Model of a one-dimensional cortical network, according to the paper: Golomb D, Shedmi A, Curtu R, Ermentrout B (2005) Persistent synchronized bursting activity in cortical tissues with low magnesium concentration: a modeling study J. Neurophysiol. published 19 October 2005, 10.1152/jn.00932.2005 The program is composed of several C files: sp.c : main file. It is used for running several parameter sets. sn.c : runs one parameter set. sgy.c : routines for the excitatory cell model. swb.c : routines for the inhibitory cell model. nr.c : routines from the library "Numerical Recipes" (only few of them are needed for this program). The files sp.n.a3 and sp.n.a4 are parameter files. Commands (for a Unix/Linux operating system): To compile the program make sp to run the program for the two data files sp.ex a3 sp.ex a4 to generate figure 12 in the paper (you should have the graphic program xmgrace): The file is a Unix/Linux command procedure. If you have problems, E-mail me to David Golomb