# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########## Compare the variation in each bin for two different aggregation ratios
## First edit the reference and compared filenums in the script below
## USAGE: python2.6 compare_aggregation
metainfo = [
"1:1 singles (1:1 syns), no joints",
"2:1 singles (1:1 syns), no joints",
"2:1 singles (2:1 syns), no joints",
"100:1 singles (10:1 syns), no joints",
"100:1 singles (10:1 syns), 1:1 joints",
"100:1 singles (10:1 syns), 2:1 joints",
"100:1 singles (10:1 syns), 2:1 joints, firefileseed=300.0"
filelist = [
colorlist = ['r','g','b','c','m','y','k']
markerlist = ['s','o','d','+','x','^','<','>','v']
reference_filenum = 4
compared_filenum = 6
from pylab import *
import pickle
import sys
from stimuliConstants import * # has SETTLETIME, inputList and pulseList, GLOMS_ODOR, GLOMS_NIL
from simset_odor import * # has NUMBINS
from networkConstants import * # has central_glom
from sim_utils import * # has rebin() to alter binsize
from data_utils import *
## I override the NUMBINS in simset_odor above, and I rebin() below
## smooths / overlapping bins. non-overlapping would be RESPIRATION/NUMBINS
bin_width_time = 2.0*RESPIRATION/NUMBINS
NUMMIX = len(inputList)
def get_mitral_responses(filename):
filenamefull = "../results/odor_morphs/"+filename
f = open(filenamefull,'r')
#### mitral_responses_list[avgnum][odornum][mitralnum][tnum]
#### mitral_responses_binned_list[avgnum][odornum][mitralnum][binnum]
mitral_responses_list, mitral_responses_binned_list = pickle.load(f)
###################### Input conditioning
mitral_responses_binned_list = \
rebin(mitral_responses_list, NUMBINS, bin_width_time)
#### very important to convert to numpy array,
#### else where() below returns empty list.
mitral_responses_binned_list = array(mitral_responses_binned_list)
mitral_responses_mean = mean(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
mitral_responses_std = std(mitral_responses_binned_list, axis=0)
## since I fit the mean response,
## I must use standard error/deviation of the _mean_
## = standard deviation of a repeat / sqrt(num of repeats).
NUMAVGs = len(mitral_responses_binned_list)
mitral_responses_se = mitral_responses_std/sqrt(NUMAVGs)
return mitral_responses_mean, mitral_responses_se
if __name__ == "__main__":
ref_response_mean, ref_response_se = get_mitral_responses(filelist[reference_filenum])
comp_response_mean, comp_response_se = get_mitral_responses(filelist[compared_filenum])
mitnum = 2*central_glom+0
## add 1e-10 to ensure no divide by zero issues.
ref_response_mean = array(ref_response_mean[:,mitnum])+1e-10
comp_response_mean = array(comp_response_mean[:,mitnum])+1e-10
fig1 = figure(facecolor='w') # 'none' is transparent
fig2 = figure(facecolor='w') # 'none' is transparent
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)
## 0 is odor B, 5 is odorA, 6 is air
numodors = len(inputList)
for odornum in range(numodors):
odorA,odorB = inputList[odornum]
## normalize bin-wise
error_mean = (comp_response_mean[odornum] - ref_response_mean[odornum]) \
/ maximum(ref_response_mean[odornum],comp_response_mean[odornum]) # element-wise maximum (numpy)
## normalize with maximum of all responses
error_mean = (comp_response_mean[odornum] - ref_response_mean[odornum]) \
/ max(max(flatten(ref_response_mean)),max(flatten(comp_response_mean)))
metastr = '\n' + metainfo[compared_filenum] + ' ' + metainfo[reference_filenum]
ax1.set_title('response error normed bin-wise (Hz) vs bin'+metastr)
ax2.set_title('response error normed with max (Hz) vs bin'+metastr)