<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<channelml xmlns="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema" 
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema  http://www.neuroml.org/NeuroMLValidator/NeuroMLFiles/Schemata/v1.8.1/Level2/ChannelML_v1.8.1.xsd"
    units="SI Units">

    <meta:notes>A channel from Maex, R and De Schutter, E. Synchronization of Golgi and Granule Cell Firing in a 
    Detailed Network Model of the Cerebellar Granule Cell Layer</meta:notes>
    <channel_type name="Gran_CaHVA_98">
        <status value="stable">
            <meta:comment>Verified equivalence of NEURON and GENESIS mapping to orig GENESIS impl from www.tnb.ua.ac.be.</meta:comment>
            <meta:comment>Updated to post v1.7.3 new ChannelML format</meta:comment>
                <meta:name>Padraig Gleeson</meta:name>
        <meta:notes>A High Voltage Activated Ca2+ channel</meta:notes>
                <meta:name>Maex, R.</meta:name>
                <meta:name>De Schutter, E.</meta:name>
                <meta:name>Padraig Gleeson</meta:name>
                <meta:email>p.gleeson - at - ucl.ac.uk</meta:email>

           <meta:fullTitle>Maex, R and De Schutter, E. 
           Synchronization of Golgi and Granule Cell Firing in a Detailed Network Model of the 
           cerebellar Granule Cell Layer. J Neurophysiol, Nov 1998; 80: 2521 - 2537</meta:fullTitle>

           <meta:modelName>Calcium channels</meta:modelName>
        <current_voltage_relation cond_law="ohmic" 
                                  fixed_erev="yes">  <!-- In the orig model, [Ca] alterations didn't alter erev for channel from 80mV -->
            <q10_settings q10_factor="3" experimental_temp="17.350264793"/>
            <offset value="0.010"/>
            <gate name="m" instances="2">
                <closed_state id="m0"/>
                <open_state id="m"/>
                <transition name="alpha" from="m0" to="m" expr_form="sigmoid" rate="1600" scale="-0.01388888889" midpoint="0.005" />
                <transition name="beta" from="m" to="m0" expr_form="exp_linear" rate="100" scale="-0.005" midpoint="-0.0089" />
            <gate name="h" instances="1">
                <closed_state id="h0"/>
                <open_state id="h"/>
                <!-- Aditya removed the "condition; iftrue; iffalse" type of expression, as it is not a valid python expression -->
                <transition name="alpha" from="h0" to="h" expr_form="generic" expr="5 * (exp (-50 * (v - (-0.060))))" />
                <transition name="beta" from="h" to="h0" expr_form="generic" expr="5 - (5 * (exp (-50 * (v - (-0.060)))))" />