MANUSCRIPT: "Modelling the Effects of Ephaptic Coupling on Selectivity and Response Patterns during Artificial Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves", by Miguel Capllonch-Juan and Francisco Sepulveda (2020). PLOS Computational Biology. SECTION: "Results: Effects of ephaptic coupling on propagation" MODEL: Nerve 1 DATASET: This dataset contains the code and the data for the subsection "Results: Effects of ephaptic coupling on propagation". Here are separate folders for EC and no-EC simulations. - Data (combined for both EC and no EC): recruitment_data.csv - Specific code and data for EC and no EC: "./ec/" and "./noec/", respectively. INSTRUCTIONS: Running the simulations: 1. Enter "./ec" and "./noec" and follow the instructions in the "" in each folder to run the simulations. Data processing: 2. Once this has been done both for EC and noEC, "cd .." and build "recruitment_data.csv" manually from their corresponding "recruitment_data.txt" files (i.e., "./ec/recruitment_data.txt", and "./noec/recruitment_data.txt"). Although the process can be programmed, this was done manually while processing the data for the manuscript. Visualizing data: 3. Run "", or "" for representations of figures 3 and 5, or 4 in the manuscript, respectively. "" generates Figs 3 and 5 in the manuscript, apart from other figures. TROUBLESHOOTING - Any problems? Please search for your issue or open a new one on the software's GitHub repository: