.K_matrix[matrix_filter].reshape((N.size, N.size + 1)))[:, :-1]
            J = (self.network.J_matrix[matrix_filter].reshape((N.size, N.size + 1)))[:, :-1]
            N = self.network.N_vec
            K = self.network.K_matrix[:, :-1]
            J = self.network.J_matrix[:, :-1]

        N_pre = np.zeros_like(K)
        N_post = np.zeros_like(K)
        for i in range(N.size):
            N_pre[i] = N
            N_post[:, i] = N

        # Connection probabilities between populations
        mu, sigma = self.mu_sigma(rates)

        if np.any(vector_filter is not None):
            mu = mu[vector_filter]
            sigma = sigma[vector_filter]

        d_nu_d_mu, d_nu_d_sigma = self.d_nu(mu, sigma)

        slope_mu_matrix = np.zeros_like(J)
        slope_sigma_matrix = np.zeros_like(J)
        for i in range(N.size):
            slope_mu_matrix[:, i] = d_nu_d_mu
            slope_sigma_matrix[:, i] = d_nu_d_sigma
        G = self.NP['tau_m'] * 1e-3 * (slope_mu_matrix * K * J +
                                       slope_sigma_matrix * K * J**2)
        if full_output:
            return G, d_nu_d_mu, d_nu_d_sigma
            return G

    def lambda_max(self, rates, matrix_filter=None,
                   vector_filter=None, full_output=False):
        Computes radius of eigenvalue spectrum of the stability matrix.

        rates : numpy.ndarray
            Stationary rates of the network.
        matrix_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        vector_filter : numpy.ndarray
            Filter to filter for a subset of the network. Defaults to
        full_output : bool
            Whether to return only the value itself or all variables
            contributing. Defaults to False.
        if full_output:
            (G, slope, slope_sigma) = self.gain_matrix(rates,
            G = self.gain_matrix(rates, matrix_filter=matrix_filter,
        EV = np.linalg.eig(G)
        lambda_max = np.sqrt(np.max(np.real(EV[0])))
        if full_output:
            return lambda_max, slope, slope_sigma, G, EV
            return lambda_max