Miguel Capllonch Juan
29 September 2018
This computes the LFP from membrane currents in an anisotropic medium
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
rec_els = {
'E': {'pos': (250, 0, 19000),
'lfp_indiv_ly1': {}, 'lfp_indiv_ly2': {},
'lfp_total_ly1': None, 'lfp_total_ly2': None,
'color': 'r'},
'S': {'pos': (0, -250, 19000),
'lfp_indiv_ly1': {}, 'lfp_indiv_ly2': {},
'lfp_total_ly1': None, 'lfp_total_ly2': None,
'color': 'g'},
'W': {'pos': (-250, 0, 19000),
'lfp_indiv_ly1': {}, 'lfp_indiv_ly2': {},
'lfp_total_ly1': None, 'lfp_total_ly2': None,
'color': 'b'},
'N': {'pos': (0, 250, 19000),
'lfp_indiv_ly1': {}, 'lfp_indiv_ly2': {},
'lfp_total_ly1': None, 'lfp_total_ly2': None,
'color': 'k'}
delay = 0.1
dur = 0.2
amp = -15.e-3
stimcurrent = None
stimelpos = (250, 0, 100)
sigma_x = 1. / (1.211e3 * 1.e-6)
sigma_y = 1. / (1.211e3 * 1.e-6)
sigma_z = 1. / (0.175e3 * 1.e-6)
def compute_lfp(currents, elpos):
""" Compute the LFP from a time series of currents as recorded by
a point electrode situated at elpos
The equation is taken from:
Nicholson & Freeman (1975)
The current sources are all the segments in the axon """
dx = x - elpos[0]
dy = y - elpos[1]
dz = z - elpos[2]
denominator = 4. * np.pi * np.sqrt\
sigma_y * sigma_z * dx ** 2 + \
sigma_z * sigma_x * dy ** 2 + \
sigma_x * sigma_y * dz ** 2\
denominator = denominator.repeat(nt).reshape(currents.shape)
return (currents / denominator).sum(axis=0)
def compute_lfp_fromtimeseries(currents, srcpos, elpos):
""" Compute the LFP from a time series of currents as recorded by
a point electrode situated at elpos
The equation is taken from:
Nicholson & Freeman (1975)
This time, there is only one current point source """
dx = srcpos[0] - elpos[0]
dy = srcpos[1] - elpos[1]
dz = srcpos[2] - elpos[2]
denominator = 4. * np.pi * np.sqrt\
sigma_y * sigma_z * dx ** 2 + \
sigma_z * sigma_x * dy ** 2 + \
sigma_x * sigma_y * dz ** 2\
return currents / denominator
names = {}
ily1 = {}
ily2 = {}
balancely1 = {}
balancely2 = {}
lfp_indiv_ly1 = {}
lfp_indiv_ly2 = {}
x = []
y = []
z = []
ii_fibs = []
dt = 0.005
with open('./membranecurrents.csv', 'r') as f:
frl = list(csv.reader(f))
for i, row in enumerate(frl[1:]):
ifib = int(row[0])
name = row[1]
data = row[5:]
ndata = len(data) / 2
dataly1 = np.array([float(item) for item in data[:ndata]])
dataly2 = np.array([float(item) for item in data[ndata:]])
except KeyError:
names[ifib] = [name]
ily1[ifib] = [dataly1]
ily2[ifib] = [dataly2]
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
z = np.array(z)
tarray = np.arange(0, dt * ndata, dt)
nt = len(tarray)
nsegstotal = len(z)
stimcurrent = amp * np.ones_like(tarray)
stimcurrent[np.where(tarray < delay)] = 0.
stimcurrent[np.where(tarray > delay + dur)] = 0.
zRN = {}
indsRN = {}
for k, v in names.items():
zRN[k] = []
indsRN[k] = []
for i, vv in enumerate(v):
if 'node' in vv:
for ifib in ii_fibs:
ily1[ifib] = np.array(ily1[ifib])
ily2[ifib] = np.array(ily2[ifib])
balancely1[ifib] = np.zeros(nt)
balancely2[ifib] = np.zeros(nt)
for i_t, t in enumerate(tarray):
balancely1[ifib][i_t] = ily1[ifib][:, i_t].sum()
balancely2[ifib][i_t] = ily2[ifib][:, i_t].sum()
for k, re in rec_els.items():
re['lfp_indiv_ly1'][ifib] = compute_lfp(ily1[ifib], re['pos'])
re['lfp_indiv_ly2'][ifib] = compute_lfp(ily2[ifib], re['pos'])
for k, re in rec_els.items():
re['lfp_total_ly1'] = np.zeros(nt)
re['lfp_total_ly2'] = np.zeros(nt)
for ifib in ii_fibs:
re['lfp_total_ly1'] += re['lfp_indiv_ly1'][ifib]
re['lfp_total_ly2'] += re['lfp_indiv_ly2'][ifib]
re['lfp_total_ly1'] += compute_lfp_fromtimeseries(stimcurrent,
stimelpos, re['pos'])
re['lfp_total_ly2'] += compute_lfp_fromtimeseries(stimcurrent,
stimelpos, re['pos'])
resum = re['lfp_total_ly1'] + re['lfp_total_ly2']
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for k, re in rec_els.items():
ax.plot(tarray, re['lfp_total_ly1'], c=re['color'] , ls='-',
label=k + '. Layer 1')
ax.plot(tarray, re['lfp_total_ly2'], c=re['color'] , ls='--',
label=k + '. Layer 2')
ax.plot(tarray, resum, 'r', lw=3, label='Sum')
ax.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax.set_ylabel('Extracellular recordings (mV)')
ax.set_title('Extracellular recordings')