These model files implement the classic model of Tritonia swim CPG as published in 1. Getting PA (1989) Reconstruction of small neural networks. Methods in Neuronal Modeling: From Synapses to Networks., Koch C:Segev I, ed. pp.171 2. Getting PA (1983) Mechanisms of pattern generation underlying swimming in Tritonia. II. Network reconstruction. J Neurophysiol 49:1017-35 These model files were created by Robert Calin-Jageman in the NEURON simulator. To run the model simple auto-launch from ModelDB and press "Init & Run" or under linux/unix: ----------------- nrnivmodl then type nrngui mosinit.hoc in the expanded archive directory. under mswin: ------------ compile the mod files with mknrndll, then double click on the mosinit.hoc file under MAC OS X: --------------- drag and drop the ngetting folder onto the mknrndll icon, then drag and drop the mosinit.hoc file onto the nrngui icon. (all platforms: once the simulation is loaded, then press "Init & Run") When the model is run it should generate figures like these:20120126 solve method in shunt.mod updated from euler to cnexp as per