// $Id: pselclass.hoc,v 1.1 2015/09/29 19:32:03 ted Exp ted $

A PSel has:
--a graph to which Vector contents are plotted vs. t
Actually at creation of a PSel instance, one passes two arguments:
a List that contains the dependent variable Vectors, and a t Vector
objref ps
ps = new PSel(depveclist, tvec)
where depveclist is a list that contains the dependent variable Vectors

--a set of buttons for selecting which traces are of particular interest
--a button that creates a new Graph that shows just those traces

begintemplate PSel
public init
public g
public selvec, testsel // testsel is for debugging purposes
public gsel // plot of selected traces

objref vlist, tvec
objref g, hbox
objref selvec, gsel

proc init() { local ii
  vlist = $o1
  tvec = $o2
  selvec = new Vector(vlist.count, 0)
    // .x[i]==1 means vector $o1.o(i) has been selected

  hbox = new HBox()
  g = new Graph()
  listplot(vlist, $o2, g)

    for ii=0,vlist.count()-1 {
      xcheckbox(vlist.o(ii).label(), &selvec.x[ii])
        // in future, trace i should be redrawn in red or black
        // depending on whether .x[i] is 1 or 0      
//    xbutton("Test selection", "testsel()")
    xbutton("Plot selected traces", "plotsel()")

  hbox.map("Plot Selection Tool", 200, 200, -1, 100)

proc listplot() { local ii
  for ii=0,$o1.count()-1 $o1.o(ii).plot($o3,$o2)
  $o3.exec_menu("View = plot")

proc testsel() { local ii
  for ii=0,selvec.size()-1 \
    if (selvec.x[ii]==1) print ii, vlist.o(ii).label()

proc plotsel() { local ii  localobj tmplist
  tmplist = new List()
  for ii=0,selvec.size()-1 \
    if (selvec.x[ii]==1) tmplist.append(vlist.o(ii))
  gsel = new Graph(0)
  gsel.view(0, 0, 10, 4.4, 275, 512, 300.48, 200.32) // place on screen
  listplot(tmplist, tvec, gsel) // rescales axes

endtemplate PSel