import pickle
import sys
from sim_utils import * # has rebin() to alter binsize
import generate_firerates_odors as gen_frate_odors # has respiration_function()
## minimum error that must be present.
errcut = 1e-20
def set_min_err(errListOrig, errmin=None):
## put in a minimum error, else divide by zero problems.
## find the minimum error >= errcut
errList = array(errListOrig) # make numpy array, else where() gives an empty list
largeerrors = errList[where(errList>errcut)]
## if errmin is not provided, set it as min of errors > errcut
## if no errors > errcut, set errmin to errcut.
if not errmin:
if len(largeerrors)>0: errmin = largeerrors.min()
else: errmin = errcut
#print "Setting minumum error to ",errmin
## numpy where(), replace by errmin,
## all those elements in firingbinsList which are less than errmin
errList = where(errList>errcut, errList, errmin)
return errList
def load_morph_responses_from_pulsefilename(pulsefilename,fitted_mitral,bindt,numresps):
## replace 'pulses' with 'morphs'/'morph' in pulses result filename to get morphs result filename
fn_split = pulsefilename.split('pulses')
morph_filename = fn_split[0]+'morphs'+fn_split[1]+'morph'+fn_split[2]
f = open(morph_filename,'r')
(morph_mitral_responses_list,morph_mitral_responses_binned_list) = pickle.load(f)
morph_numavgs = len(morph_mitral_responses_list)
## rebin only takes the last resp period by default
morph_mitral_responses_binned_list = \
rebin(morph_mitral_responses_list, numbins=int(numresps*RESPIRATION/bindt),\
bin_width_time=bindt, numresps=numresps)
morph_mitral_responses_avg = mean(morph_mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
morph_mitral_responses_std = std(morph_mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
## only fitted mitral
morph_mitral_responses_avg = morph_mitral_responses_avg[:,fitted_mitral]
morph_mitral_responses_std = morph_mitral_responses_std[:,fitted_mitral]
## min err for each mitral is set separately, over all morphs
## NOT SETTING MIN ERR FOR PULSE PREDICTIONS - will lead to worse fits
#morph_mitral_responses_std = set_min_err(morph_mitral_responses_std)
return morph_numavgs,morph_mitral_responses_avg,morph_mitral_responses_std
def read_morphfile(filename,fitted_mitral,numbins):
f = open(filename,'r')
#### mitral_responses_list[avgnum][odornum][mitralnum][binnum]
#### mitral_responses_binned_list[avgnum][odornum][mitralnum][binnum]
mitral_responses_list, mitral_responses_binned_list = pickle.load(f)
morph_numavgs = len(mitral_responses_list)
###################### Input conditioning
## smooths / overlapping bins.
## (for non-overlapping use bin_width_time= RESPIRATION/NUM_REBINS)
## Adil uses non-overlapping bins
#bin_width_time = 2.0*RESPIRATION/numbins
bin_width_time = RESPIRATION/numbins
## rebin only takes the last resp period by default
mitral_responses_binned_list = \
rebin(mitral_responses_list, numbins, bin_width_time)
#### very important to convert to numpy array,
#### else where() below returns empty list.
mitral_responses_binned_list = array(mitral_responses_binned_list)
mitral_responses_mean = mean(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
mitral_responses_std = std(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
## since I fit the mean response,
## I must use standard error/deviation of the _mean_
## = standard deviation of a repeat / sqrt(num of repeats).
## NO! The model predicts the individual response not the mean.
#NUMAVGs = len(mitral_responses_binned_list)
#mitral_responses_se= mitral_responses_std/sqrt(NUMAVGs)
## take the odor responses of the mitral to be fitted
firingbinsmeanList = mitral_responses_mean[:,fitted_mitral]
firingbinserrList = mitral_responses_std[:,fitted_mitral]
## min err for each mitral is set separately, over all morphs
firingbinserrList = set_min_err(firingbinserrList)
return morph_numavgs,firingbinsmeanList,firingbinserrList
def read_pulsefile(filename):
######### load in the mitral pulse responses
f = open(filename,'r')
#### mitral_responses_list[avgnum][pulsenum][mitralnum][spikenum]
#### mitral_responses_binned_list[avgnum][pulsenum][mitralnum][binnum]
mitral_responses_list, mitral_responses_binned_list = pickle.load(f)
return mitral_responses_list, mitral_responses_binned_list
def read_pulsestimuli(stimseed,filebase='../generators/firerates'):
########## load in the stimuli
f = open(filebase+'/firerates_2sgm_'+str(stimseed)+'.pickle','r')
= pickle.load(f)
#del frateOdorList, fratePulseList
pulseList = array(randomPulseList)
pulseStepsList = array(randomPulseStepsList)
## randomResponseList[glomnum][frate,...]
ORNfrateList = array(randomResponseList)[central_glom]
## frateOdorList[glomnum][inputnum]
ORNrespList = array(frateOdorList)[central_glom]
return pulseList,pulseStepsList,ORNfrateList,ORNrespList,genORNkernels
def read_pulseinresp_stimuli(stimseed,filebase='../generators/firerates'):
########## load in the stimuli
f = open(filebase+'/firerates_pulseinresp_'+str(stimseed)+'.pickle','r')
pulseInRespList,kernels = pickle.load(f)
pulseInRespList = array(pulseInRespList)
return pulseInRespList,kernels
def read_scaledpulses_stimuli(stimseed,width,filebase='../generators/firerates'):
########## load in the stimuli
f = open(filebase+'/firerates_scaledpulses_width'+str(width)+'_'+str(stimseed)+'.pickle','r')
scaledPulsesList,kernels = pickle.load(f)
scaledPulsesList = array(scaledPulsesList)
return scaledPulsesList,kernels
def rebin_mean(mitral_responses_list,pulserebindt,rebin_runtime=PULSE_RUNTIME):
############# rebin simulated responses into pulserebindt=50ms, then take mean over trials.
## rebin_pulses() from
### for overlapping pulses (also need to uncomment in
#mitral_responses_binned_list = \
# rebin_pulses(mitral_responses_list, int(rebin_runtime/pulserebindt), rebin_runtime, 0.0, bin_width_time)
mitral_responses_binned_list = \
rebin_pulses(mitral_responses_list, int(rebin_runtime/pulserebindt), rebin_runtime, 0.0)
## very important to convert to numpy array(),
## else where() below does not find any element satisfying condition.
mitral_responses_binned_list = array(mitral_responses_binned_list)
numtrials = len(mitral_responses_binned_list)
mitral_responses_mean = mean(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
mitral_responses_std = std(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
## since I fit the mean response, I must use standard error/deviation of the _mean_
## = standard deviation of a repeat / sqrt(num of repeats).
## NO! The model is for an individual response, not for the mean response!
#mitral_responses_se = mitral_responses_std/sqrt(numtrials)
return numtrials,mitral_responses_mean,mitral_responses_std
def decimate(pulseList,pulsedt,genORNkernels,kerneldt,kernel_size):
############## decimate pulseList taking every pulsedt/FIRINGFILLDT bin value
decimatefactor = int(round(pulsedt/FIRINGFILLDT)) # ensure that these are multiples
## decimating the pulses, i.e. taking one value after every decimatefactor
## but start from middle of bin i.e. from index decimatefactor/2,
## as the simulated response is avg of the bin
pulserebinList = array( [ pulseList[pulsenum][decimatefactor/2::decimatefactor] \
for pulsenum in range(len(pulseList)) ] )
### can also not decimate, rather take average of each bin, fits are not too good.
### binning the pulses: average of every decimatefactor number of values
#pulserebinList = array( [ array( [pulseList[pulsenum][i:i+decimatefactor].mean() \
# for i in range(0,len(pulseList[pulsenum]),decimatefactor)] ) \
# for pulsenum in range(len(pulseList)) ] )
############## decimate ORNkernels every kerneldt/FIRINGFILLDT=50 values
## but start from middle of bin i.e. from index decimatefactorK/2,
## as the simulated response is avg of the bin
decimatefactorK = int(kerneldt/FIRINGFILLDT)
## kernels are only kernel_size long.
## numpy append() is like python's extend() - makes flat not nested lists
## I take only kernelsize length after decimating the ORN kernel
## by taking only every int(kerneldt/FIRINGFILLDT) element
## since convolve_result is always multiplied by dt,
## the response is invariant of decimating the stimulus and the kernel simultaneously.
## NOTE: We are using ORN kernel as mitral kernel, typical mitral
## firing rates are 5 times larger. So put in factor of 5!!!
## If ORN kernel is too long, take only kernel_size, if too short, pad with zeroes.
MitralORNfiringratio = 5.0
linORNkernelA = array(genORNkernels[1][decimatefactorK/2::decimatefactorK][:kernel_size])\
if len(linORNkernelA)<kernel_size:
linORNkernelA = append(linORNkernelA,zeros(kernel_size-len(linORNkernelA)))
linORNkernelB = array(genORNkernels[2][decimatefactorK/2::decimatefactorK][:kernel_size])\
if len(linORNkernelB)<kernel_size:
linORNkernelB = append(linORNkernelB,zeros(kernel_size-len(linORNkernelB)))
return pulserebinList,linORNkernelA,linORNkernelB
def myconvolve(seq1,seq2):
""" Assume we want only len(seq1) output. seq1 is pulses, seq2 is kernel.
Assume len(seq1) > len(seq2).
Not periodic boundaries i.e. not circular convolution.
Assume zeros when sequence is short.
With above assumptions, this works same as using (of course maybe 10x slower!)
numpy.convolve(seq1,seq2,mode='full'), then taking only [0:len1] values. """
len1 = len(seq1)
len2 = len(seq2)
## using generator inside sum (no []-s) for lazy evaluation
## tau only goes from max(0,t-len2+1) to t, so that seq2 is not indexed beyond end
out = [ sum( seq1[tau]*seq2[t-tau] for tau in range(max(0,t-len2+1),t) )
for t in range(len1) ]
return array(out)