// Threshold spacetests using a binary search method. For real cells, detecting
// a somatic depolarization of an input value (usually +5 mV from resting)
// Program flow:
// Takes location range, Gaussian width for time distribution, and location increments.
// Also takes type of run: AMPA only, NMDA only, or both.
// Records number of synapses at which the threshold is reached.
strdef filename, brStr, ibrStr
proc ThreshSpaceS() { local sVT,UPPERLIM,resetHere,locRange,gaussTime,branchNum,incrBy,found,branchLength,toggle,matInd,jvar localobj spMap,search_ind,finMat,floovec
// Runs the whole test.
// Inputs:
// $1: locRange is the range to be uniformly sampled in space
// $2: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian to be sampled for timing
// $3: branchNum is the column to be read in the spine index file.
// $4: incrBy is the distance in microns each trial is separated by.
// $5: toggle is the kind of synapse: 0 BOTH, 1 AMPA, 2 NMDA
// $s6: filename.
// $s7: name of the spine map file.
// $8: seed
// $9: soma threshold voltage
// $o10: the cell
UPPERLIM = 10000 // If the number of synapses goes above this, the trial moves on.
locRange = $1
gaussTime = $2
branchNum = $3
incrBy = $4
toggle = $5
filename = $s6
ibrStr = $s7
seed = $8
sVT = $9
spMap = new Vector()
spMap = makeMap(ibrStr,branchNum)
// The binary search vector holding indices. Order: lower bound, current test number, upper bound.
search_ind = resetVec(10)
floovec = new Vector(1,(spMap.size()-locRange)/incrBy)
finMat = new Matrix(floovec.x[0]+1,1)
matInd = -1
for (l_ind=0;l_ind<(spMap.size()-locRange);l_ind=l_ind+incrBy) {
// For each run, search_ind starts from the previous threshold level
found = 0
matInd = matInd+1
if (search_ind.x[1] == -1) {
resetHere = UPPERLIM-1
} else {
resetHere = search_ind.x[1]
search_ind = resetVec(resetHere)
while (found != 1) {
// found variable is 1 when AP is fired at synnum n+1 but not at synnum n
found = testSyns(search_ind.x[1],locRange,gaussTime,toggle,seed,l_ind,spMap,sVT,$o10)
// Sees if this synapse number works
// Inputs:
// $1: search_ind is how many synapses to use
// $2: locRange is the testing range
// $3: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian for the time distribution
// $4: toggle is the usual synapse type ID
// $5: seed is for the norm dist for time and the unif dist for space.
// $6: l_ind is where the test is starting.
// $o7: spMap is the vector containing spine indices.
// $8: soma threshold voltage
// $o9: the cell
//print search_ind.x[1]
// Setting an upper limit for # synapses tested
if (search_ind.x[1] > UPPERLIM) {
found = 1
search_ind.x[1] = -1
search_ind = binSearch(search_ind,found)
// If synapse number doesn't work, changes the search index and upper limit
finMat.x[matInd][0] = search_ind.x[1] + 1
// Saves final synapse number to the matrix
jvar = printf("Loc %d: %d\n",l_ind,search_ind.x[1])
/*------------------ MAIN FUNCTIONS ----------------------*/
obfunc makeMap() { local mapInd,nxSp,tsdInd,jnkInd localobj f,brVec
// Reads in the nx1000 branch spine index file and puts the right column in a vector.
// Inputs:
// $s1: the spine index file name.
// $2: the column I want to read.
// Output:
// spMap, a vector that's as long as the branch length.
brVec = new Vector(1000)
f = new File(brStr)
// Gets rid of the unnecessary branches
if ($2>1) {
for jnkInd = 2,$2 {
for tsdInd = 0,999 brVec.x[0] = f.scanvar()
// Reads in spine indices until a -1 is reached.
nxSp = f.scanvar()
mapInd = 0
while (nxSp!=-1) {
brVec.x[mapInd] = nxSp
mapInd = mapInd+1
nxSp = f.scanvar()
// Shortens the vector to the right length.
for cutInd = mapInd,999 brVec.remove(mapInd)
return brVec
func testSyns() { local sVT,search_ind, locRange, gaussTime, toggle, seed, l_ind, found localobj tempvec,spMap,r2, tlist, tlist2, apc
// If an AP fires at search_ind and search_ind+1, returns 2.
// If no AP fires at either, returns 0.
// If AP fired at search_ind+1 and not search_ind (it's at threshold), returns 1.
// Inputs:
// $1: search_ind is how many synapses to use
// $2: locRange is the testing range
// $3: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian for the time distribution
// $4: toggle is the usual synapse type ID
// $5: seed is for the norm dist for time and the unif dist for space.
// $6: l_ind is where the test is starting.
// $o7: spMap is the vector containing spine indices.
// $8: soma threshold voltage
// $o9: the cell
search_ind = $1
locRange = $2
gaussTime = $3
toggle = $4
seed = $5
l_ind = $6
spMap = $o7
sVT = $8
r2 = new Vector(2,0)
tempvec = new Vector(1)
tempvec.x[0] = locRange/2
// Runs for search_ind and search_ind+1
for ts_ind = 0,1 {
tlist = new List()
tlist2 = new List()
tlist = setSyns(search_ind+ts_ind,locRange,gaussTime,toggle,seed,l_ind,spMap,$o9)
// Inputs:
// $1: synapse number.
// $2: locRange, how widely synapses are distributed.
// $3: gaussTime, the width of the Gaussian used in sampling onset times.
// $4: toggle is explained above; slightly different for this function since it does one at a time.
// $5: seed
// $6: l_ind is the spine this test is starting on.
// $o7: spMap
// $o8: the cell
if (toggle==0) {
tlist2 = setSyns(search_ind+ts_ind,locRange,gaussTime,2,seed,l_ind,spMap,$o9)
// Puts an APCount object at the spine in the middle of the input.
$o9.soma {
apc = new APCount(0.5)
apc.thresh = sVT
apc.n = 0
//Takes tlist to adjust tstop.
//if (apc.n>0) printf("time was %d\n",apc.time)
// Sees if an 'AP' fired
if (apc.n > 0) {
if (ts_ind==0) {
return 2
} else {
r2.x[ts_ind] = 1
return r2.sum()
obfunc binSearch() {
// Adjusts the searchVec based on results from testSyns.
// Inputs:
// $o1: search_ind is a vector; the first element is the number of synapses being tested
// $2: found tells what to do with the search vector. 0 is none, 1 is threshold, 2 is both.
// If too low
if ($2 == 0) {
$o1.x[0] = $o1.x[1]
if ($o1.x[2] == $o1.x[1]) {
$o1.x[1] = $o1.x[1]*2
$o1.x[2] = $o1.x[1]
} else {
$o1.x[1] = (($o1.x[2]-$o1.x[1])/2)+$o1.x[1]
// If too high
if ($2 == 2) {
$o1.x[2] = $o1.x[1]
$o1.x[1] = (($o1.x[1]-$o1.x[0])/2)+$o1.x[0]
return $o1
proc saveSpace() { localobj mat, f
// Takes a matrix and saves it.
// Inputs:
// $o1: the matrix to be saved (rows are location, columns are trial)
// $s2: filename with the full directory
mat = $o1
f = new File()
mat.fprint(f, " %g")
obfunc resetVec() { localobj vec
// Gives the index vector given some general starting point. It's a 3-element vector where the
// first element is the lower bound, middle is current index, last is upper bound. The function
// starts the upper bound at the current index value, since the search pattern works by doubling.
// Input:
// $1: the number of synapses to start out with.
vec = new Vector(3,0)
vec.x[1] = $1
vec.x[2] = $1
return vec
/*------------------ SUB FUNCTIONS -----------------------*/
// In testSyns()
obfunc setSyns() { local s_ind localobj tlist,r,normr,svec,tvec
// Creates a list of placed and timed synapses. Does not deal with BOTH case (creates AMPA for
// 0 and 1 toggle and NMDA for 2) because that's taken care of in testSyns().
// Inputs:
// $1: synapse number.
// $2: locRange, how widely synapses are distributed.
// $3: gaussTime, the width of the Gaussian used in sampling onset times.
// $4: toggle is explained above; slightly different for this function since it does one at a time.
// $5: seed
// $6: l_ind is the spine this test is starting on.
// $o7: spMap
// $o8: the cell
// Output:
// A single list of one kind of synapse; preset locations and firing times.
tlist = makeSyns($4,$1)
r = new Random($5)
normr = new Random($5*10)
svec = new Vector($1)
tvec = new Vector($1)
for s_ind = 0, $1-1 {
$o8.spine_head[$o7.x[svec.x[s_ind]]] {
tlist.o(s_ind).onset() = tvec.x[s_ind]
return tlist
// In testSyns()
proc runTest() { local i localobj vec
// Initializes cell and runs to tstop, which is 100 + last firing time.
// Input:
// $o1: tlist.
vec = giveTimes($o1)
tstop = vec.max() + 100
while (t<tstop) {
// In setSyns()
obfunc makeSyns() { local i localobj tlist
// Takes kind of synapses and number and creates a list of them. 0 and 1 make AMPA, 2 makes NMDA.
// Inputs:
// $1: toggle
// $2: number of synapses.
// Output:
// tlist
tlist = new List()
if ($1!=2) {
for i=0, ($2-1) tlist.append(new syn_g())
} else {
for i=0, ($2-1) tlist.append(new nmda())
return tlist
// In runTest() and setSyns()
obfunc giveTimes() { local i localobj vec
// Takes synapse list and makes a vector of all onset times.
// Input:
// $o1 is the synapse list.
vec = new Vector()
for i = 0,$o1.count()-1 {
return vec