// All the numbers (except nIAf, nIIf and FromAll_IAf_ToOne_MN) are taken from Shuurmans 2007
// Tot number of cells
NetworkSize = 1

nMN = int(169*NetworkSize)
nIAf = int(60*NetworkSize) //Chin Cope & Pang 1962/Harrison 1981
nIIf = int(60*NetworkSize)
nIAint = int(196*NetworkSize)
nEXIN = int(196*NetworkSize)

// Tot number of synapses FromAll_CellA_ToOne_CellB

FromAll_IAf_ToOne_MN = int(nIAf)
FromAll_IAf_ToOne_IAint = int(62*NetworkSize)

FromAll_IIf_ToOne_EXIN = int(62*NetworkSize)
FromAll_IIf_ToOne_IAint = int(62*NetworkSize)

FromAll_IAint_ToOne_IAint = int(100*NetworkSize)
FromAll_IAint_ToOne_MN = int(232*NetworkSize)

FromAll_EXIN_ToOne_MN = int(116*NetworkSize)

// MotoNeuron dendrite number
ndend = 12