from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
## ElementTree parse works an order of magnitude or more faster than minidom
## BUT it doesn't keep the original namespaces,
## from , I got _namespace_map
# neuroml, bio, mml, etc are defined above
ET._namespace_map[neuroml_ns] = 'neuroml'
ET._namespace_map[nml_ns] = 'nml'
ET._namespace_map[mml_ns] = 'mml'
ET._namespace_map[bio_ns] = 'bio'
ET._namespace_map[cml_ns] = 'cml'
ET._namespace_map[meta_ns] = 'meta'
ET._namespace_map[xsi_ns] = 'xsi'
def set_neuroml_namespaces_attribs(neuromlroot):
## later doc.write() assigns the xsi namespace a second time
## causing double definition and problem with xsltproc,
## hence commenting it out here.
def set_attrib_if_not_found(elem, name, value):
if elem.get(name) is None:
def tweak_model(root_element, params):
if 'excludePopulations' in params: # if params has key 'excludePopulations'
## both excludePopulations and excludeProjections must be present together
if 'onlyInclude' in params: # if params has key 'onlyInclude'
def pruneExcludes(network, excludepops, excludeprojs):
remove the populations in the excludepops list
remove the projections in the excludeprojs list
populations = network.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}populations")
pop_remove_list = []
for population in populations.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}population"):
populationname = population.attrib["name"]
## if any of the name-s in exclude_list are a SUBSTRING
## of the name of the neuroml population, mark it for removal
for name in excludepops:
if name in populationname: # substring
## remove only unique names,
## else you could end up trying to remove same population twice
for population in set(pop_remove_list):
projections = network.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}projections")
proj_remove_list = []
for projection in projections.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}projection"):
projectionname = projection.attrib["name"]
## if any of the name-s in exclude_list are a SUBSTRING
## of the name of the neuroml projection, mark it for removal
for name in excludeprojs:
if name in projectionname: # substring
## remove only unique names,
## else you could end up trying to remove same projection twice
for projection in set(proj_remove_list):
def keepOnlyInclude(network, onlyInclude):
Keep only the cells that are in onlyInclude['includePopulation']
and also keep cells that are connected to cells in onlyInclude['includePopulation']
and keep connections to any of the cells in onlyInclude['includePopulation'].
Prune the extraneous connections
but keep those connections in onlyInclude['includeProjections']
on cells connected to those in onlyInclude['includePopulation']
### Remove the connections that do not connect to cells in onlyInclude.
### Simultaneously build up a list of cells 'includeCellsDict' that connect to cells in onlyInclude.
### Of course this includeCellDict must have the originally included cells!
### At the end of this pruning, even if some population-s / projection-s have no elements,
### it doesn't matter, as this findall() returns an empty list and not None - so no error.
### Further I am not changing the 'size' attrib in <instances> and <connections>,
### as it's not used by this reader and I'm not saving the network after pruning.
### Do not prune 'includeProjections' immediately;
### prune them later avoiding second order cells in includeCellsDict.
includepopname = onlyInclude['includePopulation'][0]
includecellids = onlyInclude['includePopulation'][1]
## first of all, include those primary cells that the user instructs.
includeCellsDict = {includepopname:includecellids}
## projections 'includeProjs' will be pruned later, keeping connections to second order cells.
includeProjs = []
print "removing obviously extra connections in ... "
for projection in network.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}projection"):
projname = projection.attrib['name']
includeProj = False
## check if any of the given includeprojname is a substring of this projname
for includeprojname in onlyInclude['includeProjections']:
if includeprojname in projname:
includeProj = True
## if it is a substring, add this projection
## to the list of projections to be pruned later
if includeProj:
source = projection.attrib["source"]
target = projection.attrib["target"]
print projname, source, target
connections = projection.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}connections")
if connections is not None:
for connection in connections.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}connection"):
pre_cell_id = connection.attrib['pre_cell_id']
## is the user-included cell a source cell of the connection?
includecellinsource = (pre_cell_id in includecellids and includepopname==source)
post_cell_id = connection.attrib['post_cell_id']
## is the user-included cell a target cell of the connection?
includecellintarget = (post_cell_id in includecellids and includepopname==target)
## the second-order cell connected to the user-included cell must also be kept
if includecellinsource:
## since source is included, include the target also
## there can be self connections between the same population i.e. same source and target
except KeyError: # create this population entry in the dictionary if not present
includeCellsDict[target] = [post_cell_id]
elif includecellintarget:
## since target is included, include the source also, except if source is a file
if 'file' not in source:
except KeyError: # create this population entry in the dictionary if not present
includeCellsDict[source] = [pre_cell_id]
## this connection is extraneous
## but remove this connection only if
## it is not part of the projections to be pruned later
if not includeProj:
## convert includeCellsDict elements to set-s rather than lists
## to have only unique cell_ids and save time below.
for key in includeCellsDict:
includeCellsDict[key] = set(includeCellsDict[key])
print "removing extra cells ... "
### remove the cells that are not in includeCellsDict
populations = network.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}populations")
for population in network.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}population"):
popname = population.attrib["name"]
if popname in includeCellsDict.keys():
includecellids = includeCellsDict[popname]
instances = population.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}instances")
for instance in instances.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}instance"):
## not a connected cell, so remove
if instance.attrib['id'] not in includecellids:
else: ## this whole population is not required!
### Prune the 'includeProjections' that we skipped pruning before,
### while keeping connections to second order cells!
for projection in includeProjs:
print "removing projection",projection.attrib['name'],\
"keeping second-order connections."
source = projection.attrib["source"]
target = projection.attrib["target"]
## boolean: True if includeCellsDict has key source
source_in_includeCellsDict = source in includeCellsDict
## boolean: True if the word 'file' occurs in str source
file_in_source = 'file' in source
## boolean: True if includeCellsDict has key target
target_in_includeCellsDict = target in includeCellsDict
connections = projection.find(".//{"+nml_ns+"}connections")
for connection in connections.findall(".//{"+nml_ns+"}connection"):
## is the included cell a source cell of the connection?
## keep 'file' as source also.
if file_in_source:
includecellinsource = True
elif source_in_includeCellsDict and \
connection.attrib['pre_cell_id'] in includeCellsDict[source]:
includecellinsource = True
else: includecellinsource = False
## is the included cell a target cell of the connection?
if target_in_includeCellsDict and \
connection.attrib['post_cell_id'] in includeCellsDict[target]:
includecellintarget = True
else: includecellintarget= False
## this connection is extraneous
## if either sourcecell or targetcell is not included.
if not includecellinsource or not includecellintarget:
## remove is a very slow operation!
## in-place prettyprint formatter copied from
## first call indent(root, level=0), and then doc.write(filename)
def indent(elem, level=0):
i = "\n" + level*" "
if len(elem):
if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
elem.text = i + " "
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
for elem in elem:
indent(elem, level+1)
if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
elem.tail = i
if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
elem.tail = i