Uses the makeCell*.hoc files in parallel. Also the new ball and stick template.

This version of runParallel is for the new synapse trials (NMDA only), 12.21.17

/************* Loading necessary files *********************/


// Uses 50 um range for threshold test, and 50 ms width Gaussian.
// Assumes savestates are already made and in the folder. Use 'makeSavestates.hoc' for each machine

/************* The procs ****************/

strdef mcVS,ThName,fName,filename,togStr
objref savestate
proc mcVolt() { local voltInput,startS,thType,toggle,brInd localobj cell
	// Inputs:
	// $1 is v_init
	// $2 is starting seed
	// $3 is the threshold trial type (0 for somatic, 1 for dendritic)
	// $4 is the toggle (0 Both/1 AMPA/2 NMDA)
	// $5 is the branch index (1-17)

	voltInput = $1
	startS = $2
	thType = $3
	toggle = $4
	brInd = $5

	// Makes cell with desired voltage and length
	cell = new Cell(voltInput)
	v_init = voltInput

	savestate = new SaveState()
	savestate = loadSv(voltInput*-1)
		// Loads the savestate to a variable 'savestate'

	// Running the test

proc runTh() { local nSpines,startS,brInd,sVT
	// $o1 is the cell
	// $2 is the starting seed for the trials
	// $3 is the branch index for the DGC (1-17)
	// $4 is 0 for somatic threshold, 1 for dendritic 
	// $5 is the usual 0 Both/1 AMPA/2 NMDA toggle

	startS = $2
	brInd = $3
	thToggle = $4
	toggle = $5

	if (toggle==0) togStr = "B"
	if (toggle==1) togStr = "A"
	if (toggle==2) togStr = "N"

	if (!thToggle) {
	// Somatic threshold
		sVT = $o1.soma.v(.5) + 5 // the soma voltage threshold
			// Inputs:
			// $1: locRange is the range to be uniformly sampled in space
			// $2: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian to be sampled for timing
			// $3: branchNum is the column to be read in the spine index file.
			// $4: incrBy is the distance in microns each trial is separated by.
			// $5: toggle is the kind of synapse: 0 BOTH, 1 AMPA, 2 NMDA
			// $s6: filename.
			// $s7: name of the spine map file.
			// $8: seed
			// $9: soma threshold voltage
			// $o10: the cell
	} else {
	// Dendritic threshold
	//	init()
	//	sprint(ThName,"V%d_DGC%dBr%d_%sDend.dat",v_init*-1,startS,brInd,togStr)
	//	ThreshSpaceD(50,50,brInd,20,toggle,ThName,"DGCBranches.dat",startS*startS+2,$o1)
			// Inputs:
			// $1: locRange is the range to be uniformly sampled in space
			// $2: gaussTime is the width of the Gaussian to be sampled for timing
			// $3: branchNum is the column to be read in the spine index file.
			// $4: incrBy is the distance in microns each trial is separated by.
			// $5: toggle is the kind of synapse: 0 BOTH, 1 AMPA, 2 NMDA
			// $s6: filename.
			// $s7: name of the spine map file.
			// $8: the seed
			// $o9: the cell

proc init() { 
	// The right savestate must be loaded


obfunc loadSv() { localobj f,svstate
	// Loads the right savestate
	// $1 is the voltage*-1

	svstate = new SaveState()
	f = new File(filename)
	return svstate

/**************** The actual script *************************/

	for vo_ind = 1,7 {	// Sets RMP from -55 (1) to -85 (7) mV
		for br_ind = 1,17 {	// sets the dendritic branch to test
			for tr_ind = 0,9 {	// Sets the number of stochastic patterns, typically 10
				for tog_ind =0,2 {	// 0 = BOTH AMPA & NMDA, 1 = AMPA, 2 = NMDA