#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import math
# The PYTHONPATH should contain the location of moose.py and _moose.so
# files. Putting ".." with the assumption that moose.py and _moose.so
# has been generated in ${MOOSE_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/pymoose/ (as default
# pymoose build does) and this file is located in
# ${MOOSE_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/pymoose/examples
# sys.path.append('..\..')
import moose
except ImportError:
print "ERROR: Could not import moose. Please add the directory containing moose.py in your PYTHONPATH"
import sys
from synapseConstants import *
class mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA(moose.KinSynChan):
"""Saturating NMDA synapse from mitral to granule cell."""
def __init__(self, *args):
#### The Mg_block way
self.mgblock = moose.Mg_block(self.path+"/mgblock")
self.mgblock.CMg = mitral_granule_NMDA_MgConc
self.mgblock.KMg_A = mitral_granule_NMDA_KMg_A
#### KMg_B has not been wrapped properly in pymoose, needed to set it via setField available in every pymoose object
#mgblock.KMg_B = mitral_granule_NMDA_KMg_B
#### connect source to destination. excsyn2 sends Gk and Ek to mgblock. other way around gives error.
self.connect("origChannel", self.mgblock, "origChannel")
#### The Mg_block way ends
##### The NMDAChan way
#self.MgConc = mitral_granule_NMDA_MgConc
#connect this in the calling script in the usual way as below:
#granulecomp.connect("channel", excsyn2, "channel")
##### The NMDAChan way - ends
self.Ek = mitral_granule_NMDA_Ek
self.Gbar = mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA_Gbar
# KinSynChan is implemented from Destexhe, Mainen and Sejnowski, 1994
# pulseWidth is the time for which the neurotransmitter is on
self.pulseWidth = mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA_pulseWidth
# decay time after neurotransmitter is switched off 1/beta in Destexhe, Mainen and Sejnowski, 1994
self.tau1 = mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA_tau1
# the fraction of bound/open receptors in infinite time with one synaptic event.
# rise time tau2 or tau_r in the paper is calculated as tau_1*(1-rInf) and cannot be set.
self.rInf = mitral_granule_saturatingNMDA_rInf