## python2.6 generate_firefiles_gran_baseline.py <invitro|noresp>
## no extra arg for invivo, use extra arg for invitro and noresp options
import sys
from networkConstants import * # for gran_spines
from stimuliConstants import *
from neuro_utils import *
from pylab import * # part of matplotlib that depends on numpy but not scipy
from generate_firerates_odors import *
from generate_firefiles_odors import *
## granule baseline firing - write files
def gran_files(mit_base_rate, filebase, invitro_str):
### Seed only if called directly, else do not seed.
### Also seeding this way ensures seeding after importing other files that may set seeds.
### Thus this seed overrides other seeds.
seed([100.0]) ##### Seed numpy's random number generator.
for i in range(MAXNUMAVG_GRANS):
firefilename = filebase+\
firefile = open(firefilename,'w')
for num in range(num_gran_baseline_files):
#### for each spine on the granule,
#### make a mitral fire at a baseline rate (slightly varied randomly).
#ornstimvector_merged = []
## there will be at least one non-baseline synapse connected already.
#for i in range(gran_spines-1):
# mit_base_f_rand = uniform(mit_base_rate*0.75,mit_base_rate*1.25)
# ornstimvector = poissonTrain(MAXRUNTIME+SETTLETIME,\
# mit_base_f_rand,REFRACTORY) # from moose_utils.py
# ornstimvector_merged.extend(ornstimvector)
#firefile.write(' '.join([str(t) for t in ornstimvector_merged])+'\n')
### instead of merging and sorting large number of granules,
### (smaller variance due to averaging);
### just generate the full baseline excitation to granule
### with frate as gaussian/normal with variance ~= mean
### roughly matches Carleton (in vitro) & Cang&Isaacson (in vivo)
gran_base_rate = mit_base_rate*(gran_spines-1)
gran_base_f_rand = normal(gran_base_rate,sqrt(gran_base_rate))
if gran_base_f_rand<0: gran_base_f_rand = 0
ornstimvector = poissonTrain(MAXRUNTIME+SETTLETIME,\
gran_base_f_rand,REFRACTORY) # from moose_utils.py
firefile.write(' '.join([str(t) for t in ornstimvector])+'\n')
print "wrote ", firefilename
def gran_files_resp(filebase, extrastr, weight, showfig):
### Seed only if called directly, else do not seed.
### Also seeding this way ensures seeding after importing other files that may set seeds.
### Thus this seed overrides other seeds.
seed([100.0]) ##### Seed numpy's random number generator.
delay = delay_mean
risetime = risetime_mean
duration = duration_mean
######### get double sigmoid params
spread2_factor = 4.0 # not used presently
spread1, center2, spread2 = \
compute_dblsigmoid_params(risetime, duration, spread2_factor)
#spread2 = spread2_factor*spread1
########## shift curve to include latency
## I had taken center1 = 0.0, now shift the curve
## so that t=0 is actually where first sigmoid is 0.05*peak
## and then add the delay / latency to it!
offset = - invert_dblsigmoid(0.0, spread1, center2, spread2, 0.05) + delay
odorparamsR_e = [ gran_baseline_for_resp_tuning ]
odorparamsR_e.extend( [offset, spread1, center2+offset, spread2] )
## inhibition kicks in 200ms later, delay_mean above is 154ms
delay = 200e-3+delay_mean # ms
risetime = risetime_mean
duration = duration_mean/1.5
######### get double sigmoid params
spread2_factor = 4.0 # not used presently
spread1, center2, spread2 = \
compute_dblsigmoid_params(risetime, duration, spread2_factor)
#spread2 = spread2_factor*spread1
########## shift curve to include latency
## I had taken center1 = 0.0, now shift the curve
## so that t=0 is actually where first sigmoid is 0.05*peak
## and then add the delay / latency to it!
offset = - invert_dblsigmoid(0.0, spread1, center2, spread2, 0.05) + delay
odorparamsR_i = [ gran_baseline_for_resp_tuning ]
odorparamsR_i.extend( [offset, spread1, center2+offset, spread2] )
kernelR = getkernel(odorparamsR_e,odorparamsR_i)
frate = float(weight) * (
receptorFiringRate(0, 1.0, 0, \
kernelR, kernelR, kernelR) \
+ gran_baseline_apart_from_resp_tuning
plot(firingtsteps, frate, color=(1,0,0), marker=',')
## Take the last respiration period from the end and integrate
lastfrate = frate[-int(RESPIRATION/FIRINGFILLDT):]
frateavg = sum([fratei*FIRINGFILLDT for fratei in lastfrate]) / RESPIRATION
print "Average firing rate for respiratory tuned response is",frateavg
firefilename = filebase+'/firetimes_gran_baseline'+extrastr+'_'
## RUNTIME is defined in simset_odor.py imported via generate_firefiles_odors.py
for i in range(MAXNUMAVG_GRANS):
## write_odor_files() is in generate_firefiles.py
ornstimvector_merged = write_odor_files(num_gran_baseline_files,
frate, firefilename+str(i), RUNTIME, firingtsteps,
vary=(frateavg,sqrt(frateavg)) )
if showfig:
ratebins = [rate/float(num_gran_baseline_files)\
for rate in plotBins(ornstimvector_merged, respbins, RUNTIME, SETTLETIME)]
plot(tlist, ratebins, marker=',')
if __name__ == "__main__":
## seed for every function separately
filebase = '../firefiles/firefiles_baseline'
#filebase = '../firefiles/firefiles_whitenoise'
#filebase = '../firefiles/firefiles_variedinh'
if len(sys.argv)>1:
arg1 = sys.argv[1]
if arg1=='invitro':
### granule baseline firing in vitro
### gran_files has a loop of gran_spines iterations
### that effectively makes firing rate = mit_base_f_invitro*gran_spines
gran_files(mit_base_f_invitro, filebase, '_invitro')
elif arg1=='noresp':
### granule baseline firing in vivo :
### for activity-dep inhibition & random pulses for tracheotomized rat
### constant rate
### gran_files has a loop of gran_spines iterations
### that effectively makes firing rate = mit_base_f*gran_spines
gran_files(mit_base_f, filebase, '_noresp')
gran_files(extraexc_factor*mit_base_f, filebase, '_noresp_extra')
print "Unrecognized param",arg1
### In vivo, we have a constant baseline firing and a respiratory tuned firing on top of it,
### since average mitral response is respiration tuned - see network_constants.py
### mean is roughly 34-35Hz when the weight (2nd param below) is 1.0
gran_files_resp(filebase, '', 1.0, showfig=False)
gran_files_resp(filebase, '_extra', extraexc_factor, showfig=False)