from multiarea_model import MultiAreaModel
import nest
import numpy as np
def test_nest_network_connectivity():
Test if nest creates the correct number of neurons
synapses using the Simulation class for a downscaled
network_params = {'N_scaling': 0.001,
'K_scaling': 0.001,
'fullscale_rates': 'fullscale_rates.json'}
M = MultiAreaModel(network_params, simulation=True)
Test if the correct number of neurons has been created.
print("Testing neuron numbers")
for area_name in M.area_list:
area = M.simulation.areas[M.simulation.areas.index(area_name)]
for pop in M.structure[]:
created_nodes = area.gids[pop][1] - area.gids[pop][0] + 1
assert(created_nodes == int(M.N[][pop]))
Test if the correct number of synapses has been created.
print("Testing synapse numbers")
for target_area_name in M.area_list:
target_area = M.simulation.areas[M.simulation.areas.index(target_area_name)]
for source_area_name in M.area_list:
source_area = M.simulation.areas[M.simulation.areas.index(source_area_name)]
for target_pop in M.structure[]:
target_gids = list(range(target_area.gids[target_pop][0],
target_area.gids[target_pop][1] + 1))
for source_pop in M.structure[]:
source_gids = list(range(source_area.gids[source_pop][0],
source_area.gids[source_pop][1] + 1))
created_syn = nest.GetConnections(source=source_gids,
syn = M.synapses[][target_pop][][source_pop]
assert(len(created_syn) == int(syn))
Test if the correct external input has been created.
print("Testing external input")
for area in M.simulation.areas:
poisson_rates = nest.GetStatus(area.poisson_generators, 'rate')
K_ext = []
for pop in M.structure[]:
target_rates = np.array(K_ext) * M.params['input_params']['rate_ext']
assert(np.allclose(poisson_rates, target_rates))