This is the readme for a model that reproduces Figure 8c in: O'Connor S., Angelo K., Jacob T.J.C. Burst firing versus synchrony in a gap junction connected olfactory bulb mitral cell network model. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6:75. Description: In a network of 6 mitral cells connected by gap junctions in the apical dendrite tuft, continuous current injections of 0.06 nA are injected into 20 locations in the apical tuft of two of the mitral cells. The current injection into one of the cells starts 10 ms after the other to generate asynchronous firing in the cells (Migliore et al. 2005 protocol). Firing of the cells is asynchronous for the first 120 ms. However after the burst firing phase is completed the firing in all cells becomes synchronous. This implementation is by Simon O'Connor, to whom questions should be addressed. Usage: 1. Unzip into an empty directory. 2. Compile the mod files with (linux/unix) nrnivmodl or (mswin/mac) mknrndll. 3. (mswin) Double click on init.hoc, or (linux/unix) execute nrngui init.hoc from the command line or (mac) drag and drop init.hoc onto the nrngui icon. 4. The simulation will run reproducing Figure 8c.