NETMORPH is a modular simulation tool for building synaptically connected networks with realistic neuron morphologies. Axonal and dendritic morphologies are created by using stochastic rules for the behavior of individual growth cones, the structures at the tip of outgrowing axons and dendrites (collectively called neurites) that mediate neurite elongation and branching. In brief, each growth cone has at each time step a probability to elongate the trailing neurite, to branch and produce two daughter growth cones, and to turn and change the direction of neurite outgrowth. The parameter values of the outgrowth model can be optimized so as to obtain an optimal match with the morphology of specific neuron types. Neurons are positioned in 3D space and grow out independently of each other. Axons and dendrites are not guided by any extracellular cues. Synapses between neurons are formed when crossing axonal and dendritic segments come sufficiently close to each other. NETMORPH is written in C++ and tailored to a Unix operating environment. Windows users can provide such an environment through Cygwin. After compilation of NETMORPH, one can grow single-neuron morphologies or networks of neurons with realistic morphologies. A simulation run of NETMORPH is based on a script, a text file containing the parameter values of the simulation. The output of NETMORPH consists of a number of files specifying the generated neuron morphologies and synaptic connectivity. Visualization of neurons and networks can be done by a basic visualization tool incorporated in NETMORPH or by a separate java program called NEURON3D. Provided here are 1) the NETMORPH program (version 2011-06-24), 2) the NETMORPH manual (updated 2014-04-03), 3) the visualization program NEURON3D (file name: Neuron4D.rar), and 4) some documentation on NEURON3D. The NETMORPH manual describes how NETMORPH can be installed, provides a number of example scripts, and explains all the parameters that control a NETMORPH simulation. NETMORPH was developed in the Neuroinformatics Group at the Department of Integrative Neurophysiology, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, by Randal Koene, Jaap van Pelt and Arjen van Ooyen, with assistance from Betty Tijms, Peter van Hees, Frank Postma, Sander de Ridder, Sacha Hoedemaker, Andrew Carnell and Pieter Laurens Baljon. The work was supported by grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (CASPAN: 635.100.005) and the European Union (NEURoVERS-it: 019247; SECO: 216593) awarded to Jaap van Pelt and Arjen van Ooyen.