Compare two datasets, or two simulations.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
from collections import OrderedDict
from gi.repository import Gtk
import zipfile
import math
import json
import csv
import sys
import os
def round_up(x, order=1):
""" Round a number up to the given order of magnitude """
return order * math.ceil(float(x) / order)
def round_down(x, order=1):
""" Round a number down to the given order of magnitude """
return order * math.floor(float(x) / order)
# Cwd
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Items
cwd_items = os.listdir(cwd)
# List zip files
zipflist = [
# Datasets where to store all data
datasets = OrderedDict()
# Initialize some variables that are needed for the graphs
vmin = 1e99
vmax = -1e99
# Dictionary that identifies the znames with the ephaptic coupling
znames = {}
# Iterate over zip files
for zf in zipflist:
zname = zf.replace(".zip", "")
# Create a directory for it if it doesn't exist
isincwd = zname in cwd_items
if not isincwd:
# Create the directory
# Reference the folder
zfolder = os.path.join(cwd, zname)
# Extract everything in it
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zf, 'r')
# Reference the folder
zfolder = os.path.join(cwd, zname)
# Now process data
datasets[zname] = OrderedDict()
# Axons' activity
# Results folder
results_folder = os.path.join(zfolder, "data/results")
# List all the items in the results folder
items = sorted(os.listdir(results_folder))
# Select the csv files
items = [item for item in items if ".csv" in item]
# Select the axon recording files
items = [item for item in items if item[:4] == "Axon"]
# Array for the axons' activity maxima
maxima = []
# Time
dt = 0.005
# AP peak times
appt_ = {}
# AP peak places
APpeakplace = {}
# Flags indicating which axons did fire and which not
hasAP = []
# Voltage data
data = {}
# Iterate over the files and read them
i = 0
for filename in items:
data[i] = {}
with open(os.path.join(results_folder, filename), "r") as f:
fr = csv.reader(f)
for row in fr:
if "NODE" in row[0]:
data[i][key].append([float(x) for x in row[1:]])
elif len(row) == 3:
elif len(row) == 1:
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
except NameError:
# There's no key yet
key = row[0]
data[i][key] = []
# When the last key is read, don't forget storing it
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
del key
# Store data in the dictionary
i += 1
# Check maxima and relevant stuff
for i, data_ in data.items():
axondata = data_["v"]
# Check if the maximum is an AP
maximum = axondata.max()
if maximum > 0:
# Regions where v is greater than 15
whereAPs = np.where(axondata > 15)
# Time when the first AP is fired (v rises above 15mV)
when1stAP = whereAPs[1].min()
where1stAP = whereAPs[0][np.where(whereAPs[1] == when1stAP)][0]
segment_maxima = argrelextrema(axondata[where1stAP], np.greater)[0]
# Local maxima
local_maxima = axondata[where1stAP][segment_maxima]
# Local maxima greater than 15 mV
# IMPORTANT: I named the following variable when1stAP_ just so
# it doesn't overwrite when1stAP, but I can make it overwrite
# it if I want
when1stAP_ = segment_maxima[np.where(local_maxima > 15)][0]
APpeaktime = dt * (when1stAP - 1)
APpeakplace[i] = where1stAP
appt_[i] = APpeaktime
i += 1
# Maxima to array
maxima = np.array(maxima)
# AP peak times to array
# And subtract the pulse delay from them
appt_values = np.array(list(appt_.values())) - 0.01
if len(appt_values) == 0:
print("No axon fired an AP")
# Delete the key for tidyness
del key
# Store everything in the datasets dictionary
datasets[zname]["APpeakplace"] = APpeakplace
datasets[zname]["appt_"] = appt_
datasets[zname]["appt_values"] = appt_values
datasets[zname]["hasAP"] = hasAP
datasets[zname]["figrow"] = zipflist.index(zf)
datasets[zname]["data"] = data
if "_EC" in zname:
datasets[zname]["title"] = "With Ephaptic \nCoupling (sEC)"
datasets[zname]["histcolor"] = "r"
znames["EC"] = zname
elif "noEC" in zname:
datasets[zname]["title"] = "Without Ephaptic \nCoupling (snoEC)"
datasets[zname]["histcolor"] = "b"
znames["noEC"] = zname
# Common variables
vmin = min(vmin, appt_values.min())
vmax = max(vmax, appt_values.max())
# Process vext[1]
# Get the initial value (for it = 0 or 1), which is what is used for
# extstim
extstim = {}
vext_EC = {}
vext_noEC = {}
vext_noEC_mod = {}
vext_diffs = {}
vm_EC = {}
vm_noEC = {}
# Numbers of fired axons
nfa_sEC = 0
nfa_snoEC = 0
# Newly fired axons
newlyfa_total = 0
# Choose the node in the middle, which is roughly the closest to the
# stimulating pad (not really, because that is on the first of four
# rings)
dataset = datasets[znames["EC"]]
data = dataset["data"]
APpeakplace = dataset["APpeakplace"]
APpeakplace_noEC = datasets[znames["noEC"]]["APpeakplace"]
# Get the fields
for i, variables in data.items():
field_EC = variables['vext[1]']
field_noEC = datasets[znames["noEC"]]["data"][i]['vext[1]']
transmv_EC = variables['v']
transmv_noEC = datasets[znames["noEC"]]["data"][i]['v']
# Chose the node of Ranvier that lies closest to the source
n = APpeakplace[i]
except KeyError:
# This axon has no AP in any simulation
n = field_EC.shape[0] // 2
# It has one in sEC, so now check if there is an AP in snoEC
nfa_sEC += 1
_ = APpeakplace_noEC[i]
except KeyError:
# This axon has no AP in snoEC
# Save the axon
newlyfa_total += 1
# Count the number of fired axons in snoEC
_ = APpeakplace_noEC[i]
except KeyError:
nfa_snoEC += 1
# Store the data into the dictionaries
vext_EC[i] = field_EC[n]
vext_noEC[i] = field_noEC[n]
# Modify field_noEC to chop the last time step of the pulse from it
# This is a way to compute the difference between the fields from the two
# simulations without getting spurious values
field_noEC_mod = np.zeros_like(field_noEC[n])
where = np.where(field_noEC[n] < -5.e-1)[0][:-1]
field_noEC_mod[where] = field_noEC[n][where]
vext_noEC_mod[i] = field_noEC_mod
# Go on with the others
vm_EC[i] = transmv_EC[n]
vm_noEC[i] = transmv_noEC[n]
extstim[i] = vext_noEC[i][3]
vext_diffs[i] = vext_EC[i] - vext_noEC_mod[i]
print("Fired axons in sEC: %i"%nfa_sEC)
print("Fired axons in snoEC: %i"%nfa_snoEC)
print("Total number of newly fired axons: %i"%newlyfa_total)
print("Sanity check: %i"%(nfa_sEC - nfa_snoEC))
# Compound variables
# vext_diffs from all the axons grouped in one array
vext_diffs_array = np.array([vd for vd in vext_diffs.values()])
# Limits
vext_diffs_min = vext_diffs_array.min()
vext_diffs_max = vext_diffs_array.max()
# Mean and standard deviation
vda_mean = vext_diffs_array.mean(axis=0)
vda_std = vext_diffs_array.std(axis=0)
# Percentiles
vda_perc25 = np.percentile(vext_diffs_array, 25, axis=0)
vda_perc75 = np.percentile(vext_diffs_array, 75, axis=0)
vda_perc10 = np.percentile(vext_diffs_array, 10, axis=0)
vda_perc90 = np.percentile(vext_diffs_array, 90, axis=0)
print("Peak of averaged fields strengths: %f mV"%vda_mean.min())
print("Peak of all fields strengths: %f mV"%vext_diffs_array.min())
# Provisional figures
# Cut the time domain in half
nt = len(vext_EC[0]) // 2
time = dt * np.arange(nt)
# Choose n*n random axons
n = 4
these_axons = np.random.choice(list(extstim.keys()), n * n)
print('randomly selected axons:')
# Choose one specific axon
chosen_axon = 507
# Show figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax = ax.flatten()
# Potentials
ax[0].plot(time, vm_noEC[chosen_axon][:nt], c='b', alpha=0.5)
ax[0].plot(time, vm_EC[chosen_axon][:nt], c='k')
ax[1].plot(time, vext_noEC_mod[chosen_axon][:nt], c='b', alpha=0.5)
ax[1].plot(time, vext_EC[chosen_axon][:nt], c='k')
ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$\rm v_{m}$ $\rm (mV)$")
ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$\rm v_{E}$ $\rm (mV)$")
ax[0].set_yticks(np.arange(-80, 80, 40))
ytick_separation = 50
yticks = np.arange(
round_down(vext_EC[chosen_axon][:nt].min(), order=10),
round_up(vext_EC[chosen_axon][:nt].max(), order=10) + ytick_separation,
ax[1].set_ylim(yticks.min(), yticks.max())
# Plot all the vext_diff vs time
for vd in vext_diffs.values():
ax[2].plot(time, vd[:nt], c='k', alpha=0.2)
ax[2].plot(time, vda_mean[:nt], c='r', lw=1., alpha=1.)
ax[2].plot(time, vda_mean[:nt] - vda_std[:nt], c='r', lw=0.2, ls='-', alpha=0.3)
ax[2].plot(time, vda_mean[:nt] + vda_std[:nt], c='r', lw=0.2, ls='-', alpha=0.3)
ax[2].axvline(time[where[0]], ls='-', c='k', lw=0.2, alpha=0.3)
ax[2].axvline(time[where[-1]], ls='-', c='k', lw=0.2, alpha=0.3)
ax[1].set_xlabel("Time " + r"$\rm (ms)$")
ax[2].set_ylabel(r"$\rm v_{E}$ Diff. $\rm (mV)$")
ytick_separation = 30
yticks = np.arange(
round_down(vext_diffs_min, order=10),
round_up(vext_diffs_max, order=10) + ytick_separation,
xticks = np.arange(time.min(), time.max() + 0.1, 0.1)
xticklabels = ["%0.1f"%x for x in xticks]
ax[0].set_xlim(time.min(), time.max())
ax[1].set_xlim(time.min(), time.max())
ax[2].set_xlim(time.min(), time.max())
# Save and show
fig.savefig("fig4.png", dpi=300)