// $Id: parampanel.hoc,v 1.15 2015/09/30 05:40:15 ted Exp ted $

///// for panel to adjust model parameters

func forcege() {
  if ($1<$2) {
    $1 = $2
  return $1

func raxial() { local tmp
  tmp = 0
  for (x) if (x>0) tmp+= ri(x)
  return tmp

func rspine() { local tmp
  neck tmp = raxial()
  head tmp += ri(0.5)
  return tmp

Rspine = rspine() // for display in Control panel

// calculate values that are affected by alterations of
// model biophysics or anatomy of spine or test dendrite

tau_m = 0.001*CM/GPAS

proc recalc() {
  Rspine = rspine()
  tau_m = 0.001*CM/GPAS

///// change model properties

proc setbiophys() {
  forsec spinesecs {
    Ra = SPINERA
    cm = CM
    g_pas = GPAS
  forsec cellsecs {
    Ra = RA
    cm = CM * (1 + SAF)
    g_pas = GPAS * (1 + SAF)


proc setgeom() {


///// for control of spine location


///// Control panel

objref hbox, g
hbox = new HBox()
hbox.intercept(1)	//all following creations go into the "hbox" box

// leftmost panel:  model cell params
xbutton("Run & Analyze","arun()")
xlabel("g_pas must be >= 1e-9")
// xlabel("Frequency and peak gsyn must be >= 0")
xlabel("Peak gsyn must be >= 0")
xlabel("Neck diam and length must be >= 0.01")
xlabel("All others must be >= 0.1")
xlabel("Cell parameters:")
xvalue("Ra (ohm cm)","RA", 1,"RA=forcege(RA,0.1) setbiophys()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("cm (uf/cm2)","CM", 1,"CM=forcege(CM,0.1) setbiophys()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("g_pas (S/cm2)","GPAS", 1,"GPAS=forcege(GPAS,1e-9) setbiophys()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("spine area factor (>=0)","SAF", 1,"SAF=forcege(SAF,0) setbiophys()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Peak gsyn (uS)","WT", 1,"WT=forcege(WT,0) nc.weight=WT", 0, 1 )
xlabel("Spine parameters:")
xvalue("Ra (ohm cm)","SPINERA", 1,"SPINERA=forcege(SPINERA,0.1) setbiophys()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Neck L","NECKL", 1,"NECKL=forcege(NECKL,0.01) setgeom()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Neck diam","NECKDIAM", 1,"NECKDIAM=forcege(NECKDIAM,0.01) setgeom()", 0, 1 )
xlabel("Calculated values")
xvalue("Rspine (megohm)","Rspine")
// xvalue("tau_m (ms)", "0.001*CM/GPAS")
xvalue("tau_m (ms)", "tau_m")
xlabel("Normalized Zin and PSP amplitude")
xvalue("Frequency (Hz)","FREQ", 1,"FREQ=forcege(FREQ,1) scs(FREQ) update_maxzin()", 0, 1 )
xvalue("Max Zin (megohm)", "MAX_ZIN")
xbutton("Click to show on cell", "plotnshapes()")
xlabel("Spine location")
xbutton("Where is mark?", "saywhere()")
xbutton("Put spine at the mark", "moveto()")
// xbutton("Run in this section", "sref.sec overthis()")
// xbutton("Run over path from soma", "forsec pfrn overthis()")
// xbutton("Generate figure", "setplotsalongpath()  run()  gvt.exec_menu(\"View = plot\")")
xbutton("Generate figure", "genfig()")
xbutton("Restore path colors", "pathcolors()")

hbox.intercept(0)	//ends intercept mode
hbox.map("Controls", 652, 25, 290, 790) //draw the box and its contents

// to be done:
// add controls for specifying the style and size of the node marks