Get the extracellular fields over the axons given a certain stimulation 

import os
import csv
from neuron import h, gui
from collections import OrderedDict

import workspace as ws
import simcontrol
import analysis as als
import biophysics as bio

# Prepare the necessary variables from the configuration files

# Change the number of time steps and refresh the settings for the 
# simulation control
ws.settings['simulation control']['nt'] = 1

# Manually modify some options in ws.settings so that this uses the 
# Resistor Network model and the electrodes defined in electrodes.json
ws.settings["nerve model"] = "resistor network"
ws.settings["ephaptic coupling"]["presence"] = "True"
ws.settings["stimulation"] = \
		"method": "from electrodes", 
		"file": "None"

# Pulses dictionary and counter
pulses = {}
j = 0
# Iterate over stimulating electrodes
for k, el in ws.electrodes_settings.items():
	if el["role"] == "stimulation":
		# print(k)

		# Iterate over active pads
		for pad, protocol in el["stimulation protocol"].items():
			# print("\t", pad, protocol["type"])

			# Iterate over pulses on this pad
			if protocol["type"] == "square pulses":
				for i, (o, d) in enumerate(zip(
								protocol["pulse onset times"], 
								protocol["pulse durations"])):

					# Add its properties to the dictionary
					pulse = {}
					pulse["electrode name"] = k
					pulse["pad"] = pad
					pulse["type"] = "square pulse"
					pulse["delay"] = o
					pulse["duration"] = d
					pulse["pulse number for this pad"] = i
					pulses[j] = pulse

					# Update the pulse counter
					j += 1

					# For each pulse, trick the model into thinking that 
					# the pulse virtually won't happen
					# This is necessary to isolate all the pulses from 
					# each other
					ws.electrodes_settings[k]["stimulation protocol"] \
						[pad]["pulse onset times"][i] = 2. * ws.tstop

# Save the original tstop
tstop_original = ws.tstop

# File to save the data in
espath = os.path.join(ws.folders['data/load'], 'extstim.csv')

# Now iterate over pulses and compute the field over 
# the axons for each pulse
for i, (k, p) in enumerate(pulses.items()):
	# print(k, p)

	# Empty the current injections list and reset the counters

	# Turn the delay for this pulse to zero so the stimulation 
	# starts inmediately
	ws.electrodes_settings[p["electrode name"]]["stimulation protocol"] \
		[p["pad"]]["pulse onset times"] \
		[p["pulse number for this pad"]] = 0.

	# Prepare the necessary stuff for the simulation

	# Run the simulation

	# Save the values into the file

	# If this is the first pulse, open the file as a new one
	mode = "a"
	if k == 0:
		mode = "w"
	with open(espath, mode) as f:

		# Write the number and type of pulse
		fw = csv.writer(f)
		fw.writerow(["Pulse", i])
		fw.writerow(["Type", p["type"]])
		fw.writerow(["Delay", p["delay"]])
		fw.writerow(["Duration", p["duration"]])

		# Get the fields for each axon
		nvt = ws.nvt
		for i, j in enumerate(range(nvt.nNAELC, nvt.nc, 1)):
			exst = [seg.vext[ws.axonmodel_settings[nvt.models[j]]['extlayers']-1] \
				for seg in ws.segments[j]]
			fw.writerow([i] + exst)

	# Once, finished, turn the delay for this pulse back to later than 
	# tstop so it doesn't interfere with the following pulses
	ws.electrodes_settings[p["electrode name"]]["stimulation protocol"] \
		[p["pad"]]["pulse onset times"] \
		[p["pulse number for this pad"]] = 2. * tstop_original