strdef base
base = "BOTH_85" // Modify the name to include conductance type and RMP
v_init = -85 // choose an RMP (typically -55 to -85, in 5 mV steps)
AMPAmax=0.0005 // choose an AMPA conductance (typically 0 or 500 pS)
NMDAmax=0.001 // choose an NMDA conductance (typically 0 or 1 nS)
dt = 0.01
steps_per_ms = 100
tstop = 200
create soma
create dend
create spine_head[1000]
create spine_neck[1000]
create iseg[40]
create axon
// v_init = -85 // resting membrane potential
celsius=37 // nominal temperature of simulation
Ri=100 // internal resistivity in ohm-cm
Cm=1.0 // specific membrane capacitance in uF/cm^2
Rm=15000 // specific membrane resistivity in ohm/cm^2
//edited on August 2, 2020 to remove all "insert" conductances [na, k] everywhere
soma {
nseg = 3
diam = 10
L = 20
connect iseg[0](0), 0
for i = 0, 39 {
iseg[i] {
nseg = 1
diam = 2 - (1.5*(i/40))
L = 1
if (i<39) connect iseg[i+1](0), 1
if (i==39) connect axon(0),1
axon {
nseg = 201
L = 2000
diam = .5
dend {
nseg = 1001
diam(0:1) = 5:1
L = 1000
connect soma(1), 0
access soma
for i = 0, 999 {
//Adding spines for every micron
g = (i+1)/1000
dend connect spine_neck[i](0), g
spine_neck[i] connect spine_head[i](0),1
spine_neck[i] {nseg=1 L=1 diam=0.0504573}
spine_head[i] {nseg=1 L=0.5 diam=0.5}
forall {
insert pas
g_pas = 1/Rm
cm = Cm
Ra = Ri
e_pas = v_init
access soma
objref somavec, dendvec, Acondvec, Ncondvec, savsoma, savdend, savAcond, savNcond, somamatrix, dendmatrix, Acondmatrix, Ncondmatrix
somavec = new Vector()
dendvec = new Vector()
Acondvec = new Vector()
Ncondvec = new Vector()
savsoma = new File()
savdend = new File()
savAcond = new File()
savNcond = new File()
somamatrix = new Matrix(2000,101)
dendmatrix = new Matrix(2000,101)
Acondmatrix = new Matrix(2000,101)
Ncondmatrix = new Matrix(2000,101)
strdef fName
sprint(fName, "Soma_%s.dat", base)
sprint(fName, "Dend_%s.dat", base)
sprint(fName, "AMPAcond_%s.dat", base)
sprint(fName, "NMDAcond_%s.dat", base)
objref AMPA, NMDA
for i = 0,100 {
if (i==0) {
q = 1
} else {
q = ((i*10)-1)
spine_head[q] AMPA = new syn_g(1)
spine_head[q] NMDA = new nmda(1)
AMPA.onset = 2
AMPA.gmax = AMPAmax
NMDA.onset = 2
NMDA.gmax = NMDAmax
p = q/999
Acondvec.record(&A.g, 0.1)
Ncondvec.record(&NMDA.g, 0.1)
while (t<tstop-dt) {
somamatrix.setcol(i, somavec)
dendmatrix.setcol(i, dendvec)
Acondmatrix.setcol(i, Acondvec)
Ncondmatrix.setcol(i, Ncondvec)
print i
somamatrix.fprint(savsoma, " %g")
dendmatrix.fprint(savdend, " %g")
Acondmatrix.fprint(savAcond, " %g")
Ncondmatrix.fprint(savNcond, " %g")