#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
import math
import pickle
from NeuroML_writer import *
from networkConstants import *
from stimuliConstants import *
from pylab import * # part of matplotlib that depends on numpy but not scipy
from load_channels import *
from load_synapses import *
from load_cells import *
from data_utils import * # has mpi import and variables
import collections # for defaultdict() to count number of occurences of items in a list.
#### USAGE
# (from node000) mpiexec -machinefile ~/hostfile -n <numprocs> ~/Python-2.6.4/bin/python2.6 generate_neuroMl.py [args]
# OR
# python2.6 generate_neuroMl.py [2MITS|2GLOMS] [INVITRO]
## Use the 2MITS option if you want to study connectivity / inhibition between sisters:
## use a small MIT_DISTANCE for 2MITS, else PGs would not be present above mit1;
## set mitralidx=0 and mitralsidekickidx=1 (in networkConstants.py) for 2MITS.
## Use 2GLOMS option for non-sisters which retains mit0 and mit2 of glom0 and glom1:
## But no choice here of distal connection between two gloms --
## mimic in sim by reversing mit0 and mit2;
## set mitralidx=0 and mitralsidekickidx=2 (in networkConstants.py) for 2GLOMS.
##### The two values below set randomization for synapses and mitral somas.
##### These are actually simulation parameters.
##### but I want all randomization only at generator level, not during simulation.
if 'MAXSYNS' in sys.argv: ## deprecated
# While testing EPSPs, I just use the largest synaptic weights MAX_SYNS=True,
# to set the max EPSP height below the threshold.
# Of course KA is still varied to get async granule firing -
# just syn weights variation also gives async granule firing.
# However varied KA causes no discernible difference to the cells soma EPSP!?.
MAX_SYNS = False
## Na gmax in soma is randomized ## could not be implemented easily using NeuroML, so ditched!!!
RANDOMIZE_MITRALS = False #True ## deprecated
# synapses can be sprinkled isotropically in the mitral dendritic area,
# and connected to the nearest mitral lateral segment.
# OR have 10^4 synapses equiprobable on the lateral dendrites
# and connect each mitral segment to its closest granules.
if 'ISOTROPIC' in sys.argv: ## deprecated
if '2GLOMS' in sys.argv: ## two non-sister mitrals - see USAGE above
NUM_GLOMS = 2 # num of modeled gloms
central_glom = 0
#DIRECTED_CONNS = [None,None,0,None,None,None]
DIRECTED_CONNS = [None,None,None,0,0,None]
#DIRECTED_CONNS = [None,None,None,None] ## Not directed for activity-dep inh
## club GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES number of single granules together
mitdistancestr = '_mitdist'+str(mit_distance)
print "Distance between mit0 and mit2 is",mit_distance,"microns."
MIT_DISTANCE = mit_distance*1e-6 # meters # distance between the two non-sister mitrals
elif '2MITS' in sys.argv: ## 2 sister mitrals ## deprecated - use 2GLOMS above
NUM_GLOMS = 1 # num of modeled gloms - see USAGE above
central_glom = 0
#DIRECTED_CONNS = [None,None] ## Not directed for activity-dep inh
GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES = 10 # club GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES number of single granules together
GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS = 1 # we need enough joints to average over - do not club them
## don't increase beyond 50 (max 100) microns, as the PGs will not be above mit1.
mitdistancestr = '_mitdist'+str(mit_distance)
print "Distance between mit0 and mit1 is",mit_distance,"microns."
MIT_DISTANCE = mit_distance*1e-6 # meters # distance between the two sister mitrals
mitdistancestr = ''
if 'INVITRO' in sys.argv:
## half the granules are lost in slicing :
## look at my old pre-CNS simulations with various r-dependent connectivity.
## even for columns, I assume half of the granules on the prim dend will die.
## Instead of half the number of syns, we prune grans more than healthy_slice_width away in y.
#mit_syns = mit_syns/2 # half of mitral synapses are lost in slice
else: INVITRO = False
synconnfilenamebase = '../netfiles/syn_conn_array_'+str(mit_syns)+\
synconnfilenamebase += '_directed'+str(FRAC_DIRECTED)
synconnfilenamebase += '_proximal'
synconnfilenamebase += '_distal'
if mpisize>1:
manyprocs = True
synconnfilenamebase += '_proc'+str(mpirank)
else: manyprocs = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
synconnfilenamebase += '_'+arg
print "Generating", synconnfilenamebase, "with MAX_SYNS =",MAX_SYNS,\
class ConnGenerator():
def __init__(self):
self.AMPA_factor = AMPA_factor
self.NMDA_factor = NMDA_factor
self.GABA_factor = GABA_factor
self.num_grans = 0
# use "micrometer" just for length, but use SI elsewhere.
self.xmlwriter = NeuroML_writer(length_units="micrometer",units="SI Units")
self.xmlwriter.note(self.xmlwriter.neuroml,"Fully instantiated network model of Olfactory Bulb"+\
" by Aditya Gilra, NCBS, Bangalore, India, 2010.")
# synchan_activation_correction depends on SIMDT hence typically passed all the way down
# to granule_mitral_GABA synapse from the top level
# But here these synapses are loaded just to load the cells,
# which are loaded to get potential synaptic locations.
self.cellSegmentDict = load_cells()
### parse the cellSegmentDict returned above to fill in segment lists
### that specify potential granule_mitral and PG_mitral synapses
print "Total dendritic length for mit|-->gran syns is",self.lateral_length*1e6,"microns."
self.mitral_z = MITRAL_Z # all mitral somas are in a layer at this z
self.granule_z = GRANULE_Z # all granule somas are in a layer at this z
# all PG somas are in a layer at this z
# I placed them slightly higher than mitrals for easy visualization
self.PG_z = PG_Z
self.PGDict = {}
self.granuleSinglesTable = [] # 1D array of loaded single granules, x,y,z in meters
self.granuleJointsTable = [] # 1D array of loaded joint granules, x,y,z in meters
self.granuleMultisTable = [] # 1D array of loaded multi granules, x,y,z in meters
print "Total number of initial granules = ",self.num_grans
print "Clubbed mitrals."
print "Clubbed granules."
print "Wrote file ", synconnfilenamebase+".xml"
def make_gran_conn_arrays(self):
makes a virtual 2D array (virtual=not all will be modeled) of granules
makes arrays which will hold the connections between the mitral and granules
see comments next to each array in the function definition
direct connection to a virtual granule is from to be modeled mitrals i.e. first two in each glom
indirect connection to a virtual granule is from NOT to be modeled mitrals
i.e. sister mitrals of the first two in each glom
## we require enough granules for gloms up to mit_dend_r radial spread about the central glom,
## and then mit_dend_r for the glom at the edge which can be upto glom_r away
## and then enough for granule dendrites at the boundaries.
## connection array is a 3D array [granx, grany, glomnum] which contains
## whether there is a synapse between indexed granule and indexed mitral:
## stores mitral indices as a list
## below: perturbation of gran_dend_r is added to synaptic distribution:
## have enough slots in array
granindexsize = int((4*mit_dend_r+2*glom_r+2*gran_dend_r)/gran_spacing)+1
## numpy 3D array initialized to None to hold connection lists
self.connArray = empty( (granindexsize, granindexsize, NUM_GLOMS), dtype=object )
## The entry is one if a granule has been created, else None.
self.granArray = empty( (granindexsize, granindexsize), dtype=object )
## numpy 3D array initialized to None-s to hold direct mitral connections
self.directConnArray = empty( (granindexsize, granindexsize, NUM_GLOMS*MIT_SISTERS), dtype=object )
## numpy 3D array initialized to 0-s to hold indirect mitral connections
self.indirectConnArray = zeros( (granindexsize, granindexsize, NUM_GLOMS), dtype=float32 )
self.gran_xmaxindex = granindexsize
self.gran_ymaxindex = granindexsize
self.gran_xmidindex = granindexsize/2 # integer division
self.gran_ymidindex = granindexsize/2 # integer division
print "Made the conn array 3D size: ", granindexsize, granindexsize, NUM_GLOMS
def make_and_xmlwrite_mitrals_and_virtualconnect_to_granules_PGs(self):
Makes a virtual number (not all are modeled) of mitrals per glom
and connects all of them to the virtual granules (not all modeled)
XML writes only two mitrals per glom which will be
finally modeled into the the neuroml model.
self.glom_positions = [(0.0,0.0)]*NUM_GLOMS
self.mitral_positions = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)]*(2*NUM_GLOMS)
## set the central glom's mitral cells 0 and 1
## Need to set these first because
## rest of the gloms must overlap these mitrals, if distal connections.
for mitnum in [0,1]:
if not TWOMITS and not TWOGLOMS:
mitralx = uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
mitraly = uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
mitralzrotation = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
## mit 0's position is at origin if TWOMITS or TWOGLOMS
if mitnum == 0:
mitralx = 0.0
mitraly = 0.0
mitralzrotation = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
## mit 1's position separated by MIT_DISTANCE if TWOMITS
mitralx = 0.0 + MIT_DISTANCE
mitraly = 0.0
# rotate the central mit1 so that its dendrite overlaps with mit0 soma,
# else random rotation.
while True:
mitralzrotation = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
# important to not have 'else: break' clause for below!
if self.dend_thru_central_mit(DIRECTED_CONNS[mitnum],\
mitralx, mitraly, mitralzrotation):
else: break
## mit1's position is random if TWOGLOMS
mitralx = uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
mitraly = uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
mitralzrotation = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
self.mitral_positions[central_glom*2+mitnum] = (mitralx,mitraly,mitralzrotation)
## generate positions of centers of other gloms, mitral positions in another loop after this.
for glomnum in range(NUM_GLOMS):
## central_glom by default (above initialization) has position (0.0,0.0)
## set positions for other gloms
if glomnum != central_glom:
## for distal connections and directed, place the other glom
## on central mit dend, ensuring distance = MIT_DISTANCE.
while True:
glomx = uniform(-mit_dend_r/2.0, mit_dend_r/2.0)
## set glomy to get lat glom MIT_DISTANCE from central glom
if abs(glomx)>MIT_DISTANCE: continue
glomy = sqrt(MIT_DISTANCE**2 - glomx**2)
if self.glom_on_centralmit_dendrites(glomnum, glomx, glomy):
glomx = 0.0 + MIT_DISTANCE
glomy = 0.0
## ensure that other gloms do not step on the central one.
## if distal connections, ensure that other gloms
## fall on central_glom's mit0 or mit1 's lateral dendrites
while True:
## repeat until this glom is far enough away from central glom
## force positions of first two gloms to be near central glom
## essentially to check differential inhibition odor responses.
if NEAR_2GLOMS and glomnum in [1,2]:
glomx = uniform(-glom_r*2.0, glom_r*2.0)
glomy = uniform(-glom_r*2.0, glom_r*2.0)
glomx = uniform(-mit_dend_r/2.0, mit_dend_r/2.0)
glomy = uniform(-mit_dend_r/2.0, mit_dend_r/2.0)
## repeat until this glom is far enough away from central glom
if abs(glomx) > glom_r and abs(glomy) > glom_r:
## Distal directed connections
## ensure that other gloms lie on central glom's lateral dendrite
## important to not have 'else: break' clause for below!
if self.glom_on_centralmit_dendrites(glomnum, glomx, glomy):
else: break
self.glom_positions[glomnum] = (glomx,glomy)
### xmlwrite the mitral cells and make the PG and granules connections.
### Each glom has its constellation of clubbed PG cells. For PGs I club first and then connect
### as I do not assume differential excitation of PG cells within a glomerulus.
self.PGConnArray = empty( (NUM_GLOMS, PGindexsize, PGindexsize), dtype=object )
for glomnum in range(NUM_GLOMS):
glomx,glomy = self.glom_positions[glomnum]
for mitralnum in range(mits_per_glom):
print "generating for glomerulus ", glomnum, " mitral ", mitralnum
# Do not generate mitral positions for the central glom's mit0 and mit1.
if glomnum == central_glom and mitralnum in [0,1]:
mitralx,mitraly,mitralzrotation = self.mitral_positions[2*glomnum + mitralnum]
if TWOGLOMS and PROXIMAL_CONNECTION and mitralnum==0:
## if proximal, set mit2 exactly MIT_DISTANCE away
## actually, even for this, I should set mit3,
## else jitter in tuftinh with distance.
mitralx = glomx
mitraly = glomy
elif TWOGLOMS and not PROXIMAL_CONNECTION and mitralnum==1:
## if distal, set mit3 exactly MIT_DISTANCE away
mitralx = glomx
mitraly = glomy
mitralx = glomx + uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
mitraly = glomy + uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
## generate mitral rotation about z-axis
dend_on_centralmit_iter = 0
good_factor = 3.0 ## first aim for at least 3*gran_dend_r
## within rectangle of side 2*gran_dend_r
while True:
mitralzrotation = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
## if DIRECTED, for every mit0, mit1 of
## glomerulus other than central glom,
## ensure it intersects with central mit's soma.
if DIRECTED and PROXIMAL_CONNECTION and mitralnum in [0,1]:
centralmitnum = DIRECTED_CONNS[glomnum*2+mitralnum]
if centralmitnum is None: break
## important to not have 'else: break' clause for below!
if self.dend_thru_central_mit(centralmitnum,\
mitralx, mitraly, mitralzrotation, good_factor):
else: break
dend_on_centralmit_iter += 1
## reduce the fitting factor by 0.1 if not finding a good enough overlap.
if (dend_on_centralmit_iter%1000)==0:
good_factor -= 0.1
if good_factor<2.5: print "Not such good overlap, factor =",good_factor
if mitralnum in [0,1]:
self.mitral_positions[glomnum*2+mitralnum] = (mitralx,mitraly,mitralzrotation)
## xml file has lengths in microns, hence 1e6 factor,
## mitrals' somas are 300 microns above granules' somas
### Presently apart from translation, there is no way
### to tweak some parts of a cell in neuroml
# for NaChanID in get_matching_children(mitralsoma, ['Na']):
# NaChan = moose.HHChannel(NaChanID)
# NaChan.Gbar = NaChan.Gbar*uniform(1.0-SYN_VARIATION,1.0+SYN_VARIATION)
# #mitral._mitralDendNa.Gbar = mitral._mitralDendNa.Gbar*\
# # uniform(1.0-SYN_VARIATION,1.0+SYN_VARIATION)
##### Connect randomly uniformly to PGs in the glom.
self.PGConnect(glomx, glomy, glomnum, mitralnum)
self.granuleConnect(mitralx, mitraly, glomnum, mitralnum, mitralzrotation, 1.0)
## after generating the positions of mitrals,
## and connecting mitrals randomly,
## connect some already created granules (will be mostly singles)
## directed-ly between centralmit and other mitrals (either proximally or distally).
#### NOTE: granuleConnect allows multiple same-mit |--> same-gran connections
#### But granuleConnectDirected does not
## connect the directed joints for modelled mitrals only
for mitnum in range(NUM_GLOMS*MIT_SISTERS):
if DIRECTED and (DIRECTED_CONNS[mitnum] is not None):
centralmitnum = DIRECTED_CONNS[mitnum]
print "connecting directed joints between mitral", mitnum,\
"and central mitral",centralmitnum
def good_dendritic_overlap(self, sqdistances, sqdistcutoff,\
seglengths, min_length, num_segs = None):
The total length of all the segments within sqdistcutoff in sqdistances
should be > min_length (if num_segs is None) to qualify as good overlap.
If num_segs is not None, num_segs number of segments must lie within sqdistcutoff.
goodsegidxs = where(array(sqdistances)<sqdistcutoff)[0]
if len( goodsegidxs ) > 0:
## if num_segs is None, check if total length is sufficient
if num_segs is None:
goodseglengths = array(seglengths)[goodsegidxs]
if sum(goodseglengths)>min_length:
return True
else: return False
## else just check if number of segments is sufficient
elif len( goodsegidxs ) >= num_segs:
return True
else: return False
else: return False
def glom_on_centralmit_dendrites(self, glomnum, glomx, glomy):
centralmitnum is DIRECTED_CONNS[mitnum], where mitnum is mit0 of glomnum.
if (glomx,glomy) lie on central mitral's lateral dendrite, return True else False
at least two segments of centralmitnum's
lateral dendrites must be within glom_r of the (glomx,glomy)
See also odor_responses.py:
Lower half of gloms receive only odor A, upper half receive only odor B.
centralmitnum = DIRECTED_CONNS[2*glomnum]
## for 2GLOMS, mit3 (not mit2) is dir onto mit0, see DIRECTED_CONNS at top of file
if centralmitnum is None: centralmitnum = DIRECTED_CONNS[2*glomnum+1]
mitx, mity, mitzrot = self.mitral_positions[centralmitnum]
distances = []
seglengths = []
for (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia) \
in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
segx,segy = self.rotate((segx1+segx2)/2.0,(segy1+segy2)/2.0,mitzrot)
## do not include z in the distance calculation since:
## 1) it was not used while assigning the granule connections,
## 2) if z is used, it creates inward pointing granule-mitral connections (towards mitral center).
dist = sqrt((glomx-segx-mitx)**2+(glomy-segy-mity)**2)
distances.append( dist )
seglengths.append( seglength )
## the total lengths of segments within glom_dia must be > glom dia.
return self.good_dendritic_overlap(distances, 2*glom_r, seglengths, 2*glom_r)
def dend_thru_central_mit(self, centralmitnum, mitx, mity, mitzrot, goodfactor=2.6):
if enough dendritic length of a mitral at (mitx,mity) with rotation mitzrot lies on
centralmitnum's soma, return True else False
See also odor_responses.py: Lower half of gloms receive only odor A, upper half receive only odor B.
centralmitx, centralmity, centralmitzrot = self.mitral_positions[centralmitnum]
xmin = centralmitx-gran_dend_r
ymin = centralmity-gran_dend_r
xmax = centralmitx+gran_dend_r
ymax = centralmity+gran_dend_r
distances = []
seglengths = []
seglengthwithin = 0.0
for (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia) \
in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
segx1,segy1 = self.rotate(segx1,segy1,mitzrot)
segx2,segy2 = self.rotate(segx2,segy2,mitzrot)
### do not include z in the distance calculation since:
### 1) it was not used while assigning the granule connections,
### 2) if z is used, it creates inward pointing granule-mitral connections (towards mitral center).
### calculate the minimum distance (data_utils.py) from centralmit's soma to this dendritic segment
#dist = minimum_distance((mitx+segx1,mity+segy1),(mitx+segx2,mity+segy2),(centralmitx,centralmity))
#distances.append( dist )
#seglengths.append( seglength )
## only take the length of segments within glom_dend_r of centralmit soma (rectangular region).
accept,x1,y1,x2,y2 = clip_line_to_rectangle(\
if accept: seglengthwithin += norm( array((x1,y1))-array((x2,y2)) )
### a mitral segment may only connect to a granule whose soma is gran_dend_r apart.
### thus, two mitral segments will barely connect via granules if they are 2*gran_dend_r apart.
### 500 micron apart mitrals are not able to satify gran_dend_r/2.0 distance bound
### the total lengths of segments within 1.5*gran_dend_r must be > 3*gran_dend_r
##return self.good_dendritic_overlap(distances, (1.5*gran_dend_r)**2, seglengths, 3*glom_r)
### just one segment within gran_dend_r/2.0 is required
#return self.good_dendritic_overlap(distances, (gran_dend_r/2.0)**2, seglengths, 0.0, num_segs=1)
## The dendritic length across the rectangular patch of side 2*gran_dend_r
## must be at least 2.6*gran_dend_r = good_factor*gran_dend_r.
## A fork in the segments or a near diagonal traversal sqrt(2)=1.4 will achieve this.
## sqrt(2)*2*glom_dend_r = 2.828*glom_dend_r ~= goodfactor*gran_dend_r
if seglengthwithin > goodfactor*gran_dend_r: return True
else: return False
def club_mitrals_prune_granules(self):
This function decimates away the extra mitrals in the glomerulus, keeping only two: 0 and 1.
It populates two arrays: directConnArray and indirectConnArray.
directConnArray[x][y][glomnum*2+0|1] is set to mit_seg_id if granule at x,y
is connected to mitral 0|1 of glomerulus glomnum.
indirectConnArray[x][y][glomnum*2+0|1] is set to the number of mitrals of glomerulus glomnum
that connect to granule at x,y if it is already connected to mitral 0|1.
granArray is pruned to remove non-useful granules that do not connect to mitrals 0|1 of any glomerulus.
If in vitro, granArray is also pruned of those > healthy_slice_width away in y.
#commented# granArray is also pruned of joints that are not between pairs given in DIRECTED_CONNS (networkConstants.py).
healthy_slice_y = int(healthy_slice_width/gran_spacing)
for x in range(self.gran_xmaxindex):
for y in range(self.gran_ymaxindex):
## If no granule here, go to next point in grid.
if self.granArray[x][y] is None:
## if in vitro, prune granules that are more than healthy_slice_width away in y
## mits are separated parallel to slice cut in x
if abs(y-self.gran_ymidindex)>healthy_slice_y:
### If columnar, prune away granules outside a glomerular column (singles, joints and multis)
# xcont=(x-self.gran_xmidindex)*gran_spacing
# ycont=(y-self.gran_ymidindex)*gran_spacing
# # make a list of True/False whether (x,y) falls inside a modeled glomerulus.
# within_column_list = \
# [ abs(self.glom_positions[glomnum][0]-xcont)<=2*glom_r \
# and abs(self.glom_positions[glomnum][1]-ycont)<=2*glom_r \
# for glomnum in range(NUM_GLOMS) ]
# # if granule at (x,y) is not inside a modelled glom,
# # discard it and carry on to next granule
# if True not in within_column_list:
# self.granArray[x][y] == None
# continue
useful = False
gran_conns = {}
for glomnum,glom_mits_segs in enumerate(self.connArray[x][y]):
if glom_mits_segs is not None:
glom_mits, mit_segs = zip(*glom_mits_segs)
glom_mits = list(glom_mits)
mit_segs = list(mit_segs)
granxy_to_mit0 = False
granxy_to_mit1 = False
while True:
## create reciprocal synapses for all the connections between mit0 and this gran
if (0 in glom_mits):
useful = True
## fill in the seg for the mit0
## note that glom_mits and mit_segs are parallel lists: see zip(* ) above
## store the segid of mitral's connection to this gran
mit0_idx = glom_mits.index(0)
if not granxy_to_mit0: # first connection
self.directConnArray[x][y][glomnum*2] = [ mit_segs[mit0_idx] ]
else: # later connections are appended
granxy_to_mit0 = True
## remove the the mitnum and segid from the parallel lists for next round
del glom_mits[mit0_idx]
del mit_segs[mit0_idx]
else: break
while True:
## create reciprocal synapses for all the connections between mit1 and this gran
if (1 in glom_mits):
useful = True
## fill in the seg for the mit0
## note that glom_mits and mit_segs are parallel lists: see zip(* ) above
## store the segid of mitral's connection to this gran
mit1_idx = glom_mits.index(1)
if not granxy_to_mit1: # first connection
self.directConnArray[x][y][glomnum*2+1] = [ mit_segs[mit1_idx] ]
else: # later connections are appended
granxy_to_mit1 = True
## remove the the mitnum and segid from the parallel lists for next round
del glom_mits[mit1_idx]
del mit_segs[mit1_idx]
else: break
## for the connections from unmodelled mitrals of this glom,
## fill up the indirectConnArray.
for mitnum in glom_mits:
## extra excitation from unmodelled mits of this glom is accounted for:
## but reduced by factor mitspread_extraexc_redux to compensate
## that I have not spatially spread the mitrals enough
## (only 100 microns vs 200-300 microns spread - [Sosulski et al 2011])
## while generating the mitral positions above.
self.indirectConnArray[x][y][glomnum] += mitspread_extraexc_redux
if not useful:
self.granArray[x][y] = None # if not connected to a useful mitral, just remove the granule
### prune joints that do not join required mitrals.
# ## where() doesn't work with '!=None' or 'is not None'
# #mitindices = where(self.directConnArray[x][y]!=None)[0]
# mitindices = []
# for i,segid in enumerate(self.directConnArray[x][y]):
# if segid is not None: mitindices.append(i)
# numconns = len(mitindices)
# if numconns == 2 : # jointly connected granules
# mit1index = mitindices[0] # index of the first mitral
# mit2index = mitindices[1] # index of the second mitral
# if DIRECTED_CONNS[mit1index]!=mit2index and DIRECTED_CONNS[mit2index]!=mit1index:
# # if not connected between required mitrals, just remove the granule
# self.granArray[x][y] = None
## after clubbing mitrals and sorting & pruning granules,
## there is no need to keep the detailed connArray.
del self.connArray
def get_seg_pos(self,mitnum,segid):
"""Returns the x,y of the midpoint of the segment segid of mitnum."""
mitx,mity,mitzrot = self.mitral_positions[mitnum]
mitz = self.mitral_z
for seg in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
## seg = (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia)
if segid == seg[0]:
segx = (seg[1][0]+seg[2][0])/2.0
segy = (seg[1][1]+seg[2][1])/2.0
segx,segy = self.rotate(segx,segy,mitzrot)
return mitx+segx,mity+segy
def club_granules(self):
This function parses the directConnArray and indirectConnArray into granules
that only connect to a single useful mitral, or to two mitrals, or to more than two mitrals.
granuleSinglesTable is a list of (x,y, mitindex, (mit_segment_id,num_conns), gran_segment_id, extra_excitation):
each of which represents a clubbed granule
i.e. GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES number of single granules connected to mitindex.
x,y is the position of the last granule out of those clubbed.
mit_segment_id is the first segment in the list of segments
at which mitindex is connected to the above last granule.
num_conns are the number of connections between mitindex and ALL clubbed granules.
extra_excitation is the average coherent excitation
that a clubbed granule receives from sister mitrals i.e. belonging to the same glomerulus.
granuleJointsTable clubs granule connected to two mitrals. It is a list of:
(x,y, mitindex1, (mit1_segment_id,num_conns1), gran_segment_id1, extraexc_from_mit1sisters,\
mitindex2, (mit2_segment_id,num_conns2), gran_segment_id2, extraexc_from_mit2sisters)
granuleMultisTable does not club granules connected to multiple i.e. > 2 mitrals
as the combinatorics is too much to be useful for clubbing.
It is a list of single granules each of the form:
gransnumarray = [0]*nummits # singles number
joints = 0 # joints number
multis = 0 # multiply connected number
clubnumarray = [0]*nummits
excnumarray = [0]*nummits
clubnumarray_twos = zeros((nummits,nummits,2), dtype=float32)
excnumarray_twos = zeros((nummits,nummits,2), dtype=float32)
for x in range(self.gran_xmaxindex):
for y in range(self.gran_ymaxindex):
## If no granule here, go to next point in grid.
if self.granArray[x][y] is None:
## where() doesn't work with '!=None' or 'is not None'
#mitindices = where(self.directConnArray[x][y]!=None)[0]
mitindices = []
for i,segids in enumerate(self.directConnArray[x][y]):
if segids is not None: mitindices.append((i,segids))
numconns = len(mitindices)
## singly connected granules i.e. reciprocal syns to only one mit.
## extra excitation could be from many
if numconns == 1 :
## index of the single mitral connected
mitindex = mitindices[0][0]
## len(segids) is the number of reciprocal syns
## from this mitindex to this gran
clubnumarray[mitindex] += len(mitindices[0][1])
## This granule is connected to mitindex mitral,
## it may have coherent input from sister mitrals (same glomerulus)
## Thus put in extra excitation from the same glomerulus,
## the rest i.e. non-sister excitation goes into the background
## extra one way excitatory synapses on the granule
excnumarray[mitindex] += self.indirectConnArray[x][y][mitindex/2]
## make 1 granule for every GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES number of granules
## could increment clubnumarray[mitindex] by larger than 1 per iteration, hence >= below
if clubnumarray[mitindex] >= GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES:
## take only the first mit seg connected to this gran
mit_seg_id = self.directConnArray[x][y][mitindex][0]
num_conns = clubnumarray[mitindex]
extra_weight = float(excnumarray[mitindex])/num_conns
(xcont, ycont, mitindex, (mit_seg_id,num_conns),'1', extra_weight) )
gransnumarray[mitindex] += 1
if extra_weight>1.0:
print "Finished setting up single granule number",gransnumarray[mitindex],\
"to mitral",mitindex,"extra excitation weight =",extra_weight
clubnumarray[mitindex] = 0
excnumarray[mitindex] = 0
## Create the joint granules that are connected to two mitrals
elif numconns == 2:
mit1index = mitindices[0][0] # index of the first mitral
mit2index = mitindices[1][0] # index of the second mitral
clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][0] += len(mitindices[0][1]) # no of segids
clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][1] += len(mitindices[1][1]) # no of segids
#### always mit1index<mit2index,
#### hence the above matrix will have zeroes on diagonal and one side.
## This granule is near mitral1 and mitral2,
## put in the extra excitation from other sister mitrals
## extra one way excitatory synapses on the granule from mit1index's glom
excnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][0] += self.indirectConnArray[x][y][mit1index/2]
## extra one way excitatory synapses on the granule from mit2index's glom
excnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][1] += self.indirectConnArray[x][y][mit2index/2]
## Aggregate/club GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS number of joint granules together
## when number of connections from mit1 or mit2 reaches GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS
conn_mit1 = clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][0]
conn_mit2 = clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][1]
if max(conn_mit1,conn_mit2) >= GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS:
## take only the first mit1 and mit2 seg-s connected to this gran
mit1_seg_id = self.directConnArray[x][y][mit1index][0]
mit2_seg_id = self.directConnArray[x][y][mit2index][0]
extra_weight1 = \
extra_weight2 = \
## if mit1 and mit2 are from same glom,
## extra exc is being counted twice, so / 2.0
if mit1index/2 == mit2index/2: # integer div
extra_weight1 /= 2.0
extra_weight2 /= 2.0
self.granuleJointsTable.append((xcont,ycont, mit1index, (mit1_seg_id,conn_mit1), '1',\
extra_weight1, mit2index, (mit2_seg_id,conn_mit2), '1', extra_weight2))
joints += 1
if extra_weight1>1.0 or extra_weight2>1.0:
print "Finished setting up joint granule number",joints,"between",\
mit1index,"and",mit2index,"with extraweights =",\
clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][0] = 0
clubnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][1] = 0
excnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][0] = 0
excnumarray_twos[mit1index][mit2index][1] = 0
## Create the multiply-connected granules
## that are connected to more than two mitrals
elif numconns > 2:
synconns = []
for mitnum,seg_ids in mitindices:
extra_weight = self.indirectConnArray[x][y][mitnum/2]
## Take only the first mit seg connected to this gran
synconns.append((mitnum, (seg_ids[0],len(seg_ids)), '1', extra_weight))
multis += 1
#print "Finished setting up multi granule number",multis,"between",synconns
for i in range(nummits):
print "The number of single granules to mitral", i,"after clubbing",\
GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES,"together =",gransnumarray[i]
print "The number of joint granules after clubbing",GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS,"together =",joints
print "The number of multi granules is",multis
def set_xml_granules(self):
## singly-connected granules
gran_num = 0
for gran in self.granuleSinglesTable:
# xml file has lengths in microns, hence 1e6 factor
gran_num += 1
## jointly connected granules
gran_num = 0
for gran in self.granuleJointsTable:
# xml file has lengths in microns, hence 1e6 factor
gran_num += 1
## multiply-connected granules
## For 2 mitrals there will not be any multi-s.
if len(self.granuleMultisTable) != 0:
gran_num = 0
for gran in self.granuleMultisTable:
# xml file has lengths in microns, hence 1e6 factor
gran_num += 1
def set_xml_PGs(self):
self.PG_num = 0
self.PGPopulation = []
for glomnum,PGfull in enumerate(self.PGConnArray):
for xidx,PGx in enumerate(PGfull):
for yidx,PG in enumerate(PGx):
if PG is not None:
# length in microns in the xml file, hence the 1e6 factor
self.xmlwriter.set_instance( elementid=str(self.PG_num),\
z=str(z) )
self.PG_num += 1
print "Total number of PG cells (clubbed "+str(PG_CLUB)+") =", self.PG_num
def get_delay(self,delay_distrib,delay_spread):
if delay_distrib == 0: return delay_spread ## no distribution, assume actual delay passed in as delay_spread
elif delay_distrib == 1: return uniform(0.0,delay_spread) ## uniform distribution
elif delay_distrib == 2: return exponential(scale=delay_spread) ## exponential distribution
elif delay_distrib == 3: return gamma(shape=2.0,scale=1.0)*delay_spread ## Gamma distribution
def make_synproplist(self,synapselist,strongsynfactor=1.0):
if not MAX_SYNS:
## if MAX_SYNS is false, distribute synaptic weights lognormally or uniformly
if lognormal_weights:
## Song et al PLOS Biology 2005 find lognormal distribution of synaptic weights
## http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution
## mean and sigma are for the underlying normal distribution of log(wt).
## if m and d be the mean and s.d. of wt, then:
## sigma = sqrt(log(1+d^2/m^2)) and mean = log(m) - sigma^2/2
## m = 1.0 and d = SYN_VARIATION*m
sigma = sqrt(log(1+SYN_VARIATION**2))
synproplist = [ (syn[0],\
lognormal(mean=log(1.0)-sigma**2/2.0,sigma=sigma)*syn[1]*strongsynfactor, syn[2])\
for syn in synapselist ] # synapse_type (name of synapse) and weight and delay
## uniform distribution between 1.0-SYN_VARIATION and 1.0+SYN_VARIATION
synproplist = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*uniform(1.0-SYN_VARIATION,1.0+SYN_VARIATION)*strongsynfactor,syn[2])\
for syn in synapselist ] # synapse_type (name of synapse) and weight and delay
# if MAX_SYNS is True, set synaptic weights to 1.0+SYN_VARIATION times normal
# I still make a call to the random number generator,
# so that synaptic connections remain the same!
synproplist = []
for syn in synapselist:
if lognormal_weights:
sigma = sqrt(log(1+SYN_VARIATION**2))
synproplist.append( (syn[0],syn[1]*(1.0+SYN_VARIATION)*strongsynfactor,syn[2]) )
# synapse_type (name of synapse) and weight and delay
return synproplist
def set_xml_PG_connections(self):
m_pg_AMPA_weight = self.AMPA_factor
#m_pg_NMDA_weight = self.NMDA_factor
pg_m_GABA_weight = self.GABA_factor
##################### excitatory mitral->PG
PG_num = 0
conn_num = 0
for glomnum,PGfull in enumerate(self.PGConnArray):
for xidx,PGx in enumerate(PGfull):
for yidx,PG in enumerate(PGx):
if PG is not None:
num_pg_stim = 1
## distribute the unconnected mit->PG spines
## to get inputs from the connected mit->PG spines
## as a proxy for the unmodelled mitrals
num_pg_stim = (NUM_PG_to_M_T_ET_SPINES-len(PG))/len(PG) # integer division
if num_pg_stim<1: num_pg_stim=1 # have at least one mit->PG synapse
for conn in PG:
## 'num_pg_stim' number of excitatory mitral->PG synapses
## are created from the modelled mitral to clubbed PG
## to also take into account unmodelled mitrals' and ET's input.
## these are randomly delayed so as not to be synchronous.
for multisyn in range(num_pg_stim):
delay = self.get_delay(exc_delay_distrib,mitral_PG_delay_spread)
synapselist = [ ('mitral_PG',m_pg_AMPA_weight,delay) ]
synproplist = self.make_synproplist(synapselist)
pre_segment_id=conn[1],post_segment_id=conn[2], synproplist=synproplist)
conn_num += 1
PG_num += 1
################ inhibitory PG-|mitral
## set default values, but these are overridden later.
PG_num = 0
conn_num = 0
for glomnum,PGfull in enumerate(self.PGConnArray):
for xidx,PGx in enumerate(PGfull):
for yidx,PG in enumerate(PGx):
if PG is not None:
for conn in PG:
## extra inhibitory PG-|mitral synapses are created
## from the modelled PG to take into account unmodelled PGs' input.
## these are randomly delayed so as not to be synchronous.
###### IMPORTANT: For the granule cells, the first spike has minimal delay
## whereas here, I've set delay for the first spike too....
## Along with the spread of the excitatory synapses, this too can be thought
## of as taking care of spread in inputs due to ET cells and various mitral cells.
## Though, ideally, the first spike should not be delayed, but it doesn't change
## the tuft inhibition results at least, probably only more linear!!
for multisyn in range(PG_CLUB):
## uniform or exponential delay over PG_mitral_delay_spread
delay = self.get_delay(inh_delay_distrib,PG_mitral_delay_spread)
synapselist = [ ('PG_mitral',pg_m_GABA_weight,delay) ]
synproplist = self.make_synproplist(synapselist)
conn_num += 1
PG_num += 1
################ inhibitory file-|mitral connections at tuft
if random_inh:
PG_num = 0
conn_num = 0
for glomnum,PGfull in enumerate(self.PGConnArray):
for xidx,PGx in enumerate(PGfull):
for yidx,PG in enumerate(PGx):
if PG is not None:
for conn in PG:
for multisyn in range(PG_CLUB):
## uniform delay over PG_mitral_delay_spread
delay = self.get_delay(inh_delay_distrib,PG_mitral_delay_spread)
synapselist = [ ('PG_mitral',pg_m_GABA_weight,delay) ]
synproplist = self.make_synproplist(synapselist)
conn_num += 1
PG_num += 1
def set_xml_granule_connections(self):
m_g_AMPA_weight = self.AMPA_factor
m_g_NMDA_weight = self.NMDA_factor
g_m_GABA_weight = self.GABA_factor
##### Separate connection lists are made for single and joint granules
################## Excitatory
for multiplicity in ['singles','joints','multis']:
## extra excitatory connections AMPA and NMDA from pruned sister mitral cells
## proxied by extra excitation from modeled mitral cells 0 and 1.
## By setting CLUB_MITRALS = True/False in simset_*.py, you can switch at runtime
## between above behaviour / provide extra Poisson background as proxy.
exc_delay_distrib, mitral_granule_delay_spread)
## main excitation of mitrals on to granules.
## excitatory saturating AMPA and NMDA from mitral to granule
0, exc_synaptic_delay)
## excitatory NON-saturating i.e. usual AMPA and NMDA from mitral to granule
0, exc_synaptic_delay)
################### Inhibitory
## singles granule-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
## GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES/SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE is the weight of single GABA synapse
## SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE number of randomly delayed synapses are made
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
## singles granule-spine/self-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
## GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES/SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE is the weight of single GABA synapse
## SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE number of randomly delayed synapses are made
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
## joints granule-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
## GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS number of synapses are made
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
## joints granule-spine/self-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
## GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS number of synapses are made
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
## For 2 mitrals there will not be any multi-s.
if len(self.granuleMultisTable) != 0:
## multis granule-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
## multis granule-spine/self-mitral inhibition is asynchronously delayed
inh_delay_distrib, granule_mitral_delay_spread)
################### Baseline input to each family of granules
## For 2 mitrals there will not be any multi-s.
if len(self.granuleMultisTable) != 0:
## For noise in mitral responses
################## Baseline inhibition to mitral cells
if random_inh: # default False
## For 2 mitrals there will not be any multi-s.
if len(self.granuleMultisTable) != 0:
def set_xml_connections_by_multiplicity(self,\
projectionname, direction, multiplicity, synapselist,\
delay_distrib, delay_spread):
if direction == 1 or direction == 2: # forward excitation
source = 'mitrals'
elif direction == -1: # reverse inhibition
source = 'granules_'+multiplicity
elif direction == 0: # spine-based granule-mitral inhibition hack-modeled as self-inhibition
source = 'mitrals'
gran_num = 0
conn_num = 0
for synapse in synapselist:
## This holds a histogram of the # of simultaneous exc syn-s from premitid to any granule
occurences = collections.defaultdict(int)
premitid = 0
strong_singles = [0]*(NUM_GLOMS*2-2)
if multiplicity == 'singles':
## gran = (xcont, ycont, mitindex, (mit_seg_ids,num_conns), '1', extra_weight)
for gran in self.granuleSinglesTable:
weight_fac = 1.0
## num_conns i.e. gran[5] is due to clubbing different singly-connected granules and
## simultaneous connections to same granule up to GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES number.
## But due to wide spread of dendrites,
## I expect number of simultaneous connections to same single to average ~1.
## direction: 2 = extra exc; 1 = main exc; 0 = self-inh; -1 = main inh
if direction == 2: num_multisyns = int(gran[5]+0.5) # extra excitation rounded
elif direction == 1: num_multisyns = 1
## Since SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE <> GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES, we do some massaging.
weight_fac = gran[3][1]/float(SYNS_PER_CLUBBED_SINGLE)
if direction in [1,2]: firstcell_delay = exc_synaptic_delay
else: firstcell_delay = inh_synaptic_delay
pre_cell_id = int(gran[2]) # mit id
pre_seg_id = int(gran[3][0]) # gran[3][0] is always mitral segment, of type str
## if mitral's segid in soma & prim and nearest sec dends (column), increase inh gran-|mit weight
## columns i.e. strong gran-|mit near soma of lat mits is not made for distal connections
## exc mit->gran weight is not increased within column by a check in set_connection_by_direction()
if STRONG_SYNAPSES and PROXIMAL_CONNECTION and pre_cell_id not in [0,1] \
and pre_seg_id in proximal_mitral_segids \
and strong_singles[pre_cell_id-2]*GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES < frac_directed*mit_syns:
strongsynon = True
strong_singles[pre_cell_id-2] += 1
else: strongsynon = False
for multisyn in range(num_multisyns):
## multisyns represent spikes due to many cells represented by this clubbed cell
## don't spread the delay of the first cell's spike
if multisyn == 0: delay = firstcell_delay
else: delay = self.get_delay(delay_distrib,delay_spread)
synapselist_delayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*weight_fac,delay) for syn in synapselist ]
conn_num += 1
gran_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'joints':
## gran = (xcont,ycont, mit1index, (mit1_seg_id,conn_mit1), '1', extra_weight1,\
## mit2index, (mit2_seg_id,conn_mit2), '1', extra_weight2)
for gran in self.granuleJointsTable:
## mit1index=gran[2] < mit2index=gran[6] by construction: see club_granules() above
## if the mit2index is connected directedly to mit1index as per DIRECTED_CONNS,
## then make stronger all synapses (exc and inh) from both mitrals to/from this granule.
if STRONG_SYNAPSES and DIRECTED_CONNS[gran[6]]==gran[2]: strongsynon = True
else: strongsynon = False
## conn_mit1 (conn_mit2) is due to (1) clubbing different jointly connected granules and
## (2) simultaneous (multiple same mit) connections to same granule up to GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS number.
## So exc_weight *= conn_mit1/float(GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS), number of exc synapses should remain 1
## ALso inh_weight *= conn_mit1/float(GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS),
## number of inh synapses should be GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS .
## Above scheme works well only if GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS ~ 1,
## if large like GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES, can't separate the two contributions here.
## direction: 2 = extra exc; 1 = main exc; 0 = self-inh; -1 = main inh
conn_mit1 = gran[3][1]
if direction == 2: num_multisyns = int(gran[5]+0.5) # extra excitation rounded
elif direction == 1: num_multisyns = 1
else: num_multisyns = GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS
if direction != 2 : simultaneous_wt_fac = conn_mit1/float(GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS)
else: simultaneous_wt_fac = 1
## histogram of number of connections of a given premitid to any granule
## gran[2] always < gran[6], hence works only for premitid=0
if gran[2]==premitid: occurences[simultaneous_wt_fac] += 1
if direction in [1,2]: firstcell_delay = exc_synaptic_delay
else: firstcell_delay = inh_synaptic_delay
for multisyn in range(num_multisyns):
## multisyns represent spikes due to many cells represented by this clubbed cell
## don't spread the delay of the first cell's spike
if multisyn == 0: delay = firstcell_delay
else: delay = self.get_delay(delay_distrib,delay_spread)
## syn = (synapse_type,weight,delay)
synapselist_delayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*simultaneous_wt_fac,delay) for syn in synapselist ]
synapselist=synapselist_delayed, strongsynon=strongsynon)
conn_num += 1
## direction: 2 = extra exc; 1 = main exc; 0 = self-inh; -1 = main inh
conn_mit2 = gran[7][1]
if direction == 2: num_multisyns = int(gran[9]+0.5) # extra excitation rounded
elif direction == 1: num_multisyns = 1
else: num_multisyns = GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS
if direction != 2 : simultaneous_wt_fac = conn_mit2/float(GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS)
else: simultaneous_wt_fac = 1
if direction in [1,2]: firstcell_delay = exc_synaptic_delay
else: firstcell_delay = inh_synaptic_delay
for multisyn in range(num_multisyns):
## multisyns represent spikes due to many cells represented by this clubbed cell
## don't spread the delay of the first cell's spike
if multisyn == 0: delay = firstcell_delay
else: delay = self.get_delay(delay_distrib,delay_spread)
synapselist_delayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*simultaneous_wt_fac,delay) for syn in synapselist ]
synapselist=synapselist_delayed, strongsynon=strongsynon)
conn_num += 1
gran_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'multis':
## granuleMultisTable is an array of
## (x,y, granconn)
for gran in self.granuleMultisTable:
## list of granconn-s in gran[2]
## granconn = (mitindex,(mit_segment_id,numconns),gran_segment_id,extra_exc_sisters)
## zip(* ) makes parallel arrays of mitindices, etc. & [0] selects mitindices array
mitindices = zip(*gran[2])[0]
for granconn in gran[2]:
## direction: 2 = extra exc; 1 = main exc; 0 = self-inh; -1 = main inh
## strengthen the exc and inh synapses if this multi mediates connections
## between directedly connected cells
## by default synapse is standard, unless strong-ified by conditions below
strongsynon = False
current_mitindex = granconn[0]
## if current mitral is one of the central sisters,
## and this granule is also connected to
## a mitral directedly connected to the sister, strong-ify the synapse.
if current_mitindex in [central_glom,central_glom+1]:
for mitindex in mitindices:
if DIRECTED_CONNS[mitindex]==current_mitindex:
strongsynon = True
## if current mitral is not a central sister,
## and it is directedly connected to a sister,
## which is connected to this granule, strong-ify the synapse.
elif DIRECTED_CONNS[current_mitindex] in [central_glom,central_glom+1] \
and DIRECTED_CONNS[current_mitindex] in mitindices:
strongsynon = True
## Since multi-s are not clubbed, numconns are simultaneous.
## Hence increase synaptic weight for exc & inh (syn[1]*numconns below),
## but keep the number of synapses = 1 for the main exc and inhibition.
numconns = granconn[1][1]
if direction == 2: num_multisyns = int(granconn[3]+0.5) # extra excitation rounded
elif direction == 1: num_multisyns = 1
else: num_multisyns = 1
if direction != 2 : simultaneous_wt_fac = numconns
else: simultaneous_wt_fac = 1
if direction in [1,2]: firstcell_delay = exc_synaptic_delay
else: firstcell_delay = inh_synaptic_delay
## histogram of number of connections of a given premitid to any granule
if granconn[0]==premitid: occurences[simultaneous_wt_fac] += 1
for multisyn in range(num_multisyns):
## multisyns represent spikes due to many cells represented by this clubbed cell
## don't spread the delay of the first cell's spike
if multisyn == 0: delay = firstcell_delay
else: delay = self.get_delay(delay_distrib,delay_spread)
## multiple connections
## syn = (synapse_type,weight,delay)
synapselist_delayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*simultaneous_wt_fac,delay) for syn in synapselist ]
synapselist=synapselist_delayed, strongsynon=strongsynon)
conn_num += 1
gran_num += 1
print projectionname, 'direction =', direction, multiplicity
print 'To mit',premitid,'histogram of simultaneous connections',occurences
def set_connection_by_direction(self, direction, elementid, pre_cell_id,\
post_cell_id, pre_segment_id, post_segment_id, synapselist, strongsynon=False):
## modify below to change directed inhibition mit->gran vis a vis directed excitation gran-|mit
## pre_cell_id is of type str!!!
if strongsynon:
if direction in [0,-1]: # self and lateral inhibition
## only strengthen the central mit synapses...
if pre_cell_id in ['0','1']:
strongsynfactor = strongsynfactorinh
else: strongsynfactor = 1.0
## strengthen central and lat synapses
strongsynfactor = strongsynfactorinh
elif direction in [1,2]: # main and extra excitation
#strongsynfactor = 1.0
### only strengthen the non-central mit synapses...
#if pre_cell_id not in ['0','1']:
### only strengthen the mit->gran synapses that are distal from mit soma
if int(pre_segment_id) not in proximal_mitral_segids: # pre_segment_id is of type str
strongsynfactor = strongsynfactorexclateral
else: strongsynfactor = strongsynfactorexccentral
else: strongsynfactor = 1.0
## This sets the randomized weights (lognormal or uniform or MAXSYNS)
synproplist = self.make_synproplist(synapselist,strongsynfactor)
if direction == 1 or direction == 2: # forward - mitral to granule
synproplist = synproplist)
elif direction == -1: # reverse - granule to mitral
## reverse (reciprocal) synapse, here pre is post and vice versa compared to above forward
synproplistdecayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*self.dend_decay(pre_segment_id),syn[2]) \
for syn in synproplist]
synproplist = synproplistdecayed)
if direction == 0: # self/spine inhibition - mitral to self
synproplistdecayed = [ (syn[0],syn[1]*self.dend_decay(pre_segment_id),syn[2]) \
for syn in synproplist]
synproplist = synproplistdecayed)
def dend_decay(self,segid):
""" Lowe 2002 found that mit--|gran inh synapse conductance density (per area)
drops exponentially, differently for prim and sec dends. Hence an exponential decay,
and a scaling with dendritic diameter. This returns a decay factor for a given segment. """
for seg in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
## seg = (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia)
## exponential decay taking start of segment, not center of segment, else too huge decay.
if segid == seg[0]:
segdia = seg[4]
## all dia-s are normalized to dia of dendrite's base.
## soma is same as for primary dendrite base, and no exp decay.
if segid == '0': # if soma
return 1.0
elif segid in ['15','16','17','18','19','20']: # if primary dendrite
return segdia/self.mit_prim_decay_dia_base * math.exp(-z/mit_prim_decay_l)
else: # secondary dendrite
## Choose one of the below lines for receptor areal dendity decaying exp or constant.
return segdia/self.mit_sec_decay_dia_base * math.exp(-sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)/mit_sec_decay_l)
#return segdia/self.mit_sec_decay_dia_base
else: return 1.0
def set_xml_granule_baseline(self, multiplicity, source, target):
if not MAX_SYNS: # if MAX_SYNS is True, set synaptic weights to 1.0+SYN_VARIATION times normal, else 1.0
gmax_factor = 1.0 # This is an average synapse, so do not randomize it.
gmax_factor = 1.0+SYN_VARIATION
gran_num = 0
if multiplicity == 'singles':
for gran in self.granuleSinglesTable:
gran_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'joints':
for gran in self.granuleJointsTable:
gran_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'multis':
for gran in self.granuleMultisTable:
gran_num += 1
def set_xml_mitral_baseline(self, multiplicity, source, target):
""" For setting a recurrent inhibition to increase noise in the mitral cell. """
syn_num = 0
if multiplicity == 'singles':
for gran in self.granuleSinglesTable:
for synnum in range(GRANS_CLUB_SINGLES):
synproplist = self.make_synproplist([('mitral_self_GABA',1.0,exc_synaptic_delay)])
post_segment_id=str(gran[3]), synproplist=synproplist)
syn_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'joints':
for gran in self.granuleJointsTable:
for synnum in range(GRANS_CLUB_JOINTS):
synproplist = self.make_synproplist([('mitral_self_GABA',1.0,exc_synaptic_delay)])
post_segment_id=str(gran[3]), synproplist=synproplist)
syn_num += 1
synproplist = self.make_synproplist([('mitral_self_GABA',1.0,exc_synaptic_delay)])
post_segment_id=str(gran[7]), synproplist=synproplist)
syn_num += 1
elif multiplicity == 'multis':
for gran in self.granuleMultisTable:
for syn in gran[2]:
synproplist = self.make_synproplist([('mitral_self_GABA',1.0,exc_synaptic_delay)])
post_segment_id=str(syn[1]), synproplist=synproplist)
syn_num += 1
def set_xml_ORN_connections(self):
## ORN_mitral synapses
num_ORN_mitral_syn_positions = len(self.ORN_mitral_syn_positions)
for mitnum in range(len(self.mitral_positions)):
mit_seg_files = {}
for synnum in range(NUM_ORN_MITRAL_SYNS):
## choose random one out of ORN_mitral_syn_positions and take the segid [0]
post_segment_id = self.ORN_mitral_syn_positions\
pre_segment_id = str(int(uniform(NUM_ORN_FILES_PER_GLOM)))
if post_segment_id not in mit_seg_files: # key does not exist
mit_seg_files[post_segment_id] = [pre_segment_id]
# write one connection per post_segment that has the list of files
for i,post_segment_id in enumerate(mit_seg_files.keys()):
# id's not sequential, they jump every mitnum
# ORN_PG synapses
num_ORN_PG_syn_positions = len(self.ORN_PG_syn_positions)
for PGnum in range(self.PG_num):
PG_seg_files = {}
for synnum in range(NUM_ORN_PG_SYNS):
# choose random one out of ORN_PG_syn_positions and take the segid [0]
post_segment_id = self.ORN_PG_syn_positions[int(uniform(0,num_ORN_PG_syn_positions))][0]
if post_segment_id not in PG_seg_files: # key does not exist
PG_seg_files[post_segment_id] = [pre_segment_id]
# write one connection per post_segment that has the list of files
for i,post_segment_id in enumerate(PG_seg_files.keys()):
# id's not sequential, they jump every PGnum
def set_xml_SA_connections(self):
# SA->PG excitatory synapses which feed in global
num_SA_PG_syn_positions = len(self.SA_PG_syn_positions)
for PGnum in range(self.PG_num):
PG_seg_files = {}
for synnum in range(NUM_SA_SYNS_PER_PG):
# choose random one out of SA_PG_syn_positions and take the segid [0]
post_segment_id = self.SA_PG_syn_positions[int(uniform(0,num_SA_PG_syn_positions))][0]
if post_segment_id not in PG_seg_files: # key does not exist
PG_seg_files[post_segment_id] = [pre_segment_id]
# write one connection per post_segment that has the list of files
for i,post_segment_id in enumerate(PG_seg_files.keys()):
# id's not sequential, they jump every PGnum
def rotate(self,x,y,ztheta):
return (x*cos(ztheta)-y*sin(ztheta), x*sin(ztheta)+y*cos(ztheta))
def get_nearest_mitral_syn_segment(self,x,y,z,mitnum=0,type='granule'):
mitx,mity,mitzrot = self.mitral_positions[mitnum]
mitz = self.mitral_z
sqdistances = []
close_ones = 0
if 'granule' in type:
cutoff_distsq = glom_r**2
for seg in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
## seg = (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia)
segid = seg[0]
segx = (seg[1][0]+seg[2][0])/2.0
segy = (seg[1][1]+seg[2][1])/2.0
segx,segy = self.rotate(segx,segy,mitzrot)
## do not include z in the distance calculation since:
## 1) it was not used while assigning the granule connections,
## 2) if z is used, it creates inward pointing granule-mitral connections (towards mitral center).
#distsq = ((x-segx-mitx)**2+(y-segy-mity)**2+(z-segz-mitz)**2)
distsq = ((x-segx-mitx)**2+(y-segy-mity)**2)
sqdistances.append( (distsq,segid) )
if distsq<cutoff_distsq: close_ones += 1
elif type == 'PG':
## my PG cell is flat in the x-y plane while the mitral tuft compartments are quite spread out in z
## if I include z distance, it dominates and only two segments are closest always.
## thus do not include z distance below.
cutoff_distsq = (2*glom_r)**2
for (segid,segx,segy,segz) in self.PG_mitral_syn_positions:
segx,segy = self.rotate(segx,segy,mitzrot)
distsq = (x-segx-mitx)**2+(y-segy-mity)**2
sqdistances.append( (distsq,segid) )
if distsq<cutoff_distsq: close_ones += 1
## If there are two or more mitral segments within cutoff distance of the granule,
## choose one among them randomly, else choose the closest segment.
## This is needed because primary dendrite segments will all be close in x,y distance (z not considered)
## For these primary dendrite segments, one needs to choose any of these close ones.
if close_ones >= 2:
random_idx = int( uniform(0,close_ones) )
chosen = sqdistances[random_idx]
chosen = sqdistances[0]
## If PRIMDEND_FORCE then if DIRECTED and joint granule,
## force connection to a primary dendrite for mit0
if PRIMDEND_FORCE and DIRECTED and ('joint' in type) and mitnum==0:
chosen = ( 0.0, str(int(uniform(15,20.9999))) )
return chosen
def read_mitral_syn_segments(self):
Reads which mitral segments can form synapses with ORNs/granule/PG cells
from the info given by the MorphML_reader.
Also calculate total lateral dendritic length
This also includes primary dendrite length since reciprocal synapses are present on it too.
self.granule_mitral_syn_positions = []
self.PG_mitral_syn_positions = []
self.ORN_mitral_syn_positions = []
self.lateral_length = 0.0 # total lateral dendritic length
self.memb_area = 0.0 # total membrane area on dendrite
for segment in self.cellSegmentDict['mitral'].values():
# segment = [ segname,(proximalx,proximaly,proximalz),\
# (distalx,distaly,distalz),diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ]
## segment[0] is segment name, which has segid at the end after an underscore
segid = string.split(segment[0],'_')[-1]
## average segment position from the proximal and distal points
segx1 = segment[1][0]
segx2 = segment[2][0]
segx = ( segx1 + segx2 ) / 2.0
segy1 = segment[1][1]
segy2 = segment[2][1]
segy = ( segy1 + segy2 ) / 2.0
segz1 = segment[1][2]
segz2 = segment[2][2]
segz = ( segz1 + segz2 ) / 2.0
if "granule_mitral" in segment[5]: # is granule_mitral one of the potential synapses in this segment?
segdia = segment[3]
seglength = segment[4]
self.granule_mitral_syn_positions.append( \
self.lateral_length += seglength
self.memb_area += pi*segdia*seglength
## base dia of starting dendrites is needed for decay of syn wt with dia.
if segid == '15': self.mit_prim_decay_dia_base = segdia # for prim dend
if segid == '115': self.mit_sec_decay_dia_base = segdia # for sec dend
if "PG_mitral" in segment[5]: # is PG_mitral one of the potential synapses in this segment?
if "ORN_mitral" in segment[5]: # is ORN_mitral one of the potential synapses in this segment?
def read_PG_syn_segments(self):
Reads which PG segments can form synapses with ORNs or mitrals
from the info given by the MorphML_reader.
self.mitral_PG_syn_positions = []
self.ORN_PG_syn_positions = []
self.SA_PG_syn_positions = []
for segment in self.cellSegmentDict['PG'].values():
# segment = [ segname,(proximalx,proximaly,proximalz),(distalx,distaly,distalz),\
# diameter,length,[potential_syn1, ... ] ]
# segment[0] is segment name, which has segid at the end after an underscore
segid = string.split(segment[0],'_')[-1]
# average segment position from the proximal and distal points
segx = ( segment[1][0] + segment[2][0] ) / 2.0
segy = ( segment[1][1] + segment[2][1] ) / 2.0
segz = ( segment[1][2] + segment[2][2] ) / 2.0
if "mitral_PG" in segment[5]: # is mitral_PG one of the potential synapses in this segment?
if "ORN_PG" in segment[5]: # is ORN_PG one of the potential synapses in this segment?
if "SA_PG" in segment[5]: # is ORN_PG one of the potential synapses in this segment?
# this returns a random r distributed according to 1/r between soma_r and mit_dend_r
# unlike Egger and Urban 2006, there are no synapses at mitral soma.
def oneoverr_dist(self): # use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_transform_sampling
# synapses between soma_r and mit_dend_r are distributed as 1/r
# int_soma_r^mit_dend_r k/r dr = 1
k = 1 / (math.log(mit_dend_r) - math.log(soma_r))
lnrs = math.log(soma_r)
x = uniform(0.0,1.0)
return math.exp(x/k + lnrs)
def lineardrop_dist(self):
##### Christie et al 2001: Fig 4B: At 800 microns (i.e. roughly mit_dend_r),
##### lateral charge goes to zero. 100% at 0 microns. Linear inbetween.
##### See also my onenote labnotes of 8th July 2010
y = uniform(0.0,1.0)
return mit_dend_r*(1-sqrt(1-y))
def pick_granules(self, syns, xmitral, ymitral, glomnum, mitnum, mitzrot, mitseg=()):
for synnum in range(syns):
## This is a do-while that executes until a random granule is found
## that is not already connected to this mitral (if allow_multi_gran_conn is false)
## (if allow_multi_gran_conn is true (default): see below).
while True:
#r = self.lineardrop_dist()
## see onenote labnotes of 27 May 2010 for the reason for choosing 1/r over uniform r.
#r = self.oneoverr_dist()
## Uniform over r rather than 1/r seems more physical and inbetween 1/r and uniform over area.
## uniform over r and theta does not make it uniform over the circular area!
## It still remains clumped towards the center
r = uniform(soma_r, mit_dend_r)
theta = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
x = xmitral + r*math.cos(theta)
y = ymitral + r*math.sin(theta)
mit_seg_id = self.get_nearest_mitral_syn_segment( \
## mitseg = (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia)
mit_seg_id = mitseg[0]
xseg1, yseg1 = self.rotate(mitseg[1][0], mitseg[1][1], mitzrot)
xseg2, yseg2 = self.rotate(mitseg[2][0], mitseg[2][1], mitzrot)
x1 = xmitral + xseg1
y1 = ymitral + yseg1
x2 = xmitral + xseg2
y2 = ymitral + yseg2
## pick a random synaptic location on this mitral segment
## picking an x in (x1,x2) and y in (y1,y2) actually picks a point in a rectangle
## to get a point on the segment, pick a parameter t, insert in parametric line
t = uniform(0.0,1.0)
x = x1 + t*(x2-x1)
y = y1 + t*(y2-y1)
## picking a uniform r and theta of a granule's dendritic field has a drop off with r.
## unlike mitral's 1/r drop off, I assume granule has uniform density over area.
## so choose uniform gran_dend_r around above x and y and assign to the nearest granule.
x += uniform(-gran_dend_r,gran_dend_r)
y += uniform(-gran_dend_r,gran_dend_r)
xindex = int(round(x/gran_spacing))+self.gran_xmidindex
yindex = int(round(y/gran_spacing))+self.gran_ymidindex
if allow_multi_gran_conn: # connect to this gran even if this mit is connected before
else: # only connect if not connected to this mit before
## if this granule is not connected to this mitral already,
## only then break out of loop and connect these two.
## self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] is a list of (mitnum,segid)-s
## zip(* ) makes parallel arrays of mitnum-s and segid-s & [0] selects mitnum-s array
mits_segs = self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum]
if mits_segs is None: break
elif mitnum not in zip(*mits_segs)[0]:
## Below alert is ok when doing activity dependent inhibition sims at very large distances
## Else some bug in program.
if xindex<0 or xindex>=self.gran_xmaxindex or yindex<0 or yindex>=self.gran_ymaxindex:
print "Alert: Some mitral segments are outside granule bed range!"
print "This alert is ok for ADI at mitA-mitB separations > ~1700microns, else bug."
if self.granArray[xindex][yindex] is None:
self.granArray[xindex][yindex] = 1
self.num_grans += 1
## append (mitnum,segid)
## self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] holds an object:
## here a python list, not numpy array; hence use list.append()
if self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] is None:
self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] = [(mitnum,mit_seg_id)]
def granuleConnect(self, xmitral, ymitral, glomnum, mitnum, mitzrot, frac_syns):
Connect given mitral to a randomly chosen granule cell
at uniformly distributed r and theta from center of mitral.
xmitral and ymitral are the x and y coordinates of mitral,
mitzrot is rotation in degrees about z-axis;
glomnum, mitnum are the indices for the mitral to be connected.
mit_syns*frac_syns are connected either isotropically or uniformly along dendrites.
If allow_multi_gran_conn is false,
pick_granule avoids connecting a granule to the same mitral twice.
## if isotropic, the nearest mit segs are chosen in pick_granules.
self.pick_granules(int(frac_syns*mit_syns), xmitral, ymitral, glomnum, mitnum, mitzrot)
for mitseg in self.granule_mitral_syn_positions:
## mitseg = (segid,(segx1,segy1,segz1),(segx2,segy2,segz2),seglength,segdia)
## numsyns in this segment is proportional to its length
## I add uniform(0,1) before taking int,
## so that total number of synapses is on average 'mit_syns*frac_syns', not less.
#### Use below if-else to set 80 syns on soma, else about 20 get set up.
if mitseg[0]=='0': ## soma
numsyns = 80
numsyns = int( mitseg[3]/self.lateral_length*mit_syns*frac_syns + uniform(0,1) )
#### about 20 get set up on soma with below line
#numsyns = int( mitseg[3]/self.lateral_length*mit_syns*frac_syns + uniform(0,1) )
## comment above and uncomment below for membrane area distribution instead of length
#numsyns = int( pi*mitseg[3]*mitseg[4]/self.memb_area*mit_syns*frac_syns + uniform(0,1) )
self.pick_granules(numsyns, xmitral, ymitral, glomnum, mitnum, mitzrot, mitseg)
def granuleConnectDirected(self, centralmitnum, mitnum, frac_joints):
Connect mitral mitnum to a granule cell which is already
connected to a central mitral at uniformly distributed r and theta.
within glom_r of central mitral's soma (if proximal).
If distal, roles of centralmit and mit are reversed.
If allow_multi_gran_conn is false,
it avoids connecting a granule to the same mitral twice.
## if connected distally, swap the roles of centralmitnum and mitnum
centralmitnum, mitnum = mitnum, centralmitnum
mitralx,mitraly,mitralzrotation = self.mitral_positions[centralmitnum]
latmitralx,latmitraly,latmitralzrotation = self.mitral_positions[mitnum]
if PROXIMAL_CONNECTION and not self.dend_thru_central_mit\
## If B's dend is not going through A's soma even with good_factor=0.0,
## it means no overlap.
## Hence, do not connected directed granules between these, and return.
print "No overlap between",mitnum,"and",centralmitnum,\
" hence not connecting extra directed granules."
## I must append modelled mitralnums as 0,1 in self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum]
## Hence obtain mitral labels are (glom,mitnum) using div-mod.
cglomnum = centralmitnum / MIT_SISTERS # integer division
centralmitnum_modulo = centralmitnum % MIT_SISTERS # mod
glomnum = mitnum / MIT_SISTERS # integer division
mitnum_modulo = mitnum % MIT_SISTERS # mod
for synnum in range(int(frac_joints*mit_syns)):
numiters_to_nonjointgran = 0
while True:
## connect around soma of centralmitnum within area which is size of a glomerulus (column)
## uniform r and theta do not give a uniform distribution over the circular area: use square
#r = uniform(0.0, glom_r)
#theta = uniform(0.0,2*math.pi)
#x = mitralx + r*math.cos(theta)
#y = mitraly + r*math.sin(theta)
x = mitralx + uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
y = mitraly + uniform(-glom_r,glom_r)
xindex = int(round(x/gran_spacing))+self.gran_xmidindex
yindex = int(round(y/gran_spacing))+self.gran_ymidindex
########## I am no longer considering only granules connected to central mitral cell.
########## was doing that to ensure exactly 10K synapses to premitral,
########## but postmitral developed more. So might as well allow >10K syns on pre-mit too.
########## So skip the rest of the checking for connection to central mitral.
## self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] is a list of (mitnum,segid)-s
## mitnums are 0 to 50 belonging to glomnum
## zip(* ) converts to parallel lists of mitnum-s and segid-s; [0] selects mitnum-s list
mits_segs = self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum]
c_mits_segs = self.connArray[xindex][yindex][cglomnum]
## check if centralmitnum is connected to this granule or not
if c_mits_segs is None: c_mitnum_conn = False
elif centralmitnum_modulo in zip(*c_mits_segs)[0]: c_mitnum_conn = True
else: c_mitnum_conn = False
## NOT allowing multiple connections for directed connectivity,
## else lots of one-sided multiple connections are created,
## since I connect only to latmit and not to centralmit (see 3rd Sep 2012 notes).
## connect only if connected to c_mitnum and not connected to mitnum,
## (but if no such is found after many iterations, connect anyways -- below)
## check if mitnum is connected to this granule or not
if mits_segs is None: mitnum_notconn = True
elif mitnum_modulo not in zip(*mits_segs)[0]: mitnum_notconn = True
else: mitnum_notconn = False
## if this granule is connected to central mitral centralmitnum already,
## and not to mitnum; then break out of loop and connect it further to mitnum.
## of course if distally connected, the roles are reversed as done above
if mitnum_notconn and c_mitnum_conn:
## if too many iterations pass without getting 'cmit but not latmit connected' gran,
## then just connect to a new granule, if allow_multi_gran_conn is True.
elif numiters_to_nonjointgran>10000 and allow_multi_gran_conn:
## connect central mitnum to this granule, choosing nearest segment of mitnum (not mitnum_modulo!!!)
c_mit_seg_id = self.get_nearest_mitral_syn_segment(x,y,self.granule_z,\
## self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] holds an object:
## here a python list, not numpy array; hence use list.append()
if self.connArray[xindex][yindex][cglomnum] is None:
self.connArray[xindex][yindex][cglomnum] = [(centralmitnum_modulo,c_mit_seg_id)]
else: self.connArray[xindex][yindex][cglomnum].append((centralmitnum_modulo,c_mit_seg_id))
numiters_to_nonjointgran += 1
## connect mitnum to this granule, choosing nearest segment of mitnum (not mitnum_modulo!!!)
mit_seg_id = self.get_nearest_mitral_syn_segment(x,y,self.granule_z,\
## self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] holds an object:
## here a python list, not numpy array; hence use list.append()
if self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] is None:
self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] = [(mitnum_modulo,mit_seg_id)]
else: self.connArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum].append((mitnum_modulo,mit_seg_id))
def PGConnect(self, glomx, glomy, glomnum, mitralnum):
Just connect the present mitral to any PG within this glomerulus
- assumes that a mitral tuft covers the whole glomerulus.
This doesn't matter since in my model,
a glomerulus is a single entity receiving an average odor excitation.
Unlike for granules, a mitral can connect to the same PG twice!
There are no intra-glomerular differentials by design.
mitnum = glomnum*2+mitralnum
for synnum in range(PGSYNS_PER_MITRAL):
synx = uniform(-PG_halfextent,PG_halfextent)
syny = uniform(-PG_halfextent,PG_halfextent)
xidx = int( (synx + PG_halfextent)/PG_spacing )
yidx = int( (syny + PG_halfextent)/PG_spacing )
synx += glomx
syny += glomy
## Don't choose the nearest mitral segment, a whole side of the mitral tuft gets left out
#mitsegid = self.get_nearest_mitral_syn_segment(synx,syny,self.PG_z,mitnum,'PG')[1]
## Choose a mitral segment randomly from the tuft
mitsegid = self.PG_mitral_syn_positions[int(uniform(0,len(self.PG_mitral_syn_positions)))][0]
# randomly choose one out of the potential synaptic segments of the PG:
PGsegid = self.mitral_PG_syn_positions[int(uniform(0,len(self.mitral_PG_syn_positions)))][0]
## self.PGconnArray[xindex][yindex][glomnum] holds an object:
## here a python list, not numpy array; hence use list.append()
if self.PGConnArray[glomnum][xidx][yidx] is None:
self.PGConnArray[glomnum][xidx][yidx] = [(mitnum,mitsegid,PGsegid)]
if __name__ == "__main__":
### Seed only if called directly, else do not seed.
### Also seeding this way ensures seeding after importing other files that may set seeds.
### Thus this seed overrides other seeds.
if manyprocs: seed([stim_net_seed*mpirank])
else: seed([stim_net_seed]) ##### Seed numpy's random number generator. If no parameter is given, it uses current system time
gen = ConnGenerator()