// $Id: spineloc.hoc,v 1.16 2015/09/30 05:14:15 ted Exp ted $

// buildpathfromrootnode() makes a SectionList
// whose elements constitute the path from the cell's root node
// to the currently accessed section

objref ptrn, pfrn, shplt
ptrn = new SectionList() // will contain the sections along the path
  // that starts with the section that has the spine
  // and ends with the root section
pfrn = new SectionList() // same as ptrn but the sequence is centrifugal
  // i.e. starts with root section and ends will the section that has the spine

objref spinesubtree // the section that has the spine
  // plus all of its descendants
spinesubtree = new SectionList()

objref pathplussubtree // path from soma to section that contains the spine
  // plus that section's descendants
pathplussubtree = new SectionList()

// $o1 is a SectionList
// addsec() is a recursive procedure that appends to $o1 
// a centripetal path that starts with an "initial section"
// i.e. the section that is CAS when addsec is first called
// and ends with the root of the tree that contains the initial section

proc addsec() { localobj sref
  $o1.append() // append CAS
  sref = new SectionRef()
  if (ri(0) < 1e30) {
    sref.parent addsec($o1)

// build paths to and from root node
// and paths distal to the section that has the spine
// also include all of these sections in the "pathplussubtree"

proc buildpaths() { local ii  localobj tlist
  // take care of the distal sections first
  spinesubtree = new SectionList()
  spinesubtree.subtree() // includes CAS
  spinesubtree.remove() // omits CAS
  head spinesubtree.remove() // also omit spine head and neck
  neck spinesubtree.remove()
  // spinesubtree now contains all sections that are children of the CAS
  // but NOT the CAS

  ptrn = new SectionList() // will be path from CAS to root node
  // ensure that ptrn includes the root section
  tlist = new SectionList()
  forsec tlist ptrn.append()
  ptrn.unique() // but make sure the root section appears only once

  // ptrn list is centripetal
  // now reverse the sequence
  pfrn = new SectionList() // will be path from root to CAS
  // i.e. the path from root to the section that has the spine

  tlist = new List()
  forsec ptrn tlist.append(new SectionRef())
  ii = tlist.count()-1
  while (ii>=0) {
    tlist.o(ii).sec pfrn.append()
  shplt = new Shape()
//  shplt.color_list(pfrn, 2) // red
  shplt.color_list(ptrn, 2) // red
  shplt.color_list(spinesubtree, 3) // blue

  pathplussubtree = new SectionList()
  forsec pfrn pathplussubtree.append()
  forsec spinesubtree pathplussubtree.append()

///// control location of spine

load_file("loc.ses") // point process manager configured as a Loc attached to soma 0.5

objref locnc, nil, loc

loc = Loc[0]
locnc = new NetCon(nil, loc)
locnc.weight = 0

proc saywhere() { local x
  x = locnc.postloc()
  print secname(), "  nseg = ", nseg, " mark at ", x

objref sref
sref = new SectionRef()

proc moveto() { local lastx
  x = locnc.postloc()
/* to put spine in last segment
  lastx = 1 - 0.5/nseg
  print "moving spine to ", secname(), " ", lastx
  neck disconnect() // disconnect neck from its existing parent
  connect neck(0), lastx // connect neck(0) to x on currently accessed section
  print secname(), "  nseg = ", nseg, " spine at ", lastx
  // put spine at closest internal node
  if (x==0) {
    x = 0.5/nseg
  } else {
    if (x==1) x = 1 - 0.5/nseg
  print "moving spine to ", secname(), " ", x
  neck disconnect() // disconnect neck from its existing parent
  connect neck(0), x // connect neck(0) to x on currently accessed section
  Loc[0].loc(x) // make sure that Loc[0] is at the correct position
    // NUTS!  PPM's text "at secname(range)" doesn't always refresh properly!
  print secname(), "  nseg = ", nseg, " spine at ", x
  buildpaths() // between root node and this section
  sref = new SectionRef()

///// plot v vs. t at points along path from root node

// not needed because we're using PSel
objref gvt 
strdef tstr

// sets up a v vs. t plot
// for each internal node of currently accessed section
// do this in distal->proximal order
proc setsecplots() { local x
  // don't bother with 0 or 1 ends
  for (x,0) {
    sprint(tstr,"%s.v(%g)", secname(), 1-x) 

/* not any more--using NodeMarks class defined in nodemarks.hoc
// put a mark at each internal node of CAS
proc marknodes() { local x
  // don't bother with 0 or 1 ends
  for (x,0) {
    // put a mark at node
    // requires interpolation from pt3d data
    // for now do nothing

// v is to be recorded at each internal node along the path from root node
// (usually the soma's 0 end)
// to the distal end of the section that contains the spine
objref vveclist // will be a List that holds the Vectors to which v is recorded
vveclist = new List()
objref tvec
tvec = new Vector() // to record time

strdef tmplabel

// $o1 is a List to which recordings of v at all internal nodes of CAS
// are to be appended

proc setvecrec() { local x, i
  i = 0
  for (x,0) {
    $o1.append(new Vector())
    // proceed from distal to proximal

load_file("nodemarks.hoc") // defines NodeMarks class
  // used to mark locations of internal nodes along
  // a set of sections contained in a SectionList
objref marks // will be a SectionList that contains the sections
  // that are used to implement the node marks
strdef markstyle
markstyle = "+" // use plus sign for the marks
  // any other character results in x shaped marks
marksize = 5 // um, defines length of each arm of a mark

proc setplotsalongpath() { local x, ii
/* don't bother with gvt--using PSel now
  if (gvt!=nil) { // it points to something
    ii = graphList[0].index(gvt) // remove it from graphList[0] if necessary
    if (ii>=0) graphList[0].remove(ii)
    objref gvt // and get rid of whatever it points to
  gvt = new Graph(0)
  gvt.view(0, 0, tstop, 30, 962, 25, 300.48, 200.32)
  addplot(gvt,0) // add to graphList 0
  forsec ptrn { // stacks graph's variable labels from distal at top
                // to proximal at bottom
    setsecplots() // for each internal node in CAS add a v trace to gvt
    marknodes() // put a mark at each internal node of CAS
  gvt.addvar("soma.v(0.5)") // internal nodes only!
  // but we still want to see where the nodes are!
//  forsec ptrn marknodes() // put a mark at each internal node of CAS
  marks = new NodeMarks(ptrn, markstyle, marksize)    

  // restore these colors!
  shplt.color_list(ptrn, 2) // red
  shplt.color_list(spinesubtree, 3) // blue
  // nuts--doesn't work to restore them here--do it in proc pathcolors() instead

  // now set up vector recording at internal nodes along path
  // start periperally and proceed toward center
  vveclist = new List() // discard old data
  forsec ptrn setvecrec(vveclist) // for ea intl node in CAS capture v(t)
  vveclist.append(new Vector())
  soma vveclist.o(vveclist.count()-1).record(&v(0.5))

  tvec = new Vector() // really only have to do this once

proc pathcolors() {
  // restore these colors, which may have been undone by adding NodeMarks
  shplt.color_list(ptrn, 2) // red
  shplt.color_list(spinesubtree, 3) // blue

objref gvp

proc plotvmaxonpath() { local ii, maxv, maxd
  objref gvp
  gvp = new Graph(0)
  gvp.view(0, 0, 180, 24, 962, 286, 301.44, 200.32)
//  forsec pfrn for (x,0) gvp.mark(distance(x), vmax_extr(x), "+", 5)
  maxv = 0
  maxd = 0
  gvp.beginline(1, 1)
  forsec pfrn for (x,0) {
    gvp.mark(distance(x), vmax_extr(x), "O", 6)
    gvp.line(distance(x), vmax_extr(x))
    if (maxv<vmax_extr(x)) maxv = vmax_extr(x)
    if (maxd<distance(x)) maxd = distance(x)
  gvp.exec_menu("View = plot")
  gvp.view(0, 0, maxd, maxv, 962, 286, 301.44, 200.32)

proc plotdistalvmax() {
//  forsec pfrn for (x,0) gvp.mark(distance(x), vmax_extr(x), "+", 5)
  gvp.beginline(1, 1)
  forsec pfrn for (x,0) {
    gvp.mark(distance(x), vmax_extr(x), "O", 6)
    gvp.line(distance(x), vmax_extr(x))
  gvp.exec_menu("View = plot")


// should refactor this to eliminate overlap with previously developed stuff

objref spgmax, spveclist
spveclist = new List() // list of Vectors that contain values of vmax for plotting

RED = 2

strdef synlocstr

// sets synlocstr to a string of the form
// secname(rangeval)
// which describes the location to which the spine neck is attached
proc buildsynlocstr() { local x
  x = $o1.get_loc()
  sprint(synlocstr,"Spine is at %s(%f)",secname(),x)

print "CAS starts as ", secname()
print "and ends as ", secname()
print synlocstr

proc spshowpoints() {
  objref spgmax
  spgmax = new Graph(0)
  // plot vmax_extr(x) vs. distance(x) instead of vmax_util(x) vs. dist_util(x)
//  forsec pathplussubtree for (x,0) spgmax.mark(dist_util(x), vmax_util(x), "+", 5)
  forsec pathplussubtree for (x,0) spgmax.mark(distance(x), vmax_extr(x), "+", 5)
  spgmax.view(-300, 0, 1600, MAX_VHEAD, 894, 286, 300.48, 200.32)
  spgmax.exec_menu("View = plot")
//  spgmax.label(0.65, 0.2, "Max depol (mV)", 2, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  spgmax.label(0.15, 0.85, "Peak depol (mV)", 2, 1, 0, 0, 1)
  spgmax.label(0.11, 0.75, synlocstr, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1)

// $o1 is veclist
// $2 is 0 for non-root section, 1 for root section

// proc spgetsecdata() { local ii  localobj tdistvec, tvmaxvec, tvhmaxvec, tahdvec, srefthis
proc spgetsecdata() { local ii  localobj tdistvec, tvmaxvec, srefthis
  // get currently accessed section's distances and max vals into a set of vectors
  // and append them to a List
  tdistvec = new Vector(nseg)
  tvmaxvec = new Vector(nseg)
//  tvhmaxvec = new Vector(nseg)
//  tahdvec = new Vector(nseg)
  ii = 0
  for (x,0) {
//    tdistvec.x[ii] = dist_util(x)
//    tvmaxvec.x[ii] = vmax_util(x)
    tdistvec.x[ii] = distance(x)
    tvmaxvec.x[ii] = vmax_extr(x)
//    tvhmaxvec.x[ii] = vhmax_util(x)
//    tahdvec.x[ii] = ahd_util(x)
  if ($2==0) { // nonroot sections require special treatment
    // the first elements of each nonroot section's vectors
    // must be distance and max vals from a node in its parent
    // but from which end of the parent?
    srefthis = new SectionRef()
    if (srefthis.has_trueparent() == 1) { // the most common case
      // this section has a true parent
      // so the vectors' first elements must be distance and max vals from just inside parent's 1 end
      srefthis.parent() {
//        tdistvec.append(dist_util(1))
//        tvmaxvec.append(vmax_util(1))
        tdistvec.append(distance(1 - 0.5/nseg))
//        tvhmaxvec.append(vhmax_util(1))
//        tahdvec.append(ahd_util(1))
    } else { // less common
      // this section is connected to the 0 end of the root section
      // its vectors' first elements must be distance and max vals from just inside root section's 0 end
      rootsecref.sec { // make rootsec the current section
        srefthis.parent() {
//          tdistvec.append(dist_util(0))
//          tvmaxvec.append(vmax_util(0))
//          tvhmaxvec.append(vhmax_util(0))
//          tahdvec.append(ahd_util(0))
    // now make parent node data become each vector's first element
//    tvhmaxvec.rotate(1)
//    tahdvec.rotate(1)
  $o1.append(tdistvec) // .o(0) is distance vector
  $o1.append(tvmaxvec) // .o(1) is vmax vector
//  $o1.append(tvhmaxvec) // .o(2) is vhmax vector
//  $o1.append(tahdvec) // .o(3) is ahd vector

proc spshowvplots() { local ii  localobj tdistvec, tvmaxvec, tvhmaxvec, srefthis
  // plots of vmax and vhmax vs. distance
  spshowpoints() // first show the points

  // next draw lines

  // for each section get the distances and max values into vectors
  // if the section has a parent, make sure the vectors' first elements are the 
  // distances and max values that belong to the parent's nearest internal node
  // append these Vectors to veclist
  spveclist = new List() // .o(0) will be the x value vector
  // first deal with the root section
  // get its distances and max vals into a set of vectors
  rootsecref.sec spgetsecdata(spveclist, 1)
  // now deal with non-root sections
  forsec pathplussubtree spgetsecdata(spveclist, 0)

  // finally plot the vmax and vhmax vectors against the distance vector in gmax
  // and the gahd vectors against the distance vector in gahd
  while (ii<veclist.count) {
    veclist.o(ii+1).plot(gmax, veclist.o(ii), BLACK, 1)
    veclist.o(ii+2).plot(gmax, veclist.o(ii), RED, 1)
    veclist.o(ii+3).plot(gahd, veclist.o(ii), BLACK, 1)
  while (ii<spveclist.count) {
    spveclist.o(ii+1).plot(spgmax, spveclist.o(ii), BLACK, 1)
//    veclist.o(ii+2).plot(gmax, veclist.o(ii), RED, 1)
//    veclist.o(ii+3).plot(gahd, veclist.o(ii), BLACK, 1)
//    ii+=4
  // mark the very first datum of the very first vector
  // y value is spveclist.o(1).x[0]
  // x value is spveclist.o(0).x[0]
  spgmax.mark(spveclist.o(0).x[0], spveclist.o(1).x[0], "+", 5)
// revise this so it scales the Y axis nicely
  spgmax.exec_menu("View = plot")

// $o1 is a List that contains Vectors
// $o2 is the tvec for those Vectors

objref ggg

proc listplot() { local i
  ggg = new Graph()
  for ii=0,$o1.count()-1 $o1.o(ii).plot(ggg,$o2)
  ggg.exec_menu("View = plot")



objref psel

print "defining proc genfig"
// xbutton("Generate figure", "setplotsalongpath()  run()  gvt.exec_menu(\"View = plot\")")
proc genfig() {
//  gvt.exec_menu("View = plot") // no longer needed--using PSel
//  plotvmaxonpath() // from soma to 1 end of section that has the spine
//  plotdistalvmax() // children of the section that has the spine
  listplot(vveclist,tvec) // instead make a new proc that spawns a bunch of graphs
    // one per recorded v
//  listplot(vveclist,tvec) // instead make a new proc that spawns a bunch of 
  psel = new PSel(vveclist, tvec)