The analysis functions for EEE stimulation data.
1. Plateau Amplitude
2. Plateau Duration
3. Spike Numbers on plateau
4. Interspike intervals
5. EPSPs amplitude and time stamp
Note: new analysis functions are added on August 1st, 2018
Plateu amplitude and duration measurements in basal dendrites with soma
Author: Peng Penny Gao
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
### Function: to measure plateau duration
def meas_platdur(data, thresh = 10, dt = 0.025):
"""Measures plateau duration (ms)
data: voltage trace
thresh (mV): measure the duration of the plateau which are bigger than baseline + thresh
dt: the sampling rate (default is 0.025ms or 40kHz)
platur (ms): plateau duration in ms
# Make sure dt = 0.025 and there is no stimulation for the first 50 ms
# If there is anything before 50ms, change the time points for baseline
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
above = [val for val in stable if val > (baseline + thresh)]
platdur = dt * len(above)
return platdur
### Function: to calculate the number of Spikes
def spike_count(data, thresh = 0):
"""Measure the number of Spikes
data: list
The electrical recording data from soma in the CA229 model.
It was recorded in h.Vector() originally, then saved as list into json
file duirng the batch processing of simulation.
thresh: int
The threshold to detect spikes. By default: if the membrane potential
is larger than 0 mV, it will be detected as a spike.
count: int
Number of spikes in the data.
spike_flag = False
count = 0
for idx, val in enumerate(data[:-1]):
if spike_flag == False and val < thresh and data[idx+1] >= thresh:
spike_flag = True
elif spike_flag == True and val >= thresh and data[idx+1] < thresh:
count += 1
spike_flag = False
return count
### Function: to calculate spike interval
def IST_spikes (data, dt = 0.025):
Get the interspike intervals, spike_idx, spike_mvalue and spike_midx
The list of minimum values between each two spikes
The list of timepoints of minimum values
The average time of interspike intervals
spikes = get_EPSPs(data, 60, dt)
IST = []
count = len(spikes)
spike_mvalue = []
spike_midx = []
if count <= 1:
ISTs = 0
for i in range(count-1):
idx1 = int(round((spikes[i][0])/dt))
idx2 = int(round((spikes[i+1][0])/dt))
temp = np.min(data[idx1:idx2])
spike_midx.append(np.argmin(data[idx1:idx2]) + idx1)
ISTs = np.mean(IST)
return ISTs , spike_mvalue, spike_midx
### Function: to analyze EPSPs
def get_EPSPs(data, thresh = 2, dt = 0.025):
Get the maximum index and value of each EPSP peak
A list of turple.
Each turple has the index of max EPSP, and value of max EPSP.
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
EPSPs = []
for idx, val in enumerate(stable[:-1]):
if (val >= (baseline + thresh)) and (val > stable[idx-1]) and (val >= stable[idx+1]):
time = (idx + 6000) * dt
EPSPs.append((time, val))
return EPSPs
### Function: to analyze spikes
def single_spike(data, dt = 0.025):
Get the maximum index and value of each EPSP peak
A list of turple.
Each turple has the index of max EPSP, and value of max EPSP.
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
peak_v = np.amax(stable) - baseline
peak_t = (np.argmax(stable) + 6000) * dt
return peak_v, peak_t
# Get the value index in data when the value is the cloest to target value
def get_closest (data, target):
"""Get the index of value in data which is closest to target.
t = data.index(min(data, key=lambda x:abs(x-target)))
return t
### Function: to measure plateau amplitude
def meas_platamp(data, dt = 0.025):
"""Measures plateau amplitude (average of voltage - baseline while volt
trace is above baseline + thresh)"""
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
# above = [val for val in stable if val > (baseline + thresh)]
spike_num = spike_count(stable)
if spike_num == 0:
platamp = max(stable) - baseline
platdur = 0
ISI = 0
elif spike_num == 1: # Maybe filtering would be better?
spikegap = 5 # ms to skip after spike
idx = data.index(max(data)) + int(spikegap/dt)
platamp = data[idx] - baseline
ISI = 0
ISI, spike_mvalue, spike_midx = IST_spikes(data, dt)
platamp = spike_mvalue[-1] - baseline
return ISI , platamp
### Function: to measure plateau amplitude for TTX condition
def TTX_platamp(data):
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
above = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(stable) if val > (baseline+15)]
# platamp = max(stable) - baseline
if len(above) <= 15:
platamp = max(stable) - baseline
idx1 = above[0]
idx2 = above[-1]
platamp = stable[int(0.75*idx2 + 0.25*idx1)] - baseline
return platamp
### Function: to measure the plateau ampltiude and duration
### in soma and basal dendrites where the inputs are located.
### Using the time stamp for soma plateau amplitude measurement to determine
### the plateau ampltiude in dendrite.
def soma_platamp_TTX(data):
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
above = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(stable) if val > (baseline+15)]
# platamp = max(stable) - baseline
if len(above) <= 15:
platamp = np.max(stable) - baseline
idx = np.argmax(stable)
idx1 = above[0]
idx2 = above[-1]
idx = int(0.75*idx2 + 0.25*idx1)
platamp = stable[idx] - baseline
return idx+6000, platamp
def soma_platdur_TTX(data, dt = 0.025):
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
idx, amp = soma_platamp_TTX(data)
above = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(stable) if val > (baseline+amp/2.0)]
platdur = dt * len(above)
return platdur
def TTX_dend_plat(data, idx, dt = 0.025):
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
platamp = data[idx] - baseline
threshold = platamp*0.5
above = [val for val in stable if val > (baseline + threshold)]
platdur = dt * len(above)
return platamp, platdur
def soma_plat(data, dt = 0.025):
"""Measures plateau amplitude (average of voltage - baseline while volt
trace is above baseline + thresh)"""
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
spike_num = spike_count(stable)
if spike_num == 0:
platamp = max(stable) - baseline
platdur = 0
idx = data.index(max(data))
elif spike_num == 1: # Maybe filtering would be better?
spikegap = 5 # ms to skip after spike
idx = data.index(max(data)) + int(spikegap/dt)
platamp = data[idx] - baseline
ISI, spike_mvalue, spike_midx = IST_spikes(data, dt)
platamp = spike_mvalue[-1] - baseline
idx = spike_midx[-1]
return idx, platamp
def dend_plat(data, idx, dt = 0.025):
"""Measures plateau amplitude (average of voltage - baseline while volt
trace is above baseline + thresh)"""
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
platamp = data[idx] - baseline
threshold = platamp*0.5
above = [val for val in stable if val > (baseline + threshold)]
platdur = dt * len(above)
return platamp, platdur
def v_curr_inj(data):
baseline = np.mean(data[4000:6000])
stable = data[6000:]
amp = np.max(stable) - baseline
return amp
# Color
# Scale the RGB values to the [0, 1] range, which is the format matplotlib accepts.
def tableau (num = 0):
"The number has to be smaller than 21."
tableau21 = [(31, 119, 180), (174, 199, 232), (255, 127, 14), (255, 187, 120),
(44, 160, 44), (152, 223, 138), (214, 39, 40), (255, 152, 150),
(148, 103, 189), (197, 176, 213), (140, 86, 75), (196, 156, 148),
(227, 119, 194), (247, 182, 210), (127, 127, 127), (199, 199, 199),
(188, 189, 34), (219, 219, 141), (23, 190, 207), (158, 218, 229),
(0, 0, 0)]
for i in range(len(tableau21)):
r, g, b = tableau21[i]
tableau21[i] = (r / 255., g / 255., b / 255.)
return tableau21[num]