#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
########## Need to run:
## ~/Python2.6.4/bin/python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py <cellname> <synapsename> \
## <Iclamp/Vclamp> <numsyns_tobeplotted> <timeforeachsynapsesim> \
## <simultaneous|staggered> <compartment_name>
## the option <simultaneous|stagerred> only needs to be given if numsyns_tobeplotted is > 1.
## synapsefactor would be say GABA_factor or AMPA_factor
## (used in the network -- see networkConstants.py), typically 1.0, etc.
## Presently only event based synapses are supported.
## Typical usage: python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py mitral ORN_mitral <Vclamp|Iclamp> 1 500e-3 simultaneous
## Eg1: python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py mitral granule_mitral <Vclamp|Iclamp> 1 500e-3 simultaneous Seg0_prim_dend_1_16
## Eg2: python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py mitral ORN_mitral Iclamp 1 500e-3 simultaneous Seg0_glom_81_102
## Eg3: python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py granule mitral_granule Iclamp 100 6e-3 staggered
## Eg4: python2.6 CellTest_synapses.py mitral granule_mitral Iclamp 50 100e-3 staggered
import os
import sys
import math
from moose.utils import *
from synapseConstants import *
from simset_inhibition import * # has SIMDT and PLOTDT but SETTLETIME is overridden below
SETTLETIME = 500e-3 # give a large settletime for measuring post synaptic potentials
from load_channels import *
from load_synapses import *
from networkConstants import * # for GABA_factor, AMPA_factor and NMDA_factor
from pylab import * # part of matplotlib that depends on numpy but not scipy
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes # for inset
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset
from data_utils import *
from moose.neuroml.MorphML import *
mitgran_ampa = 'mitral_granule_saturatingAMPA'
mitgran_nmda = 'mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA'
mitgran_ampa = 'mitral_granule_AMPA'
mitgran_nmda = 'mitral_granule_NMDA'
#### inject a current into the tuft of mitral.
#### This to check effect of IPSP in prim dend vs sec dend.
#injtuft = 200e-12#1e-10 # A
injtuft = 0.0 # A
#injsoma = 400e-12 # A
injsoma = 0.0 # A
## nerve_shock is for injecting a sharp current into the mitral tuft after SETTLETIME
nerve_shock = False
num_tuft_comps_shock = 53 # number of tuft compartents to inject current into
tuft_shock_inject = 1e-12 # this current is injected into each of the num_tuft_comps_shock above
## set 0 mV for IPSCs, -65mV for EPSCs
VCLAMP_V = -65e-3#0e-3 # mV
class CellTest:
def __init__(self, cellname, pseudosynname, libsynname,
synfactor, Vclamp, numsyns, syntime, stagger, comp_name=None):
## synchan_activation_correction is for graded synapses -- not useful for this script
MML = MorphML({'temperature':CELSIUS})
if cellname == 'PG':
#filename = 'PG_aditya2010_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
#filename = 'PG_aditya2012_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
#filename = 'PG_aditya2013_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
#cellname = 'PG_LTS'
## Choose one the two below
## set the ORN->PG and mitral->PG to 0.45 vs 1.25 nS for plateauing vs LTS
#filename = 'PG_aditya2010unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # plateauing i.e. non-LTS
filename = 'PG_aditya2013unified_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml' # LTS
self.somaName = 'soma_0'
elif cellname == 'mitral':
#filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod.xml'
#filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_L1_L2_L3_mod_withspikeinit.xml'
#filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davison_neuroML_TEST_L1_L2_L3.xml'
#filename = 'mitral_bbmit1993davisonMS_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
#filename = 'mitral_migliore_etal_2007.xml'
self.somaName = 'Seg0_soma_0'
elif cellname == 'granule':
filename = 'granule_granadityaMS2007_neuroML_L1_L2_L3.xml'
self.somaName = 'soma_0'
self.cellName = cellname
self.synName = libsynname
self.pseudoSynName = pseudosynname
self.synFactor = synfactor
self.Vclamp = Vclamp
self.numSyns = numsyns
self.synTime = syntime
self.stagger = stagger
self.compName = comp_name
if self.stagger:
self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime*(self.numSyns)+2*SETTLETIME
self.synRUNTIME = self.synTime+2*SETTLETIME
self.cellsDict = MML.readMorphMLFromFile(filename,{})
self.context = moose.PyMooseBase.getContext()
self.cell = moose.Cell( self.context.deepCopy(\
self.context.pathToId('/library/'+cellname),self.context.pathToId('/'),cellname) )
self.soma = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/'+self.somaName)
self.somaVm = setupTable('soma_vm', self.soma,'Vm')
if cellname=='mitral':
## inject a current into tuft of mitral
tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/Seg0_glom_81_102')
tuftcomp.inject = injtuft
## inject a current into soma of mitral
self.soma.inject = injsoma
## if nerve shock, inject a sharp current into tuft compartments
if nerve_shock:
## We want a single sharp current injection at SETTLETIME, so cannot use soma.inject
## segment info - see MorphML_reader.py
## Only connect to 25 tuft compartments
for seginfo in (self.cellsDict[self.cellName].values())[0:num_tuft_comps_shock]:
## seginfo[5] is a list of potential synapses at this segment
if 'ORN_mitral' in seginfo[5]:
## wrap this segment, seginfo[0] is segment name
tuftcomp = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/'+seginfo[0])
## compartment, name_extn, start_time, duration, current (all SI)
setup_iclamp(tuftcomp, '_nerveshock',\
SETTLETIME, 1e-3, tuft_shock_inject)
self.spikeTableList = []
if cellname=='mitral':
## monitor Vm at the base of the tuft
tuftbase_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\
#'/Seg0_tuftden_19_23') # for migliore and shepherd 2007 cell
'/Seg0_prim_dend_5_20') # tuft base
self.tuftBaseTable = setupTable('mitdendTable',tuftbase_seg,'Vm')
## monitor Vm at secondary dendrite
dend_seg = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+\
#'/Seg0_sec_dendp4_0_254') # at 43.86 microns from soma
#'/Seg0_sec_dendd3_0_204') # at 190.56 microns from soma
'/Seg0_sec_dendd4_2_269') # at 1004.47 microns from soma
self.secDendTable = setupTable('mitdendTable',dend_seg,'Vm')
## monitor Vm in the tuft compartment
## same as current injection above
self.tuftTable = setupTable('mitTuftTable',tuftcomp,'Vm')
### testing - channels
## setup only one of the Tables below
#self.var = setupTable('PG_mitral', moose.SynChan('/mitral/Seg0_glom_0_21/PG_mitral'), 'Gk')
#self.var = setupTable('mitral_granule_NMDA', \
# moose.SynChan('/'+self.cellName+'/'+self.compName+'/mitral_granule_NMDA'), 'Gk')
#self.var = setupTable('PG_mitral', moose.SpikeGen('/PG/soma_0/PG_mitral_spikegen'), 'state')
#self.var = setupTable('soma_vm', moose.Compartment('/PG/soma_0'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('mitral_glom', moose.Compartment('/mitral/Seg0_glom_0_21'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('mitral_secdend', moose.Compartment('/mitral/Seg0_sec_dendd2_7_200'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('mitral_secdend', moose.Compartment('/mitral/Seg0_sec_dendd2_0_165'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('mitral_glom', moose.Compartment('/mitral/Seg0_glom_81_102'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('soma_vm', moose.Compartment('/mitral/Seg0_soma_0'), 'Vm')
#self.var = setupTable('soma_ca', moose.CaConc(self.soma.path+'/Ca_mit_conc'), 'Ca')
def attachSpikeTables(self):
## If user did not supply a compartment_name, make a list of synapses
## connected to allowed compartments in the cell's xml file
if self.compName is None:
synapse_list = []
synapse_list2 = []
## segment info - see MorphML_reader.py
for seginfo in self.cellsDict[self.cellName].values():
## seginfo[5] is a list of potential synapses at this segment
if self.pseudoSynName in seginfo[5]:
## wrap this segment, seginfo[0] is segment name
compartment = moose.Compartment('/'+self.cellName+'/'+seginfo[0])
synapse = connectSynapse(self.context, compartment, self.synName, self.synFactor)
## NMDA is also created if AMPA mit->gran is made.
if self.synName == mitgran_ampa:
synapse2 = connectSynapse(self.context, compartment, mitgran_nmda, NMDA_factor)
self.compName = seginfo[0] # the last synapse's comp becomes self.compName
## If user supplied a compartment_name,
## just have a synapse connected to the specified compartment
comp_path = '/'+self.cellName+'/'+self.compName
if self.context.exists(comp_path): compartment = moose.Compartment(comp_path)
print "Error: non-existent compartment", comp_path
synapse_list = [ connectSynapse(self.context, compartment, self.synName, self.synFactor) ]
if self.synName == mitgran_ampa:
synapse_list2 = [ connectSynapse(self.context, compartment, mitgran_nmda, NMDA_factor) ]
for i in range(self.numSyns):
## Bad practice - This should be part of NetworkML
## - no random numbers in simulations, only in generators.
randomsynindex = int(uniform(0,len(synapse_list)))
synapse = synapse_list[randomsynindex]
print "Connecting ", synapse.path
## put in i also, because randomly a synapse might get connected twice.
spiketable = moose.TimeTable(synapse.path+'/tt_'+str(i))
#### SynChan's synapse MsgDest takes time as its argument.
## Thus spiketable should contain a list of spike times.
spiketable.connect("event", synapse,"synapse")
if self.synName == mitgran_ampa:
synapse2 = synapse_list2[randomsynindex]
spiketable.connect("event", synapse2,"synapse")
## Presently only method 4 i.e. loading from file is supported for TimeTable.
## Hence the need to write a single value in a file.
fn = 'temp_spikefile.txt'
f = open(fn,'w')
if self.stagger:
spiketable.filename = fn
if self.Vclamp:
self.synITable = setupTable('synITable',synapse,'Ik')
if self.Vclamp:
#### I block Ca and K channels in the cell
#### We don't want these channels to be active when cell is held at 0mV; Na inactivates.
blockChannels(self.cell, ['K','Ca']) # in moose_utils.py
## PID gain: I think for Davison 4-comp-mitral/granule: 0.5e-5 # optimal gain
## too high 0.5e-4 drives it to oscillate at high frequency,
## too low 0.5e-6 makes it have an initial overshoot (due to Na channels?)
## But for BBmit1993, gain of 1e-6 is optimal
self.PIDITable = setup_vclamp(self.soma, '_somavclamp', 0,
self.synRUNTIME, VCLAMP_V, gain=1e-6)
print "Connected Vclamp to soma at",VCLAMP_V,"mV."
def run(self):
resetSim(self.context, SIMDT, PLOTDT)
self.context.step(self.synRUNTIME) # each synapse is given 500ms!
## Paper figure 2 for granule cell electrophysiology
fig = figure(figsize=(columnwidth/2.0,linfig_height/2.0),dpi=300,facecolor='w') # 'none' is transparent
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
starttime = SETTLETIME*1000-10
timevec = linspace(0.0,self.synRUNTIME,len(self.somaVm))*1000 - starttime
self.somaVm = array(self.somaVm)*1000
plot(timevec, self.somaVm,'-k', label='soma', linewidth=plot_linewidth, linestyle='-') # ms and mV
xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = beautify_plot(ax,x0min=True,y0min=False,drawxaxis=True,drawyaxis=True,\
axes_labels(ax,'time (ms)','Vm(mV)',fontsize=label_fontsize,xpad=1,ypad=-5.5) # sets fontsize for ticks and labels
#fig.text(0.04,0.7,'Vm (mV)', fontsize=label_fontsize, rotation='vertical', transform = fig.transFigure)
if self.cellName == 'granule':
## Paper figure 2 for granule cell electrophysiology
## zoomed inset showing synaptic integration
## bbox_to_anchor can be instance of BboxBase, (x, y, width, height of the bbox), or (x, y) with width=height=0
#axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, zoom=10, bbox_to_anchor=(0.43,1.0), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes)
axins = inset_axes(ax, width=0.4, height=0.6, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,1.2), bbox_transform=ax.transAxes)
## set the linewidth of the axes (spines)
for s in axins.spines.values():
## Important: you need to plot the original plot again!!!
plot(timevec, self.somaVm,'-k', label='soma', linewidth=plot_linewidth, linestyle='-') # ms and mV
zoom_xmin,zoom_xmax = 210, 250
## take out the Vm data that is in the zoom region
## timevec may not have zoom_xmin exactly, so use index for value just below it, similar for zoom_xmax
zoom_data = self.somaVm[where(timevec<zoom_xmin)[0][-1]:where(timevec>zoom_xmax)[0][0]]
### autoscale will not work -- as the full data, not a subset is plotted !!
#axins.autoscale(enable=True, axis='y', tight=True)
#axins.autoscale_view(tight=True, scaley=True)
#ymin, ymax = axins.get_yaxis().get_view_interval()
mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=3, loc2=4, fc="none", ec="0.5", linewidth=axes_linewidth)
# sizex=20,labelx='20 ms',sizey=1,labely=' 1 mV',\
# bbox_to_anchor=[1.3,0.0],bbox_transform=axins.transAxes)
axes_labels(axins,' {:3.0f} ms'.format(zoom_xmax-zoom_xmin),\
' {:3.2f} mV'.format(max(zoom_data)-min(zoom_data)),\
elif self.cellName=='mitral':
#plot(timevec, array(self.var)*1000,',-b', label='Sec dend Vm')
plot(timevec, array(self.tuftBaseTable)*1000,'-b',\
label='tuft base', linewidth=plot_linewidth, linestyle='--')
plot(timevec, array(self.tuftTable)*1000,'-g',\
label='tuft', linewidth=plot_linewidth, linestyle='-.')
################ Paper figure 2
if nerve_shock:
fig2 = figure(figsize=(columnwidth/2.0,linfig_height/2.0),dpi=300,facecolor='w') # 'none' is transparent
ax = fig2.add_subplot(111)
plot(timevec, self.somaVm,'-k', label='soma', linewidth=linewidth, linestyle='-') # ms and mV
plot(timevec, array(self.tuftBaseTable)*1000,'-b',\
label='tuft base', linewidth=linewidth, linestyle='--')
sizex=3,labelx='3 ms',sizey=20,labely='20 mV',\
ax.set_xlim(SETTLETIME*1000-10,(SETTLETIME+15e-3)*1000) #ms
#plot(timevec, self.var,',-b', label='Gk')
if self.Vclamp:
plot(timevec, self.synITable,'g-,')
title("synapse current")
xlabel('time (ms)',fontsize='large')
ylabel('I (A)',fontsize='large')
plot(timevec, self.PIDITable,'g-,')
title("V clamp current")
xlabel('time (ms)',fontsize='large')
ylabel('I (A)',fontsize='large')
if __name__ == "__main__":
numsyns = int(sys.argv[4])
stagger = False
if numsyns > 1 and sys.argv[6] == 'staggered':
stagger = True
if sys.argv[3]=='Vclamp': Vclamp = True
elif sys.argv[3]=='Iclamp': Vclamp = False
print "You must specify Vclamp or Iclamp. Using Iclamp by default."
Vclamp = False
if sys.argv[2]=='granule_mitral':
libsynname = 'granule_mitral_GABA'
synfactor = GABA_factor*strongsynfactorinh
elif sys.argv[2]=='mitral_granule':
libsynname = mitgran_ampa
synfactor = AMPA_factor
libsynname = sys.argv[2]
synfactor = 1.0
if len(sys.argv)>=8: comp_name = sys.argv[7]
else: comp_name = None
cell = CellTest(cellname=sys.argv[1],pseudosynname=sys.argv[2],libsynname=libsynname,
synfactor=synfactor,Vclamp=Vclamp, numsyns=numsyns,
syntime=float(sys.argv[5]),stagger=stagger, comp_name=comp_name)