from multiarea_model import MultiAreaModel
from multiarea_model.multiarea_helpers import vector_to_dict
import numpy as np
import json
def test_network_scaling():
Test the downscaling option of the network.
- Test whether indegrees and neuron number are correctly scaled down.
- Test whether the resulting mean and variance of the input currents
as well as the resulting rates are identical, based on mean-field theory.
network_params = {}
M0 = MultiAreaModel(network_params, theory=True)
K0 = M0.K_matrix
W0 = M0.W_matrix
N0 = M0.N_vec
syn0 = M0.syn_matrix
p, r0 = M0.theory.integrate_siegert()
d = vector_to_dict(r0[:, -1],
with open('mf_rates.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(d, f)
network_params = {'N_scaling': .1,
'K_scaling': .1,
'fullscale_rates': 'mf_rates.json'}
theory_params = {'initial_rates': r0[:, -1],
'T': 50.}
M = MultiAreaModel(network_params, theory=True, theory_spec=theory_params)
K = M.K_matrix
W = M.W_matrix
N = M.N_vec
syn = M.syn_matrix
p, r = M.theory.integrate_siegert()
assert(np.allclose(K, network_params['K_scaling'] * K0))
assert(np.allclose(N, network_params['N_scaling'] * N0))
assert(np.allclose(syn, network_params['K_scaling'] * network_params['N_scaling'] * syn0))
assert(np.allclose(W, W0 / np.sqrt(network_params['K_scaling'])))
r0_extend = np.append(r0[:, -1], M0.params['input_params']['rate_ext'])
tau_m = M.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['tau_m']
C_m = M.params['neuron_params']['single_neuron_dict']['C_m']
mu0 = (1e-3 * tau_m * * M0.J_matrix, r0_extend)
+ tau_m / C_m * M0.add_DC_drive)
mu = 1e-3 * tau_m * * M.J_matrix, r0_extend) + tau_m / C_m * M.add_DC_drive
sigma0 = np.sqrt(1e-3 * tau_m * * M0.J_matrix**2, r0_extend))
sigma = np.sqrt(1e-3 * tau_m * * M.J_matrix**2, r0_extend))
assert(np.allclose(mu, mu0))
assert(np.allclose(sigma, sigma0))
assert(np.allclose(r[:, -1], r0[:, -1]))