#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
### This program plots a channel's state variables / hinf, htau etc. as a function of voltage.
mechanism_names = [
'Na_rat_ms','KDR_ms','KA_ms', # migliore and shepherd
'TCa_d','Ih_cb', # PG cell of Cleland and Sethupathy uses channels from various places
#'Gran_CaHVA_98','cal'] # extra channels from neuroConstruct examples
mechanism_vars = [
# index of the mechanism to test in above arrays.
test_mechanism_index = 8
import sys
import math
# The PYTHONPATH should contain the location of moose.py and _moose.so
# files. Putting ".." with the assumption that moose.py and _moose.so
# has been generated in ${MOOSE_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/pymoose/ (as default
# pymoose build does) and this file is located in
# ${MOOSE_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/pymoose/examples
import moose
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: Could not import moose. Please add the directory containing moose.py in your PYTHONPATH"
import sys
from mooseConstants import *
from load_channels import *
from pylab import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
idx = test_mechanism_index
for varidx in range(len(mechanism_vars[idx])/2): # loop over each inf and tau i.e. two elements of mechanism_vars[idx] at a time
var = ['x','y','z'][varidx]
gate = moose.HHGate('/library/'+mechanism_names[idx]+'/'+var+'Gate')
VMIN = gate.A.xmin
VMAX = gate.A.xmax
NDIVS = gate.A.xdivs # will use same VMIN, VMAX and NDIVS for A and B tables.
vrange = [VMIN+i*dv for i in range(NDIVS+1)]
plot(vrange,[gate.A[i]/gate.B[i] for i in range(NDIVS+1)],'b-,') # Assume A and B have corresponding number of entries
title('state variable '+mechanism_vars[idx][2*varidx]+' of '+mechanism_names[idx]+' vs Voltage (V)')
plot(vrange,[1.0/gate.B[i] for i in range(NDIVS+1)],'b-,')
title('state variable '+mechanism_vars[idx][2*varidx+1]+' of '+mechanism_names[idx]+' vs Voltage (V)')