Hines M.L., Markram H., Schuermann F. (2008) Fully Implicit Parallel Simulation of Single Neurons J. Comp. Neurosci. DOI: 10.1007/s10827-008-0087-5 This contains the administrative files needed to simulate any single neuron model in ModelDB. mkdir modeldb "sh modelfix.sh" downloads the three single neuron models used in the paper, extracts them into subdirectories of modeldb and trivially modifies some files so the models can be launched without automatically running a simulation. "sh perfrun.sh" generates the data for figure 5. 20150714 Fabrizio Gabbiani contributed a fix for updated name for eavBinDown in modelfix.sh. 20210826 The http in in modelfix.sh was updated to https (needs this to work) Tom Morse