: $Id: vecst.mod,v 1.5 2006/02/14 13:11:29 hines Exp $
thresh turns analog vec to BVBASE,1 vec separating at thresh (scalar or vec)
triplet return location of a triplet in a vector
onoff turns state vec on or off depending on values in other vecs
bpeval used by backprop: vo=outp*(1-outp)*del
w like where but sets chosen nums // modified from .wh in 1.23
dest.xing(src,tvec,thresh) determines where vector crosses in a positive direction
src.updown(thresh,destlist) determines crossings in both directions+peaks
dest.snap(src,tvec,dt) interpolate src with tvec to prior dt step, saves only highest value
xzero count 0 crossings by putting in a 1 or -1
negwrap wrap negative values around to pos (with flag just set to 0)
indset(ind,val) sets spots indexed by ind to val
ismono([arg]) checks if a vector is monotonically increaseing (-1 decreasing)
count(num) count the number of nums in vec
scr.fewind(ind,veclist) // uses ind as index into other vecs
ind.findx(vecAlist,vecBlist) // uses ind as index into vecA's to load in vecB's
ind.sindx(vecAlist,vecBlist) // replace ind elements in vecA's with vecB's values
ind.sindv(vecAlist,valvec) // replace ind elements in vecA's with vals
scr.nind(ind,vec1,vec2[,vec3,vec4]) // uses ind to elim elems in other vecs
ind.keyind(key,vec1,vec2[,vec3,vec4]) // pick out bzw. values from vectors
ind.slct(key,args,veclist) // pick out bzw. values from vectors
ind.slor(key,args,veclist) // do OR rather than AND function of slct
vdest.intrp(flag) // interpolate numbers replacing numbers given as flag
v.insct(v1,v2) // return v1 intersect v2
vdest.cull(vsrc,key) // remove values found in key
vdest.redundout(vsrc[,INDFLAG]) // remove repeat values, with flag return indices
ind.mredundout(veclistA[,INDFLAG,veclistB]) // remove repeats from parallel vectors
v.cvlv(v1,v2) // convolve v1 with v2
v2d copy into a double block
d2v copy out of a double block NB: same as vec.from_double()
smgs rewrite of sumgauss form ivovect.cpp
smsy sum syn potentials off a tvec
iwr write integers
ird read integers
ident give pointer addresses and sizes
lcat concatentate all vectors from a list
fread2 like vec.fread but uses flag==6 for unsigned int
vfill fill vdest with multiple instances of vsrc until reach size
inv return inverse of number multiplied by optional num
slone(src,val) select indices where ==VAL from sorted vector SRC
piva.join(pivb,veclista,veclistb) copies values from one set of vecs to other
Non-vector routines
isojt compare 2 objects to see if they're of the same type
eqojt compare 2 object pointers to see if they point to same thing
sumabs return sum of absolute values
rnd round off to nearest integer
SUFFIX nothing
: BVBASE is bit vector base number (typically 0 or -1)
BVBASE = -1.
: misc
: 0 args
: 1 arg
EQV=-1.3469e120 : value equal to same row value in parallel vector
EQW=-1.3468e120 : value found in other vector
: 2 args
SHM_UPDOWN=4 : used in updown() for measuring sharpness
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
// #include <values.h> // contains MAXLONG
#include <limits.h> // contains MAXLONG
#include <sys/time.h>
extern double* hoc_pgetarg();
extern double hoc_call_func(Symbol*, int narg);
extern FILE* hoc_obj_file_arg(int narg);
extern Object** hoc_objgetarg();
extern void vector_resize();
extern int vector_instance_px();
extern void* vector_arg();
extern double* vector_vec();
extern double hoc_epsilon;
extern double chkarg();
extern void set_seed();
extern int ivoc_list_count(Object*);
extern Object* ivoc_list_item(Object*, int);
extern int hoc_is_double_arg(int narg);
extern char* hoc_object_name(Object*);
static int ismono1();
int list_vector_px();
int list_vector_px2();
int list_vector_resize();
static double sc[6];
static void hxe() { hoc_execerror("",0); }
typedef struct BVEC {
int size;
int bufsize;
short *x;
Object* o;
} bvec;
#define VRRY 50
#define BYTEHEADER int _II__; char *_IN__; char _OUT__[16]; int BYTESWAP_FLAG=0;
#define BYTESWAP(_X__,_TYPE__) \
if (BYTESWAP_FLAG == 1) { \
_IN__ = (char *) &(_X__); \
for (_II__=0;_II__<sizeof(_TYPE__);_II__++) { \
_OUT__[_II__] = _IN__[sizeof(_TYPE__)-_II__-1]; } \
(_X__) = *((_TYPE__ *) &_OUT__); \
#define UNCODE(_X_,_J_,_Y_) {(_Y_)=floor((_X_)/sc[(_J_)])/sc[4]; \
:* v1.ident() gives addresses and sizes
static double ident(void* vv) {
int nx,bsz; double* x;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
printf("Obj*%x Dbl*%x Size: %d Bufsize: %d\n",vv,x,nx,bsz);
:* v1.indset(ind,x[,y]) sets indexed values to x and other values to optional y
static double indset(void* vv) {
int i, nx, ny, nz, flag;
double* x, *y, *z, val, val2 ;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
ny = vector_arg_px(1, &y);
if (hoc_is_object_arg(2)) {
nz = vector_arg_px(2, &z);
if (ny!=nz) { hoc_execerror("v.indset: Vector sizes don't match.", 0); }
} else { flag=0; val=*getarg(2); }
if (ifarg(3)) {
val2 = *getarg(3);
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) { x[i]=val2; }
for (i=0; i<ny; i++) {
if (y[i] > nx) { hoc_execerror("v.indset: Index exceeds vector size", 0); }
if (flag) x[(int)y[i]]=z[i]; else x[(int)y[i]]=val;
return i;
/* Maintain parallel int vector to avoid slowness of repeated casts */
static unsigned int scrsz=0;
static unsigned int bufsz=0;
static unsigned int *scr;
static double dcr[100]; /* scratch area for doubles */
:* tmp.fewind(ind,veclist)
: picks out numbers from multiple vectors using index ind
static double fewind (void* vv) {
int i, j, nx, ni, nv[VRRY], num;
Object* ob;
double *x, *ind, *vvo[VRRY];
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
ni = vector_arg_px(1, &ind);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("ERR: fewind can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
nv[i] = list_vector_px(ob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (nx!=nv[i]) { printf("fewind ERR %d %d %d\n",i,nx,nv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
if (ni>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) { scr[i]=(int)ind[i]; /* copy into integer array */
if (scr[i]>=nx || scr[i]<0) { printf("fewind ERR1 %d %d\n",scr[i],nx);
hoc_execerror("Index vector out-of-bounds", 0); }
for (j=0;j<num;j++) {
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) x[i]=vvo[j][scr[i]];
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) vvo[j][i]=x[i];
list_vector_resize(ob, j, ni);
return ni;
:* ind.findx(vecAlist,vecBlist)
: uses ind as index into vecA's to load in vecB's (for select); a nondestructive fewind()
static double findx (void* vv) {
int i, j, ni, nx, av[VRRY], bv[VRRY], num;
Object *ob1, *ob2;
double *ind, *avo[VRRY], *bvo[VRRY];
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind);
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
num = ivoc_list_count(ob1);
i = ivoc_list_count(ob2);
if (i!=num) hoc_execerror("findx ****ERRA****: lists have different counts", 0);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("findx ****ERRB****: can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
av[i]=list_vector_px(ob1, i, &avo[i]); /* source vectors */
if (av[0]!=av[i]) { printf("findx ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,av[0],av[i]);
hoc_execerror("Src vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
nx=av[0]; /* size of source vecs */
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
bv[i]=list_vector_px2(ob2, i, &bvo[i], &vv); /* dest vectors */
if (vector_buffer_size(vv)<ni) {
printf("findx ****ERRD**** arg#%d need:%d sz:%d\n",num+i+1,ni,vector_buffer_size(vv));
hoc_execerror("Destination vector with insufficient size: ", 0);
} else {
vector_resize(vv, ni);
if (ni>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) { scr[i]=(int)ind[i]; /* copy into integer array */
if (scr[i]>=nx || scr[i]<0) { printf("findx ****ERRE**** **** IND:%d SZ:%d\n",scr[i],nx);
hoc_execerror("Index vector out-of-bounds", 0); }
for (j=0,i=0;j<num;j++) for (i=0;i<ni;i++) bvo[j][i]=avo[j][scr[i]];
return ni;
:* ind.sindx(vecAlist,vecBlist)
: uses ind as index into vecA's to replace with elements from vecB's
static double sindx (void* vv) {
int i, j, ni, nx, av[VRRY], bv[VRRY], num;
Object *ob1, *ob2;
double *ind, *avo[VRRY], *bvo[VRRY];
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind);
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
num = ivoc_list_count(ob1);
i = ivoc_list_count(ob2);
if (num!=i) hoc_execerror("sindx ****ERRA****: two vec lists have different counts", 0);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("sindx ****ERRB****: can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
av[i]=list_vector_px(ob1, i, &avo[i]); /* dest vectors */
if (av[0]!=av[i]) { printf("sindx ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,av[0],av[i]);
hoc_execerror("Dest. vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
nx=av[0]; /* size of dest vecs */
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
bv[i]=list_vector_px(ob2, i, &bvo[i]); /* source vectors */
if (bv[i]!=ni) {
printf("sindx ****ERRD**** arg#%d does note match ind length %d vs %d\n",num+i+1,ni,bv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Source vector with insufficient size: ", 0); }
if (ni>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) { scr[i]=(int)ind[i]; /* copy into integer array */
if (scr[i]>=nx || scr[i]<0) {
printf("sindx ****ERRE**** IND:%d SZ:%d\n",scr[i],nx);
hoc_execerror("Index vector out-of-bounds", 0); }
for (j=0,i=0;j<num;j++) for (i=0;i<ni;i++) avo[j][scr[i]]=bvo[j][i];
return ni;
:* ind.sindv(vecAlist,valvec)
: uses ind as index into vecA's to replace with values in valvec
static double sindv(void* vv) {
int i, j, ni, nx, av[VRRY], bv, num;
Object* ob;
double *ind, *avo[VRRY], *bvo;
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
bv=vector_arg_px(2, &bvo); /* source vector */
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("sindv ****ERRA****: can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
av[i]=list_vector_px(ob, i, &avo[i]); /* dest vectors */
if (av[0]!=av[i]) { printf("sindv ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,av[0],av[i]);
hoc_execerror("Dest. vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
nx=av[0]; /* size of source vecs */
if (bv!=num) {
printf("sindv ****ERRD**** Vector arg does note match list count %d vs %d\n",num,bv);
hoc_execerror("Source vector is wrong size: ", 0); }
if (ni>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0;i<ni;i++) { scr[i]=(int)ind[i]; /* copy into integer array */
if (scr[i]>=nx || scr[i]<0) {
printf("sindv ****ERRE**** IND:%d SZ:%d\n",scr[i],nx);
hoc_execerror("Index vector out-of-bounds", 0); }
for (j=0,i=0;j<num;j++) for (i=0;i<ni;i++) avo[j][scr[i]]=bvo[j];
return ni;
:* ind.slct(key,args,veclist)
: picks out indices of numbers in key from multiple vectors
static double slct (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, m, n, p, ni, nk, na, nv[VRRY], num, fl, lc, field[VRRY];
Object* lob;
double *ind, *key, *arg, *vvo[VRRY], val;
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind); /* vv is ind */
nk = vector_arg_px(1, &key);
na = vector_arg_px(2, &arg);
lob = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
num = ivoc_list_count(lob);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("ERR: vecst::slct can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0,j=0,k=0;i<num;i++,j++) {
nv[i] = list_vector_px(lob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (ni!=nv[i] && (key[j]!=EQW || k!=1)) {
printf("vecst::slct ERR %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,j,k,ni,nv[i]);
hoc_execerror("index and searched vectors must all be same size: ", 0);
if (key[j]==EQW || key[j]==EQV) if (k==0){j--;k++;} else k=0; /* EQW,EQV take 2 vector args */
for (j=0;j<nk;j++) { /* look for fields in a mkcode() coded double */
if (key[j]<=EBE && key[j]>=ALL) { field[j]=0;
} else for (m=1;m<=5;m++) {
if (key[j]<=EBE*(m+1) && key[j]>=ALL*(m+1)) { /* m is is field key 1-5 */
if (field[j]==-1) {printf("vecst::slct ERRF %d %g\n",j,key[j]); hxe(); }
if (2*nk!=na) { printf("vecst::slct ERR3 %d %d\n",nk,na);
hoc_execerror("Arg vector must be double key length",0); }
for (i=0,n=0;i<nk;i++) if (key[i]==EQV || key[i]==EQW) n++; /* special cases take 2 vec args */
if (nk+n!=num) {
printf("vecst::slct ERR2 %d(keys)+%d(EQV/W)!=%d(vecs)\n",nk,n,num);
hoc_execerror("Key length must be number of vecs + num of EQV/W",0); }
for (j=0,k=0,m=0;j<ni;j++) { /* j steps through elements of vectors */
for (i=0,m=0,n=0,fl=1;i<num;i++,n++,m+=2) { /* i steps thru key, m thru args */
if (field[n]==0) val=vvo[i][j]; else UNCODE(vvo[i][j],field[n],val);
if (key[n]==ALL) continue; /* OK - do nothing */
if (key[n]==NOZ) { if (val==0.) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==POS) { if (val<=0.) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==NEG) { if (val>=0.) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==GTH) { if (val<=arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==GTE) { if (val< arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==LTH) { if (val>=arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==LTE) { if (val> arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==EQU) { if (val!=arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==EQV) { if (val!=vvo[i+1][j]) {
fl=0; break;} else { i++; continue; }
} else if (key[n]==EQW) { /* check value against values in following vec */
fl=0; /* assume it's not going to match */
for (p=0;p<nv[i+1];p++) if (val==vvo[i+1][p]) {fl=1; break;}
if (fl==0) break; else { i++; continue; }
} else if (key[n]==NEQ) { if (val==arg[m]) {fl=0; break;} else continue;
} else if (key[n]==IBE) { if ((val< arg[m])||(val>=arg[m+1])) {
fl=0; break; } else continue; /* IBE="[)" include-bracket-exclude */
} else if (key[n]==EBI) { if ((val<=arg[m])||(val> arg[m+1])) {
fl=0; break; } else continue; /* "(]" : exclude-bracket-include */
} else if (key[n]==IBI) { if ((val< arg[m])||(val> arg[m+1])) {
fl=0; break; } else continue; /* "[]" : include-bracket-include */
} else if (key[n]==EBE) { if ((val<=arg[m])||(val>=arg[m+1])) {
fl=0; break; } else continue; /* "()" : exclude-bracket-exclude */
} else {printf("vecst::slct ERR4 %g\n",key[n]); hoc_execerror("Unknown key",0);}
if (fl) ind[k++]=j; /* all equal */
vector_resize(vv, k);
return k;
:* ind.slor(key,args,vec1,vec2[,vec3,vec4,...])
: picks out indices of numbers in key from multiple vectors
static double slor(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, m, n, p, ni, nk, na, nv[VRRY], num, fl, field[VRRY];
Object* lob;
double *ind, *key, *arg, *vvo[VRRY], val;
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind); /* vv is ind */
nk = vector_arg_px(1, &key);
na = vector_arg_px(2, &arg);
lob = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
num = ivoc_list_count(lob);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("ERR: vecst::slor can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0,j=0,k=0;i<num;i++,j++) {
nv[i] = list_vector_px(lob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (ni!=nv[i] && (key[j]!=EQW || k!=1)) {
printf("vecst::slct ERR %d %d %d %d %d\n",i,j,k,ni,nv[i]);
hoc_execerror("index and searched vectors must all be same size: ", 0);
if (key[j]==EQW || key[j]==EQV) if (k==0){j--;k++;} else k=0; /* k counts 2 vecs */
for (j=0;j<num;j++) { /* look for fields */
if (key[j]<=EBE && key[j]>=ALL) { field[j]=0;
} else for (m=1;m<=5;m++) {
if (key[j]<=EBE*(m+1) && key[j]>=ALL*(m+1)) { /* m is is field key 1-5 */
if (field[j]==-1) {printf("vecst::slct ERRF %g\n",key[j]); hxe(); }
if (2*nk!=na) { printf("vecst::slor ERR3 %d %d\n",nk,na);
hoc_execerror("Arg vector must be double key length",0); }
for (i=0,n=0;i<nk;i++) if (key[i]==EQV || key[i]==EQW) n++; /* special case takes 2 vec args */
if (nk+n!=num) {
printf("vecst::slor ERR2 %d(keys)+%d(EQV)!=%d(vecs)\n",nk,n,num);
hoc_execerror("Key length must be number of vecs + num of EQV",0); }
for (j=0,k=0,m=0;j<ni;j++) { /* j steps through elements of vectors */
for (i=0,m=0,n=0,fl=0;i<num;i++,n++,m+=2) { /* i steps thru key, m thru args */
if (field[n]==0) val=vvo[i][j]; else UNCODE(vvo[i][j],field[n],val);
if (key[n]==ALL) {fl=1; break;} /* OK - do nothing */
if (key[n]==NOZ) { if (val==0.) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==POS) { if (val<=0.) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==NEG) { if (val>=0.) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==GTH) { if (val<=arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==GTE) { if (val< arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==LTH) { if (val>=arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==LTE) { if (val> arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==EQU) { if (val!=arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==EQV) { if (val!=vvo[i+1][j]) continue; else {
i++; fl=1; break; }
} else if (key[n]==EQW) { /* check value against values in following vec */
fl=0; /* assume it's not going to match */
for (p=0;p<nv[i+1];p++) if (val==vvo[i+1][p]) {fl=1; break;}
if (fl==1) break; else { i++; continue; }
} else if (key[n]==NEQ) { if (val==arg[m]) continue; else {fl=1; break;}
} else if (key[n]==IBE) { if ((val< arg[m])||(val>=arg[m+1])) {
continue; } else {fl=1; break;} /* IBE="[)" include-bracket-exclude */
} else if (key[n]==EBI) { if ((val<=arg[m])||(val> arg[m+1])) {
continue; } else {fl=1; break;} /* "(]" : exclude-bracket-include */
} else if (key[n]==IBI) { if ((val< arg[m])||(val> arg[m+1])) {
continue; } else {fl=1; break;} /* "[]" : include-bracket-include */
} else if (key[n]==EBE) { if ((val<=arg[m])||(val>=arg[m+1])) {
continue; } else {fl=1; break;} /* "()" : exclude-bracket-exclude */
} else {printf("vecst::slor ERR4 %g\n",key[n]); hoc_execerror("Unknown key",0);}
if (fl) ind[k++]=j; /* all equal */
vector_resize(vv, k);
return k;
:* v.iwr()
static double iwr(void* vv) {
int i, j, nx;
double *x;
FILE* f, *hoc_obj_file_arg();
f = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (nx>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) scr[i]=(int)x[i]; /* copy into integer array */
fwrite(&nx,sizeof(int),1,f); /* write out the size */
return nx;
:* v.ird()
static double ird(void* vv) {
int i, j, nx, n;
double *x;
FILE* f, *hoc_obj_file_arg();
f = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
fread(&n,sizeof(int),1,f); /* size */
if (n>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
if (n!=nx) {
if (n<=nx) {
vector_resize(vv, n); nx=n;
} else {
printf("%d > %d :: ",n,nx);
hoc_execerror("Vector max capacity too small for ird ", 0);
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) x[i]=(double)scr[i];
return n;
:* v.fread2()
static double fread2(void* vv) {
int i, j, nx, n, type, maxsz;
double *x;
FILE* fp, *hoc_obj_file_arg();
fp = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
n = (int)*getarg(2);
type = (int)*getarg(3);
if (n>maxsz) {
printf("%d > %d :: ",n,maxsz);
hoc_execerror("Vector max capacity too small for fread2 ", 0);
} else {
vector_resize(vv, n);
if (type==6 || type==16) { /* unsigned ints */
unsigned int *xs;
if (n>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
xs=(unsigned int*)scr;
if (type==16) BYTESWAP_FLAG=1;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
return n;
} if (type==3 || type==13) { /* straight float reads */
float *xf = (float *)malloc(n * (unsigned)sizeof(float));
if (type==13) BYTESWAP_FLAG=1;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
free((char *)xf);
} else hoc_execerror("Type unsupported in fread2 ", 0);
:* ind.insct(v1,v2)
: return v1 intersect v2
static double insct (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nv1, nv2, maxsz;
double *x, *v1, *v2;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
vector_resize(vv, maxsz);
nv1 = vector_arg_px(1, &v1);
nv2 = vector_arg_px(2, &v2);
for (i=0,k=0;i<nv1;i++) for (j=0;j<nv2;j++) if (v1[i]==v2[j]) {
if (k<maxsz) { x[k++]=v1[i]; } else {k++;}} /* v1[i] found in both vectors */
if (k>maxsz) {
printf("\tinsct WARNING: ran out of room: %d<%d\n",maxsz,k);
} else { vector_resize(vv, k); }
return (double)k;
:* vdest.vfill(vsrc)
: fill vdest with multiple instances of vsrc until reach size
static double vfill (void* vv) {
int i, nx, nv1;
double *x, *v1;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nv1 = vector_arg_px(1, &v1);
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) x[i]=v1[i%nv1];
:* vec.cull(src,key)
: remove numbers in vec that are found in the key
static double cull (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nv1, nv2, maxsz, flag;
double *x, *v1, *v2;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
vector_resize(vv, maxsz);
nv1 = vector_arg_px(1, &v1);
nv2 = vector_arg_px(2, &v2);
for (i=0,k=0;i<nv1;i++) {
for (j=0;j<nv2;j++) if (v1[i]==v2[j]) flag=0;
if (flag) {if (k<maxsz) { x[k++]=v1[i]; } else { k++; }}
if (k>maxsz) {
printf("\tcull WARNING: ran out of room: %d<%d\n",maxsz,k);
} else { vector_resize(vv, k); }
return (double)k;
:* dest.redundout(src[,INDFLAG])
: flag redundant numbers; must sort src first
: with indflag set just returns indices of locations rather than values
static double redundout (void* vv) {
int i, j, nx, nv1, maxsz, ncntr, indflag, cntflag;
double *x, *v1, *cntr, val;
void *vc;
if (ifarg(2)) indflag=(int)*getarg(2); else indflag=0;
if (ifarg(3)) { cntflag=1;
ncntr = vector_arg_px(3, &cntr); vc=vector_arg(3);
ncntr = vector_buffer_size(vc); vector_resize(vc, ncntr);
for (i=0;i<ncntr;i++) cntr[i]=1.; /* will be at least 1 of each # */
} else cntflag=0;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
maxsz=vector_buffer_size(vv); vector_resize(vv, maxsz);
nv1 = vector_arg_px(1, &v1);
val=v1[0]; x[0]=(indflag?0:val);
if (cntflag) {
for (j=1,i=1;i<nv1&&j<maxsz&&j<ncntr;i++) {
if (v1[i]!=val) { val=v1[i]; x[j++]=(indflag?i:val); } else cntr[j-1]+=1;
} else {
for (j=1,i=1;i<nv1&&j<maxsz;i++) if (v1[i]!=val) { val=v1[i]; x[j++]=(indflag?i:val); }
if (j>=maxsz) {
printf("\tredundout WARNING: ran out of room: %d<needed\n",maxsz);
} else { vector_resize(vv, j); }
if (cntflag) if (j>=ncntr) {
printf("\tredundout WARNING: cntr ran out of room: %d<needed\n",ncntr);
} else { vector_resize(vc, j); }
return (double)j;
:* ind.mredundout(veclistA[,INDFLAG,veclistB])
: check redundancy across multiple parallel vectors veclistA
: with indflag 1, returns index of matchs in ind but does not alter vecs in veclistA
: will also remove from veclistB in parallel
: leaves the last of a series of matches
: with indflag set just returns indices of locations rather than values
: NB using indices will to .remove match items will give results that differ from
: direct use (last vs first of a series -- will be seen in the other columns -- ie veclistB)
static double mredundout (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, m, p, q, maxsz, ns, nx, av[VRRY], bv[VRRY], num, numb, indflag, match;
Object *ob, *ob2;
double *x, *avo[VRRY], *bvo[VRRY], val[VRRY];
void *vva[VRRY],*vvb[VRRY];
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
if (ifarg(2)) indflag=(int)*getarg(2); else indflag=0;
if (ifarg(3)) {
ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
numb = ivoc_list_count(ob2);
} else numb=0;
if (indflag) vector_resize(vv, maxsz); /* else vector is not used */
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("mredundout ****ERRA****: can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
av[i]=list_vector_px2(ob, i, &avo[i], &vva[i]);
if (av[0]!=av[i]) { printf("mredundout ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,av[0],av[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
ns=av[0]; /* size of source vecs */
for (i=0;i<numb;i++) {
bv[i]=list_vector_px2(ob2, i, &bvo[i], &vvb[i]);
if (ns!=bv[i]) { printf("mredundout ****ERRC2**** %d %d %d\n",i,ns,bv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
if (ns/4>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (j=0;j<num;j++) val[j]=avo[j][0]; /* initialize the val array */
for (i=1,k=0;i<ns;i++) {
for (j=0,match=1;j<num;j++) {
if (val[j]!=avo[j][i]) { match=0; break; } /* if no match say so */
if (match) { /* add this one to the list */
if (k>=scrsz){printf("mredundout****ERRD**** over scr size %d\n",k);hxe();}
scr[k++]=i; /* flag to get rid of this one */
} else for (j=0;j<num;j++) val[j]=avo[j][i]; /* copy next set of vals */
if (indflag) { /* just fill ind with indices of the repeats */
if (k>maxsz){printf("mredundout****ERRE**** vec overflow %d>%d\n",k,maxsz);hxe();}
for (i=0;i<k;i++) x[i]=(double)scr[i];
vector_resize(vv, k);
} else { /* remove all the repeat rows */
if (k == 0) { return k; }
for (i=0,p=scr[0]; i<k-1; i++) { /* iter thru the inds to remove */
for (m=scr[i],p--; m<scr[i+1]; m++,p++) { /* move everything down till next ind */
for (j=0;j<num; j++) avo[j][p]=avo[j][m]; /* go through all the A list vecs */
for (j=0;j<numb;j++) bvo[j][p]=bvo[j][m]; /* go through B list vecs */
for (m=scr[i],p--; m<ns; m++,p++) { /* finish up by moving down from last ind to end */
for (j=0;j<num; j++) avo[j][p]=avo[j][m];
for (j=0;j<numb;j++) bvo[j][p]=bvo[j][m];
for (j=0;j<num; j++) vector_resize(vva[j], ns-k); /* resize all the vectors */
for (j=0;j<numb;j++) vector_resize(vvb[j], ns-k);
return k;
: NB must sort both pivots before use
static double join (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, m, p, q, maxsz, npiva, npivb, av[VRRY], bv[VRRY], num, numb, indflag, match;
Object *ob, *ob2;
double *piva, *pivb, *avo[VRRY], *bvo[VRRY], val[VRRY];
void *vva[VRRY],*vvb[VRRY];
npiva = vector_instance_px(vv, &piva);
npivb = vector_arg_px(1, &pivb);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
numb = ivoc_list_count(ob2);
if (num>VRRY) hoc_execerror("join ****ERRA****: can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
if (num!=numb) hoc_execerror("join ****ERRB****: different #of vecs in lists", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
av[i]=list_vector_px2(ob, i, &avo[i], &vva[i]);
if (av[0]!=av[i]) { printf("join ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,av[0],av[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
for (i=0;i<numb;i++) {
bv[i]=list_vector_px2(ob2, i, &bvo[i], &vvb[i]);
if (bv[0]!=bv[i]) { printf("join ****ERRC2**** %d %d %d\n",i,bv[0],bv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
for (i=0,j=0;i<npiva;i++) {
for (;piva[i]!=pivb[j] && j<npivb;j++); /* move forward to find matching pivb[j] */
if (j==npivb) { printf("%g not found in PivotB\n",piva[i]);hxe();}
for (k=0;k<num;k++) avo[k][i]=bvo[k][j];
return k;
:* vscl() will scale a vector to -1,1
static double vscl(double *x, double n) {
int i;
double max,min,r,sf,b,a;
max=-1e9; min=1e9; a=-1; b=1;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
if (x[i]>max) max=x[i];
if (x[i]<min) min=x[i];
r=max-min; /* range */
sf = (b-a)/r; /* scaling factor */
for (i=0;i<n;i++) x[i]=(x[i]-min)*sf+a;
:* vdest.scl(vsrc) nondestructive scaling
static double scl(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nsrc, nfilt, ntmp;
double *x, *src, *filt, *tmp, sum, lpad, rpad;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
if (nx!=nsrc) { hoc_execerror("scl:Vectors not same size: ", 0); }
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) x[i]=src[i];
:* vdest.sccvlv(vsrc,vfilt,tmp) /* NOT CORRECT -- see scxing() */
: scaled convolution -- scale section to -1,1 before multiplying by filter
static double sccvlv(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nsrc, nfilt, ntmp;
double *x, *src, *filt, *tmp, sum, lpad, rpad;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
nfilt = vector_arg_px(2, &filt);
ntmp = vector_arg_px(3, &tmp);
if (nx!=nsrc) { hoc_execerror("sccvlv:Vectors not same size: ", 0); }
if (nfilt>nsrc) { hoc_execerror("sccvlv:Filter bigger than source ", 0); }
if (nfilt!=ntmp){hoc_execerror("sccvlv:Filter (arg2) and tmp vector (arg3) diff size", 0);}
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
for (j=0,k=i-(int)(nfilt/2);j<nfilt&&k>0&&k<nsrc;j++,k++) tmp[j]=src[k];
for (k=0;k<j;k++) x[i]+=filt[k]*tmp[k];
:* vdest.scxing(vsrc,tmp)
: scaled xing -- scale each section to -1,1 before checking # of 0-xing's
static double scxing (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nsrc, f, ntmp, maxsz;
double *x, *src, *filt, *tmp, sum, maxsum, th;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
ntmp = vector_arg_px(2, &tmp);
if (nx!=nsrc) { hoc_execerror("scxing:Vectors not same size: ", 0); }
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) x[i]=0.; /* clear */
for (i=ntmp/2+1;i<nx-ntmp/2-1;i++) {
for (j=0,k=i-(int)(ntmp/2);j<ntmp;k++,j++) tmp[j]=src[k];
vscl(tmp,j-1); /* scale from -1 to 1 */
for (k=0,f=0,sum=0.; k<nsrc; k++) {
if (tmp[k]>th) { /* ? passing thresh */
if (f==0) {
sum+=1; /* just count the 0xing */
} else { /* below thresh */
if (f==1) {
f=0; /* just passed going down */
if (sum>maxsum) maxsum=sum;
return maxsum;
:* vdest.cvlv(vsrc,vfilt)
: convolution
static double cvlv (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nsrc, nfilt;
double *x, *src, *filt, sum, lpad, rpad;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
nfilt = vector_arg_px(2, &filt);
if (nx!=nsrc) { hoc_execerror("Vectors not same size: ", 0); }
if (nfilt>nsrc) { hoc_execerror("Filter bigger than source ", 0); }
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
for (j=0,k=i-(int)(nfilt/2);j<nfilt;j++,k++) {
if (k>0 && k<nsrc-1) x[i]+=filt[j]*src[k];
:* vdest.intrp(flag)
: interpolate numbers replacing numbers given as flag
static double intrp(void* vv) {
int i, la, lb, nx;
double *x, fl, a, b;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
fl = *getarg(1);
i=0; a=x[0]; la=0;
if (a==fl) a=0;
while (i<nx-1) {
for (i=la+1;x[i]==fl && i<nx-1; i++) ; /* find the next one */
b=x[i]; lb=i;
for (i=la+1; i<lb; i++) x[i]= a + (b-a)/(lb-la)*(i-la);
a=b; la=lb;
return (double)fl;
:* vec.sumabs()
: return sum of abs values
static double sumabs(void* vv) {
int i, nx;
double *x, sum;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
for (sum=0,i=0;i<nx; i++) sum+=fabs(x[i]);
return sum;
:* vec.inv([NUMERATOR])
: element=NUMERATOR/element
static double inv (void* vv) {
int i, nx;
double *x, nume;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (ifarg(1)) nume=*getarg(1); else nume=1.;
for (i=0;i<nx; i++) x[i]=nume/x[i];
return i;
:* tmp.nind(ind,vec1,vec2[,vec3,vec4,...])
: picks out numbers not in ind from multiple vectors
: ind must be sorted
static double nind(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, m, nx, ni, nv[VRRY], num, c, last;
double *x, *ind, *vvo[VRRY];
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
for (i=0;ifarg(i);i++);
if (i>VRRY) hoc_execerror("ERR: nind can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
num = i-2; /* number of vectors to be picked apart */
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
nv[i] = vector_arg_px(i+2, &vvo[i]);
if (nx!=nv[i]) { printf("nind ERR %d %d %d\n",i,nx,nv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
ni = vector_arg_px(1, &ind);
c = nx-ni; /* the elems indexed are to be eliminated */
if (ni>scrsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sizeof(int));
for (i=0,last=-1;i<ni;i++) {
scr[i]=(int)ind[i]; /* copy into integer array */
if (scr[i]<0 || scr[i]>=nx) hoc_execerror("nind(): Index out of bounds", 0);
if (scr[i]<=last) hoc_execerror("nind(): indices should mono increase", 0);
for (j=0;j<num;j++) { /* each output vec */
for (i=0,last=-1,m=0;i<ni;i++) { /* the indices of ind */
for (k=last+1;k<scr[i];k++) { x[m++]=vvo[j][k]; }
for (k=last+1;k<nx;k++,m++) { x[m]=vvo[j][k]; }
for (i=0;i<c;i++) vvo[j][i]=x[i];
vv=vector_arg(j+2); vector_resize(vv, c);
return c;
:* ind.keyind(key,vec1,vec2[,vec3,vec4,...])
: picks out indices of numbers in key from multiple vectors
static double keyind(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, ni, nk, nv[VRRY], num;
double *ind, *key, *vvo[VRRY];
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind); /* vv is ind */
for (i=0;ifarg(i);i++); i--; /* drop back by one to get numarg() */
if (i>VRRY) hoc_execerror("ERR: keyind can only handle VRRY vectors", 0);
num = i-1; /* number of vectors to be picked apart */
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
nv[i] = vector_arg_px(i+2, &vvo[i]);
if (ni!=nv[i]) { printf("keyind ERR %d %d %d\n",i,ni,nv[i]);
hoc_execerror("Non-key vectors must be same size: ", 0); }
nk = vector_arg_px(1, &key);
if (nk!=num) { printf("keyind ERR2 %d %d\n",nk,num);
hoc_execerror("Key length must be number of vecs",0); }
for (j=0;j<ni;j++) { /* j steps through elements of vectors */
for (i=0;i<nk;i++) { /* i steps through the key */
if (key[i]==ALL) continue; /* OK - do nothing */
if (key[i]==NOZ) { if (vvo[i][j]==0.) break; else continue;
} else if (key[i]==POS) { if (vvo[i][j]<=0.) break; else continue;
} else if (key[i]==NEG) { if (vvo[i][j]>=0.) break; else continue;
} else if (key[i]!=vvo[i][j]) break; /* default */
if (i==nk) ind[k++]=j; /* all equal */
vector_resize(vv, k);
return k;
:* v1.thresh() threshold above and below thresh
static double thresh(void* vv) {
int i, nx, ny, cnt;
double *x, *y, th;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (hoc_is_object_arg(1)) {
ny = vector_arg_px(1, &y); th=0;
if (nx!=ny) { hoc_execerror("Vector sizes don't match in thresh.", 0); }
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) { if (x[i]>=y[i]) { x[i]= 1.; cnt++;} else { x[i]= BVBASE; } }
} else { th = *getarg(1);
for (i=0; i<nx; i++) { if (x[i] >= th) { x[i]= 1.; cnt++;} else { x[i]= BVBASE; } }
return cnt;
:* v1.triplet() return location of a triplet
static double triplet(void* vv) {
int i, nx;
double *x, *y, a, b;
nx = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
a = *getarg(1); b = *getarg(2);
for (i=0; i<nx; i+=3) if (x[i]==a&&x[i+1]==b) break;
if (i<nx) return (double)i; else return -1.;
:* state.onoff(volts,OBon,thresh,dur,refr)
: looks at volts vector to decide if have reached threshold thresh
: OBon takes account of burst dur and refractory period
static double onoff(void* vv) {
int i, j, n, nv, non, nt, nd, nr, num;
double *st, *vol, *obon, *thr, *dur, *refr;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &st);
nv = vector_arg_px(1, &vol);
non = vector_arg_px(2, &obon);
nt = vector_arg_px(3, &thr);
nd = vector_arg_px(4, &dur);
nr = vector_arg_px(5, &refr);
if (n!=nv||n!=non||n!=nt||n!=nd||n!=nr) {
hoc_execerror("v.onoff: vectors not all same size", 0); }
for (i=0,num=0;i<n;i++) {
if (obon[i]>0.) { st[i]=1.; continue; } /* cell must fire */
if (vol[i]>=thr[i] && obon[i]<= -refr[i]) { /* past refractory period */
st[i]=1.; obon[i]=dur[i]; num++;
} else { st[i]= BVBASE; }
return num;
:* vo.bpeval(outp,del)
: service routine for back-prop: vo=outp*(1-outp)*del
static double bpeval(void* vv) {
int i, n, no, nd, flag=0;
double add,div;
double *vo, *outp, *del;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &vo);
no = vector_arg_px(1, &outp);
nd = vector_arg_px(2, &del);
if (ifarg(3) && ifarg(4)) { add= *getarg(3); div= *getarg(4); flag=1;}
if (n!=no||n!=nd) hoc_execerror("v.bpeval: vectors not all same size", 0);
if (flag) {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) vo[i]=((outp[i]+add)/div)*(1.-1.*((outp[i]+add)/div))*del[i];
} else {
for (i=0;i<n;i++) vo[i]=outp[i]*(1.-1.*outp[i])*del[i];
:* v1.sedit() string edit
static double sedit(void* vv) {
int i, n, ni, f=0;
double *x, *ind, th, val;
Symbol* s; char *op;
op = gargstr(1);
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
sprintf(op,"hello world");
return (double)n;
:* v1.w() a .where that sets elements in source vector
static double w (void* vv) {
int i, n, ni, f=0;
double *x, *ind, th, val;
Symbol* s; char *op;
if (! ifarg(1)) {
printf(" a .where that sets elements in v1 to val (default 0), if v2 => only look at these elements\n");
printf(" 'op'=='function name' is a .apply targeted by v2 called as func(x[i],thresh,val)\n");
return -1.;
op = gargstr(1);
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
th = *getarg(2);
if (ifarg(3)) { val = *getarg(3); } else { val = 0.0; }
if (ifarg(4)) {ni = vector_arg_px(4, &ind); f=1;} /* just look at the spots indexed */
if (!strcmp(op,"==")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]==th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]==th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if (!strcmp(op,"!=")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]!=th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]!=th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if (!strcmp(op,">")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]>th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]>th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if (!strcmp(op,"<")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]<th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]<th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if (!strcmp(op,">=")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]>=th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]>=th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if (!strcmp(op,"<=")) {
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {if (x[(int)ind[i]]<=th) { x[(int)ind[i]] = val;}}
} else {for (i=0; i<n; i++) {if (x[i]<=th) { x[i] = val;}}}
} else if ((s=hoc_lookup(op))) { /* same as .apply but only does indexed ones */
if (f==1) {for (i=0; i<ni;i++) {
hoc_pushx(x[(int)ind[i]]); hoc_pushx(th); hoc_pushx(val);
x[(int)ind[i]]=hoc_call_func(s, 3);}
} else {for (i=0; i<n;i++) {hoc_pushx(x[i]); hoc_pushx(th); hoc_pushx(val);
x[i]=hoc_call_func(s, 3);}}
return (double)i;
:* ind.slone(SRC,VAL) select indices where ==VAL from sorted vector SRC
static double slone (void* vv) {
int i, j, n, ni, nsrc, maxsz;
double *x, *src, val, max, min;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
maxsz=vector_buffer_size(vv); vector_resize(vv, maxsz);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
val = *getarg(2);
if (ifarg(3)) ni=(int)*getarg(3); else {
min=src[0]; max=src[nsrc-1];
ni=(int)(val-min)/(max-min)*(double)(nsrc-1); /* where expect to find it */
if (src[ni]<val) {
for (i=ni;src[i]!=val&&i<nsrc;i++);
} else {
for (i=ni;src[i]!=val&&i>=0;i--);
for ( ;src[i]==val&&i>=0;i--);
i++; /* go back to the first one */
for (j=0;src[i]==val && j<maxsz && i<nsrc;i++,j++) x[j]=i;
if (j==maxsz) printf("vecst slone WARN: OOR %d %d\n",j,maxsz);
vector_resize(vv, j);
return (double)(i-1);
:* dest.xing(src,tvec,thresh)
: dest.xing(src,thresh) -- returns indices, change into time by .mul(tstep)
: dest.xing(src) -- default thresh=0; returns indices
: a .where that looks for threshold crossings and then doesn't pick another till
: comes back down again; places values from tvec in dest; interpolates
static double xing (void* vv) {
int i, j, nsrc, ndest, ntvec, f, maxsz, tvf;
double *src, *dest, *tvec, th;
ndest = vector_instance_px(vv, &dest);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
if (ifarg(3)) {
ntvec = vector_arg_px(2, &tvec);
th = *getarg(3);
tvf=1; /* flag that tvec being used */
} else if (ifarg(2)) {
th = *getarg(2);
} else th=0.0; /* default threshold */
vector_resize(vv, maxsz);
if (tvf && nsrc!=ntvec) hoc_execerror("v.xing: vectors not all same size", 0);
for (i=0,f=0,j=0; i<nsrc; i++) {
if (src[i]>th) { /* ? passing thresh */
if (f==0) {
if (j>=maxsz) {
printf("(%d) :: ",maxsz);
hoc_execerror("Dest vec too small in xing ", 0);
if (i>0) { /* don't record if first value is above thresh */
if (tvf) {
dest[j++] = tvec[i-1] + (tvec[i]-tvec[i-1])*(th-src[i-1])/(src[i]-src[i-1]);
} else {
dest[j++] = (i-1) + (th-src[i-1])/(src[i]-src[i-1]);
} else { /* below thresh */
if (f==1) { f=0; } /* just passed going down */
vector_resize(vv, j);
return (double)i;
:* src.updown(thresh,dlist) -- returns indices, change into time by .mul(tstep)
: dest.updown(src) -- default thresh=0; returns indices
: a .where that looks for threshold crossings and then doesn't pick another till
: comes back down again; places values from tvec in dest; interpolates
#define UDSL 50
#define UDNQ 10
static double updown (void* vv) {
int i, k, m, n, nsrc, jj[UDSL], f[UDSL], lc, dsz[UDSL], nqsz[UDNQ], thsz, lc2, done, dbn;
double *src, *tvec, *th, *dest[UDSL], *nq[UDNQ], *tmp, *dbx, lt, thdist;
Object *ob, *ob2;
void *vvd[UDSL], *vvth, *vnq[UDNQ];
nsrc = vector_instance_px(vv, &src);
thsz = vector_arg_px(1, &th);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(3);
tmp = (double *)ecalloc(nsrc, sizeof(double));
lc = ivoc_list_count(ob);
lc2 = ivoc_list_count(ob2);
if (lc>UDSL) {printf("updown ERRF mismatch: max slice list:%d %d\n",UDSL,lc); hxe();}
if (lc2>UDNQ) {printf("updown ERRG mismatch: max nq sz:%d %d\n",UDNQ,lc2); hxe();}
if (lc2!=10) {printf("updown ERRB mismatch: nq sz should be 10:%d\n",lc2); hxe();}
if (nsrc<lc) {printf("updown ERRC mismatch: %d %d\n",lc,nsrc); hxe();}
if (lc!=thsz) {printf("updown ERRA mismatch: %d %d\n",lc,thsz); hxe();}
if (!ismono1(th,thsz,-1)) {printf("updown ERRD: not mono dec %g %d\n",th[0],thsz); hxe();}
/* thdist=(th[thsz-2]-th[thsz-1])/2; // NOT BEING USED: the smallest spike we will accept */
for (k=0;k<lc;k++) {
list_vector_px2(ob, k, &dest[k], &vvd[k]);
vector_resize(vvd[k], dsz[k]);
for (k=0;k<lc2;k++) {
list_vector_px2(ob2, k, &nq[k], &vnq[k]);
vector_resize(vnq[k], nqsz[k]);
if (nqsz[k]!=nqsz[0]) {printf("updown ERRE mismatch: %d %d %d\n",k,nqsz[0],nqsz[k]); hxe();}
/* dest vectors will store crossing points and midpoints at each th[k] slice location */
/* as triplets: up/max/down */
for (k=0; k<lc; k++) {
for (i=0;i<nsrc && src[i]>th[k];i++) {} /* make sure start below thresh */
for (; i<nsrc; i++) {
if (src[i]>th[k]) {
if (f[k]==0) { /* ? passing thresh */
if (jj[k]>=dsz[k]){printf("(%d,%d,%d) :: ",k,jj[k],dsz[k]);
hoc_execerror("Dest vec too small in updown ", 0); }
dest[k][jj[k]++] = (i-1) + (th[k]-src[i-1])/(src[i]-src[i-1]);
tmp[k]=-1e9; dest[k][jj[k]]=-1.;
if (f[k]==1 && src[i]>tmp[k]) { /* use tmp[] temporarily */
tmp[k]=src[i]; /* pick out max */
dest[k][jj[k]] = (double)i; /* location of this peak */
} else { /* below thresh */
if (f[k]==1) { /* just passed going down */
dest[k][jj[k]++] = (i-1) + (src[i-1]-th[k])/(src[i-1]-src[i]);
/* truncate vectors to multiples of 3: */
for (k=0;k<lc;k++) vector_resize(vvd[k],(int)(floor((double)jj[k]/3.)*3.));
for (i=0; i<nsrc; i++) tmp[i]=0.; /* clear temp space */
/* go through all the slices to find identical peaks and save widths and locations */
/* tmp[] uses triplets centered around a location corresponding to a max loc in the */
/* original vector; the widest flanks for each are then on either side of this loc */
for (k=0;k<lc;k++) { /* need to go from top to bottom to widen flanks */
for (i=1;i<jj[k];i+=3) { /* through centers */
m=(int)dest[k][i]; /* hash: place center at location */
if (tmp[m-2]<0 || tmp[m-1]<0 || tmp[m+1]<0 || tmp[m+2]<0) continue; /* too crowded */
tmp[m]--; /* how many slices have found this peak -- use negative */
tmp[m-1]=dest[k][i-1]; tmp[m+1]=dest[k][i+1]; /* flanks */
/* 1st of 2 loops through tmp[] */
/* step through tmp[] looking for negatives which indicate the slice count and pick up */
/* flanks from these */
for (i=0,k=0; i<nsrc; i++) if (tmp[i]<0.) {
if (k>=nqsz[0]) { printf("updown OOR: %d %d\n",k,nqsz[0]); hxe(); }
nq[0][k]=(double)i; /* approx location of the peak of the spike */
nq[2][k]=tmp[i+1]; /* location of right side */
nq[5][k]=tmp[i-1]; /* start of spike */
nq[6][k]=tmp[i]; /* neg of # of slices */
if (DEBUG_VECST && ifarg(4)) { dbn = vector_arg_px(4, &dbx); /* DEBUG */
if (dbn<nsrc) printf("Insufficient room in debug vec\n"); else {
for (i=0;i<nsrc;i++) dbx[i]=tmp[i]; }}
/* use nq vecs to search through flanks comparing to neighboring centers */
/* making sure that the flanks do not overlap the centers on LT or RT side */
/* where they do overlap correct them by reference to original dest info */
for (i=0;i<k;i++) {
if ((i-1)>0 && nq[5][i]<nq[0][i-1]) { /* look at LT side */
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("LT problem %d %g %g<%g\n",i,nq[0][i],nq[5][i],nq[0][i-1]);
for (m=lc-1,done=0;m>=0 && !done;m--) { /* go from bottom to top */
for (n=1;n<jj[m] && !done;n+=3) { /* through centers */
if (floor(dest[m][n])==nq[0][i] && dest[m][n-1]>nq[0][i-1]) {
/* nq[6][i]=nq[5][i]; /// overwrite #of slices with end of overlap */
nq[5][i]=dest[m][n-1]; nq[2][i]=dest[m][n+1]; done=1;
if ((i+1)<k && nq[2][i]>nq[0][i+1]) { /* look at RT side */
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("RT problem %d %g %g>%g\n",i,nq[0][i],nq[2][i],nq[0][i+1]);
for (m=lc-1,done=0;m>=0 && !done;m--) { /* go from bottom to top */
for (n=1;n<jj[m] && !done;n+=3) { /* through centers */
if (floor(dest[m][n])==nq[0][i] && dest[m][n+1]<nq[0][i+1]) {
/* nq[6][i]=nq[2][i]; // overwrite #of slices with end of overlap */
nq[5][i]=dest[m][n-1]; nq[2][i]=dest[m][n+1]; done=1;
/* 2nd loop through tmp[] */
/* needed to split into 2 loops so that could check for overlaps and correct those */
/* before filling in the rest of nq */
for (i=0,k=0; i<nsrc; i++) if (tmp[i]<0.) {
/* calculate base voltage lt as interpolated value on left side */
nq[1][k]=src[i]; /* peak voltage */
nq[2][k]-=nq[5][k]; /* width */
nq[3][k]=lt; /* base voltage */
nq[4][k]=src[i]-lt; /* height */
nq[7][k]=(src[i]-src[i-(int)SHM_UPDOWN])-(src[i+(int)SHM_UPDOWN]-src[i]); /* sharpness */
nq[8][k]=(double)k; /* index */
for (i=0;i<lc2;i++) vector_resize(vnq[i], k);
return jj[0];
:* dest.snap(src,tvec,dt)
: interpolate src with tvec to prior dt step, saves only highest value in each interval
: an .interpolate that doesn't loose spikes
static double snap(void* vv) {
int i, j, nsrc, ndest, ntvec, f, maxsz, size;
double *src, *dest, *tvec, dtt, tstop, tt, val;
ndest = vector_instance_px(vv, &dest);
nsrc = vector_arg_px(1, &src);
ntvec = vector_arg_px(2, &tvec);
dtt = *getarg(3);
tstop = tvec[nsrc-1];
if (size>maxsz) {
printf("%g > %g\n",size,maxsz);
hoc_execerror("v.snap: insufficient room in dest", 0); }
vector_resize(vv, size);
if (nsrc!=ntvec) hoc_execerror("v.snap: src and tvec not same size", 0);
for (tt=0,i=0;i<size && tt<=tvec[0];i++,tt+=dtt) dest[i]=src[0];
for (j=1, i--, tt-=dtt; i<size; i++, val=-1e9, tt+=dtt) {
if (tvec[j]>tt) dest[i]=src[j-1]; else {
for (;j<nsrc && tvec[j]<=tt;j++) if (src[j]>val) val=src[j];
if (val==-1e9) printf("vecst:snap() internal ERROR\n");
return (double)size;
:* v1.xzero() looks for zero crossings
static double xzero(void* vv) {
int i, n, nv, up;
double *x, *vc, th, cnt=0.;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
nv = vector_arg_px(1, &vc);
if (ifarg(2)) { th = *getarg(2); } else { th=0.0;}
if (vc[0]<th) up=0; else up=1; /* F or T */
if (nv!=n) hoc_execerror("Vector size doesn't match.", 0);
for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
if (up) { /* look for passing down */
if (vc[i]<th) { x[i]=-1; up=0; cnt++; }
} else if (vc[i]>th) { up=x[i]=1; cnt++; }
return cnt;
:* v1.negwrap([FLAG]) wrap neg values to pos, FLAG==0 set them to 0
static double negwrap(void* vv) {
int i, n, flag;
double *x, cnt;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (ifarg(1)) flag = (int)*getarg(1); else flag=1; /* default: do wrap */
for (i=0,cnt=0; i<n; i++) if (x[i]<0) {
return cnt;
:* v1.sw(FROM,TO) switchs all FROMs to TO
static double sw(void* vv) {
int i, n;
double *x, fr, to;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
fr = *getarg(1);
to = *getarg(2);
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (x[i]==fr) { x[i] = to;}
return n;
:* v.b2v(bytevec) copies from vector to bytevec
static double b2v(void* vv) {
int i, n, num;
double *x; bvec* to; Object *ob;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
ob = *(hoc_objgetarg(1));
to = (bvec*)ob->u.this_pointer; /* doesn't check that this is actually a bvec */
if (to->size!=n) { hoc_execerror("Vector and bytevec sizes don't match.", 0); }
for (i=0; i<n; i++) x[i] = (double)to->x[i];
return n;
:* v.v2d(&x) copies from vector to double area -- a seg error waiting to happen
static double v2d(void* vv) {
int i, n, num;
double *x, *to;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
to = hoc_pgetarg(1);
if (ifarg(2)) { num = *getarg(2); } else { num=-1;}
if (num>-1 && num!=n) { hoc_execerror("Vector size doesn't match.", 0); }
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {to[i] = x[i];}
return n;
:* v.d2v(&x) copies from double area to vector -- a seg error waiting to happen
static double d2v(void* vv) {
int i, n, num;
double *x, *fr;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
fr = hoc_pgetarg(1);
if (ifarg(2)) { num = *getarg(2); } else { num=-1;}
if (num>-1 && num!=n) { hoc_execerror("Vector size doesn't match.", 0); }
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {x[i] = fr[i];}
return n;
:* v.lcat(LIST)
static double lcat(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, n, lc, cap, maxsz;
Object *ob1;
double *x, *fr;
void *vw;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
vector_resize(vv,maxsz=vector_buffer_size(vv)); /* open it up fully */
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
lc = ivoc_list_count(ob1);
for (i=0,j=0;i<lc && j<maxsz;i++) {
cap = list_vector_px2(ob1, i, &fr, &vw);
for (k=0;k<cap && j<maxsz;k++,j++) x[j]=fr[k];
if (i<lc || k<cap) printf("vecst lcat WARN: not all vecs copied\n");
return (double)j;
:* v.mkcode(LIST,BITS) -- put together integer vectors from list by bit concatenating
static double mkcode(void* vv) {
int i, j, k, n, num, bits;
Object *ob;
double *x, *vvo[5];
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
if (ifarg(2)) bits = *getarg(2); else bits=3;
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num!=5) hoc_execerror("mkcode ****ERRA****: can only handle 5 vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) { j=list_vector_px(ob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (n!=j) { printf("mkcode ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,n,j);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }}
for (i=0;i<n;i++) { /* go through the vec length */
for (j=0,x[i]=0;j<5;j++) {
if (vvo[j][i]<0. || vvo[j][i]>=sc[4] || floor(vvo[j][i]+0.5)!=vvo[j][i]) {
printf("vec.mkcode OOB %g>%g in vec[%d].x[%d]\n",vvo[j][i],sc[4],j,i); hxe(); }
return (double)i;
:* v.uncode(val) -- take apart val and place in vector
: v.uncode(VECLIST) -- take apart vector items and place in vectors in list (cf uncodf)
: v.uncode(vec,field) -- take apart v entries and place requested field in vec
: v.uncode(field,val) -- replace field in v with val (cf recodf)
: v.uncode(field,vec) -- replace field in v with values from vec
static double uncode (void* vv) {
int i, j, n, ny, num, field;
Object *ob;
double *x, *y, *vvo[5], val, old;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (!ifarg(1)) { /* numarg()==0 */
printf("\tv.uncode(val) -- take apart val and place in vector\n\tv.uncode(VECLIST) -- take apart vector items and place in vectors in list (cf uncodf)\n\tv.uncode(vec,field) -- take apart vector items and place requested field in vector\n\tv.uncode(field,val) -- replace field in v with val (cf recodf)\n\tv.uncode(field,vec) -- replace field in v with values from vec\n"); return 0.;
} else if (!ifarg(2)) { /* numarg()==1 */
if (hoc_is_double_arg(1)) {
val = *getarg(1);
if (vector_buffer_size(vv)<5) {
hoc_execerror("uncode ****ERRA****: vector too small to resize(5)", 0);}
for (i=1;i<=5;i++) UNCODE(val,i,x[i-1])
return x[0];
} else {
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num!=5) hoc_execerror("uncode ****ERRA****: can only handle 5 vectors", 0);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) { j=list_vector_px(ob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (n!=j) { printf("uncode ****ERRC**** %d %d %d\n",i,n,j);
hoc_execerror("Vectors must all be same size: ", 0); }
for (i=0;i<n;i++) for (j=1;j<=5;j++) UNCODE(x[i],j,vvo[j-1][i]);
return (double)i;
} else { /* numarg()==2 */
if (hoc_is_double_arg(1)) { /* replace values */
field = (int)chkarg(1,1.,5.);
if (hoc_is_double_arg(2)) {
if (floor(val+0.5)!=val) hoc_execerror("uncode(vec) ****ERRG****: non-int val", 0);
} else {
ny=vector_arg_px(2, &y);
if (ny!=n) hoc_execerror("uncode(vec) ****ERRH****: diff sized vecs", 0);
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
if (ny>0) {
if (y[i]<0.||y[i]>=sc[4]||floor(y[i]+0.5)!=y[i]) {
printf("vec.uncode ERRJ OOB %g (%g max) at %d\n",y[i],sc[4],i);hxe();}
x[i] += sc[field]*(y[i]-old);
} else {
x[i] += sc[field]*(val -old);
return (double)i;
} else { /* fill single vector with values */
ny = vector_arg_px(1, &y);
field = (int)chkarg(2,1.,5.);
if (ny!=n) hoc_execerror("uncode(vec) ****ERRI****: diff sized vecs", 0);
for (i=0;i<n;i++) UNCODE(x[i],field,y[i])
return (double)i;
/* list_vector_px(LIST,ITEM#,DOUBLE PTR ADDRESS) */
/* modeled on vector_arg_px() picks up a vec from a list */
int list_vector_px(Object *ob, int i, double** px) {
Object* obv;
int sz;
obv = ivoc_list_item(ob, i);
sz = vector_capacity(obv->u.this_pointer);
*px = vector_vec(obv->u.this_pointer);
return sz;
/* returns the vector pointer as well as the double pointer */
int list_vector_px2 (Object *ob, int i, double** px, void** vv) {
Object* obv;
int sz;
obv = ivoc_list_item(ob, i);
sz = vector_capacity(obv->u.this_pointer);
*px = vector_vec(obv->u.this_pointer);
*vv = (void*) obv->u.this_pointer;
return sz;
/** list_vector_resize(LIST,ITEM#,NEW SIZE) */
int list_vector_resize (Object *ob, int i, int sz) {
Object* obv;
int maxsz;
obv = ivoc_list_item(ob, i);
maxsz = vector_buffer_size(obv->u.this_pointer);
if (sz>maxsz) {
printf("max:%d request:%d ",maxsz,sz);
hoc_execerror("Can't grow vector in list_vector_resize ", 0);
return -1;
return sz;
:* v1.ismono([arg]) asks whether is monotonically increasing, with arg==-1 - decreasing
: with arg==0:all same; 2:no consec ==; 3: incrementing by 1
static int ismono1 (double *x, int n, int flag) {
int i; double last;
if (flag==1) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]>=last; i++) last=x[i];
} else if (flag==-1) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]<=last; i++) last=x[i];
} else if (flag==0) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]==last; i++) ;
} else if (flag==2) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]>last; i++) last=x[i];
} else if (flag==-2) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]<last; i++) last=x[i];
} else if (flag==3) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]==last+1; i++) last=x[i];
} else if (flag==-3) {
for (i=1; i<n && x[i]==last-1; i++) last=x[i];
if (i==n) return 1; else return 0;
static double ismono(void* vv) {
int i, n, flag;
double *x,last;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (ifarg(1)) { flag = (int)*getarg(1); } else { flag = 1; }
return (double)ismono1(x,n,flag);
:* v1.count(num) returns number of instances of num
static double count(void* vv) {
int i, n, cnt=0;
double *x,num;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
num = *getarg(1);
for (i=0; i<n; i++) if (x[i]==num) cnt++;
return cnt;
:* v1.rnd() rounds off to nearest integer
static double rnd(void* vv) {
int i, n;
double *x;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
for (i=0; i<n; i++) x[i]=floor(x[i]+0.5);
return (double)i;
:* v1.pop() removes last entry and shortens vector
static double pop(void* vv) {
int n;
double *x;
n = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
if (n==0) {printf("vec.pop ERR: empty vec\n");hxe();}
return x[n-1];
PROCEDURE Expo (x) {
RES = exp(x)
:* dest.smgs(src,low,high,step,var)
: rewrite of v.sumgauss() in nrn5.3::ivoc/ivocvect.cpp:1078
static double smgs (void* vv) {
int i, j, nx, xv, nsum, points, maxsz;
double *x, *sum;
double low , high , step , var , svar , scale , arg;
nsum = vector_instance_px(vv, &sum);
nx = vector_arg_px(1,&x);
low = *getarg(2);
high = *getarg(3);
step = *getarg(4);
var = *getarg(5);
points = (int)((high-low)/step+hoc_epsilon);
if (nsum!=points) {
if (points<=maxsz) {
nsum=points; vector_resize(vv, nsum);
} else {
printf("%d > %d :: ",points,maxsz);
hoc_execerror("Vector max capacity too small in smgs ", 0);
svar = -2.*var*var/step/step;
scale = 1./sqrt(2.*M_PI)/var;
for (j=0; j<points;j++) sum[j] = 0.;
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
xv = (int)((x[i]-low)/step + 0.5);
for (j=xv; j<points && (arg=(j-xv)*(j-xv)/svar)>-20;j++) {
sum[j] += RES;
for (j=xv-1; j>=0 && (arg=(j-xv)*(j-xv)/svar)>-20;j--) {
sum[j] += RES;
for (j=0; j<points;j++) sum[j] *= scale;
return svar;
:* dest.smsy(tvec,CVLV_VEC,tstop[,dt,del])
: sum CVLV_VEC starting at each point given in tvec with optional delay
: used for summing up syn potentials
static double smsy (void* vv) {
int i, j, k, nx, nc, nsum, points, maxsz;
double *x, *sum, *c;
double del,tstop,dtt;
if (! ifarg(1)) { printf("dest.smsy(tvec,CVLV_VEC,tstop[,dtt,del])\n"); return -1.; }
del=0.; dtt=0.2;
nsum = vector_instance_px(vv, &sum);
nx = vector_arg_px(1,&x);
nc = vector_arg_px(2,&c);
tstop = *getarg(3);
if (ifarg(4)) dtt = *getarg(4);
if (ifarg(5)) del = *getarg(5);
if (nsum!=points) {
if (points<=maxsz) {
vector_resize(vv, points); points=nsum;
} else {
printf("%d > %d :: ",points,maxsz);
hoc_execerror("Dest vector too small in smsy ", 0);
/* don't zero out dest vec */
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) for (j=0,k=(x[i]+del)/dtt;j<nc && k<nsum;j++,k++) sum[k] += c[j];
return points;
:* int.vrdh(FILE,veclist,code)
: vector read header will read the headers from vecs saved with vread()
: needs to be generalized so reads code as well, also should do BYTESWAP
static double vrdh (void* vv) {
int code, i, num, n[2], maxsz;
double *x;
FILE* f;
num = vector_instance_px(vv, &x);
f = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
num = (int)*getarg(2); /* number of vectors to look for */
if (maxsz<2*num){printf("vrdh ERR0 need %d room in vec\n",2*num);hxe();}
vector_resize(vv, 2*num);
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
fread(&n,sizeof(int),2,f); /* n[1] is type */
if (n[1]!=3){printf("vrdh ERRA code 3 only implemented %d:%d\n",i,n[1]);hxe();}
x[2*i]=(double)n[0]; /* size */
return num;
:* rdmany(FILE,{veclist or vec},code[,num])
static double rdmany (void* vv) {
int code, i, j, ni, vsz, ny, nv, num, cnt, n[2], sz, hd, vflag, iflag, last;
Object* ob;
double *vvo[100], sf[2], *ind, *y;
FILE* f;
ni = vector_instance_px(vv, &ind);
f = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
ob = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
if (ifarg(3)) cnt=(int)*getarg(3); else { cnt=ni; iflag=1; }
if (strncmp(hoc_object_name(ob),"Vector",6)==0) vflag=1;
i=2*sizeof(int) + 2*sizeof(double); /* size of header with scaling */
j=2*sizeof(int); /* size of header without scaling */
vsz=n[0]; code=n[1];
fseek(f,(long)-2*sizeof(int),SEEK_CUR); /* go back */
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("rdmanyDBA: %ld %d %d\n",ftell(f),vsz,code);
switch (code) {
/* case 1:sz=1; hd=i; break; // char */
case 2:sz=2; hd=i; break; /* short */
case 3:sz=4; hd=j; break; /* float */
case 4:sz=8; hd=j; break; /* double */
/* case 5:sz=4; hd=i; break; // int */
default: hoc_execerror("rdmany ERRE: code not recognized", 0);
if (vflag) {
ny = vector_arg_px(2, &y);
num= cnt;
if (vsz*cnt!=ny) {
printf("rdmany ERRD: wrong size vec: %d statt (%d*%d) %d\n",ny,vsz,cnt,vsz*cnt); hxe();}
} else {
num = ivoc_list_count(ob);
if (num>100) hoc_execerror("rdmany ERRA: can only handle 100 vectors", 0);
if (num!=cnt) {printf("rdmany ERRB: %d != %d",num,cnt); hxe();}
for (i=0;i<num;i++) {
nv = list_vector_px(ob, i, &vvo[i]);
if (vsz!=nv){printf("rdmany ERRC: Vectors must all be same size %d %d %d\n",i,vsz,nv);hxe();}
if (vsz*sz>bufsz) {
if (scrsz>0) { free(scr); scr=(unsigned int *)NULL; }
scr=(unsigned int *)ecalloc(scrsz, sz);
bufsz=scrsz*sz; /* number of chars available */
if (code==2) {
unsigned short *xs;
xs=(unsigned short *)scr;
for (last=-1,i=0;i<num;i++) {
if (iflag) { /* iflag // "i flag" not "if lag" */
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("rdmanyDBB %ld ",ftell(f));
if (n[0]!=vsz){printf("rdmany ERRA vec(%d) %d vs %d\n",iflag?(int)ind[i]:i,vsz,n[0]);hxe();}
if (n[1]!=code){printf("rdmany ERRB code mismatch %d %d\n",n[1],code);hxe();}
for (j=0;j<vsz;j++) if (vflag) {
y[i*vsz+j]=(double)(xs[j]/sf[0] + sf[1]);
} else vvo[i][j]=(double)(xs[j]/sf[0] + sf[1]);
} else if (code==3) {
float *xs;
xs=(float *)scr;
for (last=-1,i=0;i<num;i++) {
if (iflag) {
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("rdmanyDBC:%ld ",ftell(f));
if (n[0]!=vsz){printf("rdmany ERRA vec(%d) %d vs %d\n",iflag?(int)ind[i]:i,vsz,n[0]);hxe();}
if (n[1]!=code){printf("rdmany ERRB code mismatch %d %d\n",n[1],code);hxe();}
for (j=0;j<n[0];j++) if (vflag) {
} else vvo[i][j]=(double)xs[j];
} else if (code==4) {
double *xs;
xs=(double *)scr;
for (last=-1,i=0;i<num;i++) {
if (iflag) {
if (DEBUG_VECST) printf("rdmanyDBD %ld ",ftell(f));
if (n[0]!=vsz){printf("rdmany ERRA vec(%d) %d vs %d\n",iflag?(int)ind[i]:i,vsz,n[0]);hxe();}
if (n[1]!=code){printf("rdmany ERRB code mismatch %d %d\n",n[1],code);hxe();}
fread(xs,sizeof(double),n[0],f); /* should just read directly into final array */
for (j=0;j<n[0];j++) if (vflag) y[i*vsz+j]=xs[j]; else vvo[i][j]=xs[j];
} else printf("rdmany() code %d not implemented\n",code);
return num;
:* PROCEDURE install_vecst()
PROCEDURE install_vecst () {
printf("$Id: vecst.mod,v 1.5 2006/02/14 13:11:29 hines Exp $\n")
} else {
int i,j;
install_vector_method("indset", indset);
install_vector_method("thresh", thresh);
install_vector_method("triplet", triplet);
install_vector_method("onoff", onoff);
install_vector_method("bpeval", bpeval);
install_vector_method("w", w);
install_vector_method("sedit", sedit);
install_vector_method("xing", xing);
install_vector_method("updown", updown);
install_vector_method("scxing", scxing);
install_vector_method("cvlv", cvlv);
install_vector_method("sccvlv", sccvlv);
install_vector_method("scl", scl);
install_vector_method("intrp", intrp);
install_vector_method("xzero", xzero);
install_vector_method("negwrap", negwrap);
install_vector_method("sw", sw);
install_vector_method("ismono", ismono);
install_vector_method("count", count);
install_vector_method("rnd", rnd);
install_vector_method("fewind", fewind);
install_vector_method("findx", findx);
install_vector_method("sindx", sindx);
install_vector_method("sindv", sindv);
install_vector_method("nind", nind);
install_vector_method("keyind", keyind);
install_vector_method("slct", slct);
install_vector_method("slor", slor);
install_vector_method("insct", insct);
install_vector_method("cull", cull);
install_vector_method("redundout", redundout);
install_vector_method("mredundout", mredundout);
install_vector_method("d2v", d2v);
install_vector_method("v2d", v2d);
install_vector_method("b2v", b2v);
install_vector_method("iwr", iwr);
install_vector_method("ird", ird);
install_vector_method("smgs", smgs);
install_vector_method("smsy", smsy);
install_vector_method("ident", ident);
install_vector_method("lcat", lcat);
install_vector_method("snap", snap);
install_vector_method("fread2", fread2);
install_vector_method("vfill", vfill);
install_vector_method("vrdh", vrdh);
install_vector_method("mkcode", mkcode);
install_vector_method("uncode", uncode);
install_vector_method("sumabs", sumabs);
install_vector_method("inv", inv);
install_vector_method("join", join);
install_vector_method("slone", slone);
install_vector_method("pop", pop);
install_vector_method("rdmany", rdmany);
for (i=0,j=5;i<=5;i++,j--) sc[i]=pow(2,10*j);
: isojt(OB1,EXAMPLE_OBJ) return whether OB1 is an instance of EXAMPLE_OBJ
FUNCTION isojt () {
Object *ob1, *ob2;
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1); ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
if (!ob1) if (!ob2) return 1; else return 0;
if (!ob2 || ob1->template != ob2->template) {
return 0;
return 1;
: isojn(OB1,NAME) return whether OB1 is an instance of EXAMPLE_OBJ
FUNCTION isojn () {
Object *ob1; char* name;
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1); name = gargstr(2);
if (strncmp(hoc_object_name(ob1),name,3)==0) _lisojn=1.; else _lisojn=0.;
: ojtnum(OBJ) returns object number
: returns internal number of object, eg if vec[3] is Vector[432] returns 432
FUNCTION ojtnum () {
Object *ob1;
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1);
if (!ob1) return -1;
return (double)ob1->index;
: eqojt(OB1,OB2) return whether OB1 and OB2 point to same object
FUNCTION eqojt () {
Object *ob1, *ob2;
ob1 = *hoc_objgetarg(1); ob2 = *hoc_objgetarg(2);
if (ob1 && ob2 && ob1==ob2) {
return 1;
return 0;
:* byteswap(FILE)
FUNCTION byteswap () {
int n[2];
double ret;
FILE* f;
f = hoc_obj_file_arg(1);
if (n[1] < 1 || n[1] > 5) {
ret = 1.;
} else ret = 0.;
if (n[1] < 1 || n[1] > 5) {
printf("byteswap: Something wrong with location sampled: %d\n",n[1]);
ret = -1.;
fseek(f,-2*sizeof(int),SEEK_CUR); /* go back to where we started */
return ret;
: mkcodf(val1,val2,val3,val4,val5) stuff 5 vals<=999 into a single double
FUNCTION mkcodf () {
int i;
double x,a;
for (x=0.,i=1;i<=5;i++) {
if (floor(a+0.5)!=a) {
printf("mkcodf restricted to integers %g\n",a);hxe();}
return x;
: uncodf(code,i) returns field i (1-5) from code
FUNCTION uncodf () {
int i;
double x,ret, *ptr;
if (hoc_is_double_arg(2)) {
return ret;
} else {
for (i=2;i<=6;i++) if (ifarg(i)) {
ptr = hoc_pgetarg(i);
} else break;
return *ptr;
: recodf(i,code,new) replaces field i (1-5) from code with new
FUNCTION recodf () {
int i;
double x, y, old;
i=(int)chkarg(1,1.,5.); x=*getarg(2); y=chkarg(3,0.,sc[4]-1);
return x + sc[i]*(y-old);
: flor(val)
FUNCTION flor () {
return floor(*getarg(1));