Circle packing algorithm(s)
import numpy as np
import planar as pl
def fill(contour, rmin=0., rmax=1.e99, min_sep=0., nmaxpf=None,
tolerance=1e4, tol_ta=1, distribution="uniform", distr_params=None):
# In case it's not an array:
_ = contour.size
contour = np.array(contour)
# Polygon
pts = [tuple(item) for item in contour.tolist()]
polygon = pl.Polygon(pts)
center = (contour[:-1, 0].mean(), contour[:-1, 1].mean())
diameter = 2 * np.hypot(contour[:-1, 0] - center[0],
contour[:-1, 1] - center[1]).max()
radius = 0.5 * diameter
# List of fibers
rlist = []
positions = []
tryanother = 0
nonstop = True
# Cell counter
cc = 0
# minsep = min_sep * 0.5
while nonstop:
# Random radius
if distribution == "uniform":
r = np.random.uniform(rmin, rmax, 1)
elif distribution == "gamma":
valid = False
while not valid:
# Work with diameters first, then back to radius
mean = 2. * distr_params["mean"]
shape = distr_params["shape"]
scale = mean / shape
r = 0.5 * np.random.gamma(shape, scale, 1)
valid = (r >= rmin) & (r <= rmax)
allowed_r = r + min_sep
# Go trying different positions
k = 0
while (k < tolerance):
# Random position inside the polygon
correct = False
while not correct:
# Try a random position
dx = np.random.uniform(-radius, -radius + diameter)
dy = np.random.uniform(-radius, -radius + diameter)
x = center[0] + dx
y = center[1] + dy
# 1: Check if the center is inside the polygon
correct = polygon.contains_point((x, y))
# 2: Check that the whole fiber is inside the polygon
# For this, I actually check that all the points of the
# polygon are farther than the fiber radius
cx, cy = contour[:, 0], contour[:, 1]
correct = correct & (np.hypot(cx - x, cy - y) > allowed_r).all()
k += 1
# Check for clashes with other existing sub-units
clash = False
for i, xy in enumerate(positions):
xc, yc = xy
if (np.hypot(x - xc, y - yc) < allowed_r + rlist[i]):
# Clash. This sub-unit doesn't fit here
clash = True
if clash:
k += 1
# If I tried too many times with a sub-unit and it
# didn't fit, stop
if k >= tolerance:
tryanother += 1
if tryanother >= tol_ta:
nonstop = False
# Else, keep trying
# No clash at all. Good position
xy = (x, y)
cc += 1
k = tolerance
if cc >= nmaxpf:
nonstop = False
positions, rlist = np.array(positions), np.array(rlist)
r = rlist[..., 0]
x, y = positions.T
return x, y, r