<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<channelml xmlns="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema" 
           xsi:schemaLocation="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema  ../../../../NeuroMLValidator/web/NeuroMLFiles/Schemata/v1.8.0/Level2/ChannelML_v1.8.0.xsd" 
           units="Physiological Units">

    <meta:notes>ChannelML file based on Traub et al. 2003</meta:notes>

    <channel_type name="cal" density="yes">
        <status value="stable">            
            <meta:comment>Verified equivalence of NEURON and GENESIS mapping to orig NEURON mod impl at 0.02ms dt with current pulse (but 0.002 is better), bearing in mind changes to original mod mentioned below</meta:comment>
            <meta:issue>In original mod, m is initialised to 0, as opposed to minf at t=0. ChannelML impl corrects this</meta:issue>
            <meta:issue>In original mod ca is the ion transmitted through the channel (so internal conc is changed), but reversal potential of calcium (eca) isn't used in current calculation</meta:issue>
                <meta:name>Yoana Dimitrova</meta:name>
                <meta:name>Padraig Gleeson</meta:name>
        <meta:notes>High threshold, long lasting Calcium L-type current. Based on NEURON port of FRB L2/3 model from Traub et al 2003. Same channel used in Traub et al 2005</meta:notes>
                <meta:name>Maciej Lazarewicz</meta:name>
                <meta:comment>Conversion of FORTRAN model to NEURON. See Traub et al 2003 for detailed origin of channels</meta:comment>
                <meta:name>Roger D Traub</meta:name>
                <meta:comment>Conversion of FORTRAN model to NEURON. See Traub et al 2003 for detailed origin of channels</meta:comment>
                <meta:name>Padraig Gleeson</meta:name>
                <meta:email>p.gleeson - at - ucl.ac.uk</meta:email>
                <meta:name>Yoana Dimitrova</meta:name>

            <meta:fullTitle>Roger D. Traub, Eberhard H. Buhl, Tengis Gloveli, and Miles A. Whittington                
Fast Rhythmic Bursting Can Be Induced in Layer 2/3 Cortical Neurons by Enhancing Persistent Na+ Conductance or by Blocking BK Channels
J Neurophysiol 89: 909-921, 2003</meta:fullTitle>

            <meta:fullTitle>Roger D. Traub, Diego Contreras, Mark O. Cunningham, Hilary Murray, Fiona E. N. LeBeau, Anita Roopun, Andrea Bibbig, W. Bryan Wilent, Michael J. Higley, and Miles A. Whittington
Single-column thalamocortical network model exhibiting gamma oscillations, sleep spindles, and epileptogenic bursts.
J. Neurophysiol. 93, 2194-2232, 2005</meta:fullTitle>
            <meta:modelName>Calcium channels</meta:modelName>
            <meta:modelName>Mechanisms of fast rhythmic bursting in a layer 2/3 cortical neuron (Traub et al 2003)</meta:modelName>

            <meta:modelName>A single column thalamocortical network model (Traub et al 2005)</meta:modelName>

        <current_voltage_relation cond_law="ohmic" ion="ca" default_gmax="0.5" default_erev="125" charge="2" fixed_erev="yes">
            <gate name="m" instances="2">
                <closed_state id="m0"/>
                <open_state id="m" fraction="1"/>
                     <!-- An *incorrect* initialisation value for this, in order to compare to original mod file. Normally ignored-->
                <initialisation value="0"/> 
                <transition name="alpha" from="m0" to="m" expr_form="sigmoid" rate="1.6" scale="-13.888889" midpoint="5" />
                <transition name="beta" from="m" to="m0" expr_form="exp_linear" rate="0.1" scale="-5" midpoint="-8.9" />

            <comment>Using broad range of voltages for sufficient coverage</comment>
            <table_settings max_v="60" min_v="-120" table_divisions="741"/>