Uses the makeCell*.hoc files in parallel. Also the new ball and stick template.

AMPA = 2.5  // Modify as needed. "2.5" = 250 pS, "4" = 400 pS

/************* Loading necessary files *********************/
// Uses 50 um range for threshold test, and 50 ms width Gaussian.
// Assumes savestates are already made and in the folder. Use 'makeSavestates.hoc' for each machine

/************* The procs ****************/

strdef mcVS,ThName,fName,filename
objref savestate
proc mcVolt() { local voltInput,length,startS,AMPAc localobj cell
	// Inputs:
	// $1 is v_init
	// $2 is length
	// $3 is starting seed
	// $4 is AMPA conductance, normal .0005 umho

	voltInput = $1
	length = $2
	startS = $3
	AMPAc = $4

	// Makes cell with desired voltage and length
	cell = new Cell(length,voltInput)
	v_init = voltInput

	savestate = new SaveState()
	savestate = loadSv(length,voltInput*-1)
		// Loads the savestate to a variable 'savestate'

	// Running the test

proc runTh() { local nSpines,startS,AMPAc
	// $1 is the number of spines (dendrite length)
	// $o2 is the cell
	// $3 is the starting seed for the trials
	// $4 is the AMPA conductance

	nSpines = $1

	startS = $3
	AMPAc = $4

	// Inputs:
	// $1: locRange is the range to be uniformly sampled in space
	// $2: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian to be sampled for timing
	// $3: repStat is the number of repetitions for each location, to collect statistics in variation
	// $4: incrBy is the distance in microns each trial is separated by.
	// $5: branchLength is the number of spines on the tested branch.
	// $6: toggle is the kind of synapse: 0 BOTH, 1 AMPA, 2 NMDA
	// $s7: filename.
	// $8: the starting seed
	// $o9: the cell itself
	// $10: AMPA conductance, with normal .0005 umho

	// below- changed repStat from 1 to 9
	// below- changed incrBy from 20 to 10


proc init() { 
	// The right savestate must be loaded


obfunc loadSv() { localobj f,svstate
	// Loads the right savestate
	// $1 is the dendrite length
	// $2 is the voltage*-1

	svstate = new SaveState()
	f = new File(filename)
	return svstate

/**************** The actual script *************************/

	for vo_ind = 1,7 {	 // RMP range (1 to 7 equates to -55 to -85 mV)
		for le_ind = 1,5 {	 // Length, from 200 to 1,000 um (1 = 200 um, 5 = 1,000 um)
			for ac_ind = AMPA,AMPA {	// AMPA conductance (in hundreds of pS)
				for tr_ind = 0,0 {	// redundant