<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <channelml xmlns="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:meta="http://morphml.org/metadata/schema" xsi:schemaLocation="http://morphml.org/channelml/schema http://www.neuroml.org/NeuroMLValidator/NeuroMLFiles/Schemata/v1.8.1/Level2/ChannelML_v1.8.1.xsd" units="SI Units"> <meta:notes>Excitatory ORN to PG synpase adapted from ORN to PG sEPSPs in paper average of McQuiston and Katz, Murphy etal, Hayar et al 2004b, and average of bursty ET->PG and direct ON EPSPs</meta:notes> <synapse_type name="ORN_PG"> <status value="in_progress"> <meta:contributor> <meta:name>Aditya Gilra</meta:name> </meta:contributor> </status> <meta:notes> Dual exponential excitatory ORN to PG synapse </meta:notes> <meta:authorList> <meta:modelAuthor> <meta:name>Aditya Gilra</meta:name> </meta:modelAuthor> <meta:modelTranslator> <meta:name>Aditya Gilra</meta:name> <meta:institution>NCBS, India</meta:institution> <meta:email>adityag@ncbs.res.in</meta:email> </meta:modelTranslator> </meta:authorList> <meta:notes> time constants by eye from Hayar et al fig 2C (though text mentions 5.5 ms long EPSP), gmax is guess-averaged from all three. </meta:notes> <meta:publication> <meta:fullTitle>Abdallah Hayar et al., “External Tufted Cells: A Major Excitatory Element That Coordinates Glomerular Activity,” J. Neurosci. 24, no. 30 (July 28, 2004): 6676-6685.</meta:fullTitle> </meta:publication> <meta:publication> <meta:fullTitle>A R McQuiston and L C Katz, “Electrophysiology of interneurons in the glomerular layer of the rat olfactory bulb,” Journal of Neurophysiology 86, no. 4 (October 2001): 1899-1907.</meta:fullTitle> </meta:publication> <meta:publication> <meta:fullTitle>Gabe J Murphy, Daniel P Darcy, and Jeffry S Isaacson, “Intraglomerular inhibition: signaling mechanisms of an olfactory microcircuit,” Nat Neurosci 8, no. 3 (March 2005): 354-364.</meta:fullTitle> </meta:publication> <meta:neuronDBref> <meta:modelName></meta:modelName> <meta:uri></meta:uri> </meta:neuronDBref> <!-- if changing max_conductance value below, remember to change value in OBNetwork.py also --> <doub_exp_syn max_conductance="1.25e-9" rise_time="1.0e-3" decay_time="1.0e-3" reversal_potential="0.0"/> <!-- with PG 2013 cell, gives ~6 mV EPSP --> </synapse_type> </channelml>