// $Id: init.hoc,v 1.9 2014/07/28 20:25:16 ted Exp ted $


strdef CELLSTR
load_file("cells.hoc") // contains statements of the form CELLSTR = "name.ses"


RA = 100 // ohm cm
CM = 1 // uf/cm2
SAF = 0.0 // relative contribution of spines to surface area of cell
  // SAF is >= 0
  // 0.1 means spines add 10% to surface area, 1 means they double surface area
  // cell's specific membrane conductance and capacitance are multiplied by 1+SAF
GPAS = 5e-5 // S/cm2
SPINERA = RA // cytoplasmic resistivity of spine neck and head
FREQ = 1 // Hz



CellBuild[0].continuous = 1 // ensure that Continuous Create was on once
CellBuild[0].continuous = 0 // ensure that it is now off

// the spine

create neck, head

connect neck(0), soma(0)
connect head(0), neck(1)
neck {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(195, 30, 0, 1) pt3dadd(195, 90, 0, 1)}
head {pt3dclear() pt3dadd(195, 90, 0, 1) pt3dadd(195, 105, 0, 1)}

HEADL = 0.5 // um
HEADDIAM = 0.5 // um

proc tgeom() {
  neck {
    L = NECKL
    diam = NECKDIAM
  head {
    L = HEADL
    diam = HEADDIAM


load_file("changediam.hoc") // facilitates changing diameter
  // of a pt3d-specified section--see header for usage

///// subsets

objref cellsecs // will include all sections except for the spine
cellsecs = new SectionList()
forall cellsecs.append()
objref spinesecs // just the spine's sections
spinesecs = new SectionList()
neck spinesecs.append()
head spinesecs.append()

///// biophysics

// this sets up basic biophysical properties
// does NOT adjust specific membrane capacitance and conductance for spine area

proc biophys() {
  forall {
    Ra = RA
    cm = CM
    insert pas
    g_pas = GPAS
    e_pas = 0
  forsec spinesecs Ra = SPINERA


// and spatial discretization

proc geom_nseg() {
  forall { nseg = int((L/(0.1*lambda_f(100))+.999)/2)*2 + 1  }


///// "instrumentation"

load_file("rig.ses") // RunControl
  // graph of head.v(0.5), neck.v(0), and soma.v(0)

// adaptive integration can be tricky with these different spine locations
// which may need different error tolerances
// so don't bother with it
// load_file("varstep.ses") // VariableTimeStep panel--speeds up simulations

load_file("syn.ses") // a NetStim, and a PPM as Exp2Syn at head(0.5)
  // Exp2Syn.e is 70

objref syn
head syn = Exp2Syn[0]
syn.tau1 = 0.2
syn.tau2 = 3

load_file("syni.ses") // graph of syn.i

objref pre, nc
pre = NetStim[0]

// WT = 3.36e-4 // for 20 pA peak synaptic current at the soma
// when Rspine = 510 megohms
// WT = 2.87e-4 // for 20 pA peak synaptic current at the soma
// when Rspine is negligible
// i.e. spine Ra = 0.1, neck L = 0.01
// 70 mV * 2.87e-4 uS ~ 0.02009 nA = 20 pA
WT = 2.91e-4 // for 20 pA peak synaptic current at the soma
// when Rspine is 51 megoms
// i.e. spine Ra = 100, neck L = 1, neck diam = 0.16
nc = new NetCon(pre, syn)
nc.delay = 0
nc.weight = WT

// mechanisms to detect max depol and facilitate graphs of depol vs. distance

forall {
  insert extr // to detect max depol
  insert util // to hold vmax, vhmax, and distance from the model's root node

// set up values used for plots of vmax|vhmax vs. distance
// assume that each section's 0 node is attached to the 1 node of its parent
// except for those whose 0 nodes are attached to the root node of the model
// i.e. the 0 node of the root section

distance() // makes root section's 0 node the reference point for distance

proc setdist() { // call after any change of nseg 
  // for use in plots of vmax and vhmax vs. distance from cell origin
  forall for (x, 0) { dist_util(x) = distance(x) }
  forsec basal for (x,0) { dist_util(x) *= -1 } // plot basilar values at negative path distances


load_file("showplots.hoc") // plots results
load_file("analysis.hoc") // analyzes results
  // defines normvdata(), shownormvdata(), shownormzdata(), plotsqerr()

terr = 0

proc errmsg() {
  terr = 1
  print "error: max v in ", $s1, " is later than tstop at location ", $2, "of ", secname()

proc arun() {
  // start by deleting shape plots
  // to prevent the simulation from being slow as molasses
  objref gshvmax, gshvhmax, gshahd
  terr = 0
  forsec cellsecs { // for each non-spine section in the cell
    print "working on ", secname()
    for (x,0) { // for each internal node of this section
      neck disconnect() // disconnect neck from its existing parent
      connect neck(0), x // connect neck(0) to x on currently accessed section
      run() // automatically detect vmax_extr everywhere
      vmax_util(x) = vmax_extr(x) // local max v
      if (tmax_extr(x)>=tstop) errmsg("cell", x)
      vhmax_util(x) = head.vmax_extr(0.5) // max v in spine head
      if (tmax_extr(x)>=tstop) errmsg("spine head", x)
      ahd_util(x) = vhmax_util(x)/vmax_util(x) // v atten from head to dendrite
  // put spine back at middle of soma
  neck disconnect() // disconnect neck from its existing parent
  soma connect neck(0), 0.5 // connect neck(0) to x on currently accessed section
  if (terr==1) {
    print "tstop too short to detect max v at one or more locations--"
    print "scroll back to see error messages"
    print "recommend increasing tstop and running another batch of simulations"
  normvdata() // defined in analysis.hoc
  shownormvdata() // defined in analysis.hoc

// facilitate adjustment of model and synapse parameters
