// Script to set up an environment for testing the synaptic interaction between a 
// pair of identical cells, which could be either cones or photoreceptors.
// Network topology:
//      cell1
//       | ^
//  [+]  | |  [-]
//       v |
//      cell2
// Inter-cell displacement x = 0 y = 0 z = -20

// global parameters
SYN_EX_THR     = -47
SYN_EX_SLOPE   = 5.0
SYN_EX_GMAX    = 0.050
SYN_IN_THR     = -47
SYN_IN_SLOPE   = 5.0
SYN_IN_GMAX    = -0.050


objref cell1, cell2

// construct cells
proc createHzHzPair() {
    cell1 = new HzCell(0, 0, 0)
    cell2 = new HzCell(0, 0, -20)
proc createConeConePair() {
    cell1 = new Cone(0, 0, 0)
    cell2 = new Cone(0, 0, -20)

objref synEx, pcEx
objref synIn, pcIn
proc createSynapses() {
    // excitatory synapse
    pcEx = new ParallelContext()
    cell2.soma synEx = new Synapse(0.5)
    cell1.soma pcEx.source_var(&v(0.5), 1)
    cell2.soma pcEx.target_var(synEx, &synEx.V_pre, 1)
    synEx.v_th = SYN_EX_THR
    synEx.v_slope = SYN_EX_SLOPE
    synEx.g_max = SYN_EX_GMAX
    { pcEx.setup_transfer() }

    // inhibitory synapse
    pcIn = new ParallelContext()
    cell1.soma synIn = new Synapse(0.5)
    cell2.soma pcIn.source_var(&v(0.5), 2)
    cell1.soma pcIn.target_var(synIn, &synIn.V_pre, 2)
    synIn.v_th = SYN_IN_THR
    synIn.v_slope = SYN_IN_SLOPE
    synIn.g_max = SYN_IN_GMAX
    { pcIn.setup_transfer() }


// intracellular stimulus
objref stim[2]
proc intraStim() { local i
    cell1.soma stim[0] = new IClamp(0.5)
    cell2.soma stim[1] = new IClamp(0.5)
    for i = 0,0 {  //stimulate only one cell of the pair
        stim[i].del = 2500
        stim[i].dur = 0.5
        stim[i].amp = 0.4
    printf("INFO: Using intracellular stimulation\n")

// extracellular stimulus
gExtraStimFlag = 0
proc extraStim() {
    forall {
        insert extracellular
        insert xtra
    gExtraStimFlag = 1  // note extracellular stim
    printf("INFO: Using extracellular stimulation\n")

// depolarizing holding potentials 
objref depCurrent[2]
proc depolHoldingCurrent() {
    cell1.soma depCurrent[0] = new IClamp(0.5)
    cell2.soma depCurrent[1] = new IClamp(0.5)
    for i=0,1 {
        depCurrent[i].del = $1  //PR_DEL_STEADY
        depCurrent[i].dur = $2  //PR_DUR_STEADY
        depCurrent[i].amp = $3  //PR_AMP_STEADY
    depCurrent[0].amp = $3 + $4  //PR_AMP_DELTA


// graphing
objref g1, g2
proc graphing() {
    g1 = new Graph(0)
    addplot(g1, 0)  // GUI to update this graph
    g1.view(0, -57, 4500, 10, 255, 77, 450, 300)  //xmin ymin xlen ylen ...
    g1.addvar("cell1.soma.v(0.5)", 1, 1)
    g1.addvar("cell2.soma.v(0.5)", 2, 1)
    g2 = new Graph(0)
    addplot(g2, 0)  // GUI to update this graph
    g2.view(0, -0.02, 4500, 0.04, 255, 405, 450, 300)  //xmin ymin xlen ylen ...
    g2.addvar("synEx.i", 1, 1)
    g2.addvar("synIn.i", 2, 1)

// recording
objref dv[2]
proc recording() {
    dv[0] = new Vector()
    dv[1] = new Vector()
objref f
proc save() {
    f = new File()
    dv[0].printf(f, "%f\n")
    dv[1].printf(f, "%f\n")
    printf("INFO: results saved to ../netConeHz-results/cell[1,2].txt\n")