function DtSweeps()
modelTypes = {'HRC Serbe','HRC rect Behnia T4','HRC rect Behnia T5'};
% simulation length in milliseconds
T = 4e3;
% spatial extent of stimulus in degrees
X = 35;
% number of times to run the simulation
repeats = 80;
% how fast each frame updates (Hz)
updateRate = 60;
% size of pixels in space (degrees)
pixelWidth = 5;
% determines which spatial filters to use in make_ternary_stim
% 1 for gaussian, 0 for delta function
spatialFilterType = 1;
% number of frames between correlations
% we will initially simulate 13 different delays
dts = 0:12;
% Stimuli tensor has dimensions (time,leftVsRightInput,dts,parity)
% number of dts is length(dts)+1 because the last dt will be
% uncorrelated stimuli, or infinite dt
stimuli = zeros(T*repeats,2,length(dts)+1,2);
% generate a stimulus for every dt
for ii = 1:length(dts)
dt = dts(ii);
parity = 1; % 1 is for phi
stimuli(:,:,ii,1) = makeTernaryStim(T*repeats,X,updateRate,pixelWidth,dt,parity,spatialFilterType);
parity = -1; % -1 is for reverse phi
stimuli(:,:,ii,2) = makeTernaryStim(T*repeats,X,updateRate,pixelWidth,dt,parity,spatialFilterType);
% Last dt is infinite (uncorrelated stimuli)
uncDt = -1;
parity = 1;
stimuli(:,:,end,1) = makeTernaryStim(T*repeats,X,updateRate,pixelWidth,uncDt,parity,spatialFilterType);
% "negative parity" uncorrelated is the same as uncorrelated
stimuli(:,:,end,2) = stimuli(:,:,end,1);
% loop through each model type
for ii = 1:length(modelTypes)
thisModelType = modelTypes{ii};
% turn spaces into underscores to use them as function handels
thisModelType(thisModelType == ' ') = '_';
modelHandle = str2func(thisModelType);
% perform simulation
output = getModelResponse(stimuli,repeats,modelHandle);
% output has dimensions [dt,parity,direction]
% generate plots of the dt sweeps
X = (1000/60)*dts';
for parity = [1,2]
% Normalize by the uncorrelated response
ylim([0 2]);
xlabel('interval (ms)');
ylabel('response (a.u.)');
if parity == 1
title([modelTypes{ii} ' Positive Correlations']);
title([modelTypes{ii} ' Negative Correlations']);
hold on;
h = plot([0 (1000/60)*dts(end)],[1 1]);
% s1 and s2 are the stimuli for the two seperate inputs
function out = HRC_Serbe(s1,s2)
% change to luminance, not contrast
s1 = (s1+1)/2;
s2 = (s2+1)/2;
% a butterworth filter is a first order lowpass, whose time constant is
% defined as (1/(2*pi*tau))/(sampleRate/2) = 1/(pi*tau*sampleRate)
% tau is in milliseconds and sample rate is in kHz. Sample rate here is
% 1 kHz
% Tm1 LP
[BL1,AL1] = butter(1,1/pi/230,'low');
% Tm2 LP
[BL2,AL2] = butter(1,1/pi/100,'low');
% Tm4 LP
[BL4,AL4] = butter(1,1/pi/200,'low');
% Tm9 LP
[BL9,AL9] = butter(1,1/pi/630,'low');
% Tm1 HP
[BH1,AH1] = butter(1,1/pi/1230,'high');
% Tm2 HP
[BH2,AH2] = butter(1,1/pi/360 ,'high');
% Tm4 HP
[BH4,AH4] = butter(1,1/pi/250 ,'high');
% Tm9 HP
%[BH9,AH9] = butter(1,1/pi/inf ,'high');
tm1 = @(x) filter(BL1,AL1,subplus(-filter(BH1,AH1,x)));
tm2 = @(x) filter(BL2,AL2,subplus(-filter(BH2,AH2,x)));
tm4 = @(x) filter(BL4,AL4,subplus(-filter(BH4,AH4,x)));
tm9 = @(x) filter(BL9,AL9,subplus( -x ));
out = ((tm1(s1).*tm2(s2))...
function out = HRC_rect_Behnia_T4(s1,s2)
q = load('data/BehniaData.mat');
f1 = q.Mi1;
f2 = q.Tm3;
f1 = f1./sum(f1.^2);
f2 = f2./sum(f2.^2);
out = subplus(filter(f1,1,s1)).*subplus(filter(f2,1,s2));
function out = HRC_rect_Behnia_T5(s1,s2)
q = load('data/BehniaData.mat');
f1 = q.Tm1;
f2 = q.Tm2;
f1 = f1./sum(f1.^2);
f2 = f2./sum(f2.^2);
out = subplus(filter(f1,1,s1)).*subplus(filter(f2,1,s2));