// fig13aB.hoc
// This file is under development (isn't debuged)
// make sure the nmda receptors are turned on for fig 13a
// for cell type B
B_nmda_on() // can only turn off once otherwise forgets prev value
//figure 13 has no K(AHP) current:
somaB g_ahp_save = gbar_ahp
somaB gbar_ahp = 0
// record voltages, time
objref somaB_V[2], tvec
tstop = 4000
dt = 0.025
dt = 0.05
for i=0,1 {
somaB_V[i] = new Vector(int(tstop/dt + 1))
tvec = somaB_V.c
// protocol for playing a waveform into the cell
objref bic // B current clamps
somaB bic = new IClamp(0.5)
bic.del = 0
bic.dur = 1e9
objref somaBcurrent // this will be played into bic.amp
somaBcurrent = new Vector(int(tstop/dt+2))
somaBcurrent.play(&bic.amp,dt) // somaAcurrent will be further modified below
for i = 0, 1 {
if (i>0) {
tvec.play_remove() // only needs to be recorded once
somaBcurrent.fill((-0.04-0.025*(i+1)), int(500/dt), int(4000/dt))
{init() run()}
objref g13a, g13b
g13a=new Graph()
g13a.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
g13b=new Graph()
g13b.exec_menu("Keep Lines")
somaB_V[0].line(g13a,dt, 1, 1)
somaBcurrent.fill(-0.04, int(500/dt), int(4000/dt))
somaBcurrent.c.mul(100).sub(100).line(g13a, dt, 1, 1)
somaB_V[1].line(g13b,dt, 1, 1)
somaBcurrent.fill(-0.065, int(500/dt), int(4000/dt))
somaBcurrent.c.mul(100).sub(100).line(g13b, dt, 1, 1)
g13a.exec_menu("View = plot")
g13a.label(.4,.3,"FIG 13A")
g13b.exec_menu("View = plot")
g13b.label(.4,.3,"FIG 13B")
// turn off current clamp
B_nmda_off() // turn B's nmda off
// restore the K(AHP) current
somaB gbar_ahp = g_ahp_save