<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<neuroml xmlns="http://morphml.org/neuroml/schema"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://morphml.org/neuroml/schema http://www.neuroml.org/NeuroMLValidator/NeuroMLFiles/Schemata/v1.8.0/Level3/NeuroML_Level3_v1.8.0.xsd"
    name = "NeuroML Level 1 file exported from NEURON"

<meta:notes>author: Aditya Gilra adapted from Cleland and Sethupathy 2006.</meta:notes>

  <cell name="PG">
    <meta:notes>Cell: periglomerular morphml written by hand by Aditya.</meta:notes>
    <segments  xmlns="http://morphml.org/morphml/schema"> <!-- Changing the namespace from neuroml to morphml-->
<!-- Section: soma -->
      <segment id="0" name = "soma" cable = "0">
        <proximal x="0" y="0" z="0" diameter="8"/>
        <distal x="8" y="0" z="0" diameter="8"/>
<!-- Section: dendrites -->
      <segment id="1" name = "dend0" parent="0" cable = "1">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="8" y="0" z="0" diameter="1"/>
        <distal x="28" y="0" z="0" diameter="1"/>
      <segment id="2" name = "dend1" parent="0" cable = "2">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="8" y="0" z="0" diameter="1"/>
        <distal x="8" y="20" z="0" diameter="1"/>
      <segment id="3" name = "spineneck0" parent="1" cable = "3">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="28" y="0" z="0" diameter="0.1"/>
        <distal x="28.5" y="0" z="0" diameter="0.1"/>
      <segment id="4" name = "spinehead0" parent="3" cable = "4">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="28.5" y="0" z="0" diameter="1"/>
        <distal x="29" y="0" z="0" diameter="1"/>
      <segment id="5" name = "spineneck1" parent="2" cable = "5">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="8" y="20" z="0" diameter="0.1"/>
        <distal x="8" y="20.5" z="0" diameter="0.1"/>
      <segment id="6" name = "spinehead1" parent="5" cable = "6">  <!-- Connected at 1 on parent section: soma  -->
        <proximal x="8" y="20.5" z="0" diameter="1"/>
        <distal x="8" y="21" z="0" diameter="1"/>
    <cables  xmlns="http://morphml.org/morphml/schema"> <!-- Changing namespace from neuroml to morphml-->
      <cable id="0" name="soma"/>
      <cable id="1" name="dend0"/>
      <cable id="2" name="dend1"/>
      <cable id="3" name="spineneck0"/>
      <cable id="4" name="spinehead0"/>
      <cable id="5" name="spineneck1"/>
      <cable id="6" name="spinehead1"/>
      <cablegroup name="all"> 
        <cable id = "0"/>
        <cable id = "1"/>
        <cable id = "2"/>
        <cable id = "3"/>
        <cable id = "4"/>
        <cable id = "5"/>
        <cable id = "6"/>
      <cablegroup name="somagroup"> 
        <cable id = "0"/>
      <cablegroup name="dendrites"> 
        <cable id = "1"/>
        <cable id = "2"/>
      <cablegroup name="periphery"> 
        <cable id = "1"/>
        <cable id = "2"/>
        <cable id = "3"/>
        <cable id = "4"/>
        <cable id = "5"/>
        <cable id = "6"/>
      <cablegroup name="spineheads"> 
        <cable id = "4"/>
        <cable id = "6"/>
      <biophysics units='Physiological Units'>
        <!-- Note: values of cond dens are different in NEURON and phy units-->
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' passive_conductance='true' type='Channel Mechanism' name='pas'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='0.03'> <!-- 30 ms time constant with CM=1microF/cm^2 -->
          <bio:parameter name='e' value='-65'>
        <bio:spec_capacitance xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema'>
          <bio:parameter value='1'>
        <bio:spec_axial_resistance xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema'>
          <bio:parameter value='0.2'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Channel Mechanism' name='Na_rat_ms'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='100'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='20'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Channel Mechanism' name='KDR_ms'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='50'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='10'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Channel Mechanism' name='Ih_cb'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='5'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='5'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Channel Mechanism' name='TCa_rat_ag'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='4'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='4'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Channel Mechanism' name='KA_ms'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='40'>
          <bio:parameter name='gmax' value='40'>
        <bio:mechanism xmlns:bio='http://morphml.org/biophysics/schema' type='Ion Concentration' name='Ca_mit_conc'>
          <bio:parameter name='depth' value='0.125'>
          <bio:parameter name='depth' value='0.125'>
          <bio:parameter name='depth' value='0.125'>