// This is a NAELC that imitates the sections of an MRG axon on their lengths

begintemplate MyelAxonMammal

public init, create_sections, topol, subsets, geom, biophys
public all

// Start initializing the class
proc init() {

// Create sections
create NODE[1], MYSA[1], FLUT[1], STIN[1]
proc create_sections() {
	n_rn = $o1.get("section_counter").get("node")
	n_mysa = $o1.get("section_counter").get("MYSA")
	n_flut = $o1.get("section_counter").get("FLUT")
	n_stin = $o1.get("section_counter").get("STIN")
	create NODE[n_rn], MYSA[n_mysa], FLUT[n_flut], STIN[n_stin]

// Subsets, topology, geometry and biophysics
objref all, sctps, sec, next_sec
proc topol() { local i, i_rn, i_mysa, i_flut, i_stin
	objref all, sec, next_sec
	all = new SectionList()
	n_rn = $o1.get("section_counter").get("node")
	n_mysa = $o1.get("section_counter").get("MYSA")
	n_flut = $o1.get("section_counter").get("FLUT")
	n_stin = $o1.get("section_counter").get("STIN")
	n_mx = $o1.get("mx_n")
	nsecs = $o1.get("nsecs")
	sctps = $o1.get("sectypes")
	i_rn = 0
	i_mysa = 0
	i_flut = 0
	i_stin = 0
	for i=0, nsecs-1 {
		// Select the section
		sec = sctps.o(i)
		// Connect NODE to MYSA
		if (strcmp(sec.sectype, "node") == 0) {
			if (i_rn < n_rn-1) {
				NODE[i_rn] connect MYSA[i_mysa](0), 1
			if (i_rn == n_rn-1) {
				if (i < nsecs-1) {
					NODE[i_rn] connect MYSA[i_mysa](0), 1
			NODE[i_rn] all.append()
			i_rn += 1
		// MYSA and FLUT

		// MYSA
		if (strcmp(sec.sectype, "MYSA") == 0) {
			if (i < nsecs-1){
				// Connect
				// This can go with NODE or with FLUT
				next_sec = sctps.o(i+1)
				// Connect MYSA to FLUT
				if (strcmp(next_sec.sectype, "FLUT") == 0) {
					MYSA[i_mysa] connect FLUT[i_flut](0), 1
				// Connect MYSA to NODE
				if (strcmp(next_sec.sectype, "node") == 0) {
					MYSA[i_mysa] connect NODE[i_rn](0), 1
			MYSA[i_mysa] all.append()
			i_mysa += 1

		// FLUT
		if (strcmp(sec.sectype, "FLUT") == 0) {
			if (i < nsecs-1){
				// Connect
				// This can go with STIN or with MYSA
				next_sec = sctps.o(i+1)
				// Connect FLUT to STIN
				if (strcmp(next_sec.sectype, "STIN") == 0) {
					FLUT[i_flut] connect STIN[i_stin](0), 1
				// Connect FLUT to MYSA
				if (strcmp(next_sec.sectype, "MYSA") == 0) {
					FLUT[i_flut] connect MYSA[i_mysa](0), 1
			FLUT[i_flut] all.append()
			i_flut += 1
		// Connect STIN to FLUT
		if (strcmp(sec.sectype, "STIN") == 0) {
			if (i_stin < n_stin-1) {
				STIN[i_stin] connect FLUT[i_flut](0), 1
			if (i_stin == n_stin-1) {
				if (i < nsecs-1) {
					STIN[i_stin] connect FLUT[i_flut](0), 1
			STIN[i_stin] all.append()
			i_stin += 1

objref l_rn, l_mysa, l_flut, l_stin
proc biophys() {
	n_rn = $o1.get("section_counter").get("node")
	n_mysa = $o1.get("section_counter").get("MYSA")
	n_flut = $o1.get("section_counter").get("FLUT")
	n_stin = $o1.get("section_counter").get("STIN")
	n_mx = $o1.get("mx_n")
	l_rn = $o1.get("lengths").get("node")
	l_mysa = $o1.get("lengths").get("MYSA")
	l_flut = $o1.get("lengths").get("FLUT")
	l_stin = $o1.get("lengths").get("STIN")
	// We don't need any of this:
	// nodeD = $o1.get("nodeD")
	// axonD = $o1.get("axonD")
	// fiberD = $o1.get("fiberD")
	// paraD1 = $o1.get("paraD1")
	// paraD2 = $o1.get("paraD2")
	// space_p1 = $o1.get("space_p1")
	// space_p2 = $o1.get("space_p2")
	// space_i = $o1.get("space_i")
	// rhoa = $o1.get("rhoa")
	// cm_ = $o1.get("cm")
	// nl = $o1.get("nl")
	// mycm = $o1.get("mycm")
	// mygm = $o1.get("mygm")
	// e_pas_ = $o1.get("IN_e_pas")
	// g_pas_MYSA = $o1.get("MYSA_g_pas")
	// g_pas_FLUT = $o1.get("FLUT_g_pas")
	// g_pas_STIN = $o1.get("STIN_g_pas")
	// Rpn0=(rhoa*1.e2)/(PI*((((nodeD/2)+space_p1)^2)-((nodeD/2)^2)))
	// Rpx=(rhoa*1.e2)/(PI*((((axonD/2)+space_i)^2)-((axonD/2)^2)))
	// Rpn1=(rhoa*1.e2)/(PI*((((paraD1/2)+space_p1)^2)-((paraD1/2)^2)))
	// Rpn2=(rhoa*1.e2)/(PI*((((paraD2/2)+space_p2)^2)-((paraD2/2)^2)))

	for i=0, n_mx-1 {
		// NODE
		if (i < n_rn) {
			NODE[i] {
				L = l_rn.x[i]
				diam = 1.
				nseg = 1
				Ra = 1.e99
				cm = 0.
				// Do not insert voltage-gated ion channels
				// insert axnode
				// Instead insert a dummy passive mechanism
				insert pas
					e_pas = 0.
					g_pas = 1.e9
				insert extracellular
					xg[0] = 1e10
					xc[0] = 0.
					xraxial[0] = 1e9
		// MYSA
		if (i < n_mysa) {
			MYSA[i] {
				L = l_mysa.x[i]
				diam = 1.
				nseg = 1
				Ra = 1.e99
				cm = 0.
				insert pas
					e_pas = 0.
					g_pas = 1.e9
				insert extracellular 
					xg[0] = 1e10
					xc[0] = 0.
					xraxial[0] = 1e9
		// FLUT
		if (i < n_flut) {
			FLUT[i] {
				L = l_flut.x[i]
				diam = 1.
				nseg = 1
				Ra = 1.e99
				cm = 0.
				insert pas
					e_pas = 0.
					g_pas = 1.e9
				insert extracellular 
					xg[0] = 1e10
					xc[0] = 0.
					xraxial[0] = 1e9
		// STIN
		if (i < n_stin) {
			STIN[i] {
				L = l_stin.x[i]
				diam = 1.
				nseg = 7
				Ra = 1.e99
				cm = 0.
				insert pas
					e_pas = 0.
					g_pas = 1.e9
				insert extracellular 
					xg[0] = 1e10
					xc[0] = 0.
					xraxial[0] = 1e9

endtemplate MyelAxonMammal