Show the CVs of "EC" scaled with the CVs of "No EC"
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid
import scipy.signal as scs
import scipy.stats as sst
import zipfile
import json
import csv
import os
def get_slope(x, y):
Obtain the slope of the linear regression of a number of points
return sst.linregress(x, y)[0]
def draw_subfigure(ax, zipflist):
""" Draw a subfigure """
# Method to select the maxima
method = "AP peaks"
method = "15 mV"
# Velocities
velocities = {}
# Iterate over zip files
for iz, zf in enumerate(zipflist):
# Name of the dataset
zname = zf.replace(".zip", "")
# Dictionary to store data from this dataset
velocities[zname] = {}
# Create a directory for it if it doesn't exist
isincwd = zname in cwd_items
if not isincwd:
# Create the directory
# Reference the folder
zfolder = os.path.join(cwd, zname)
# Extract everything in it
zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(zf, 'r')
# Reference the folder
zfolder = os.path.join(cwd, zname)
# Axons' activity
# Results folder
results_folder = os.path.join(cwd, zfolder, "data/results")
# List all the items in the results folder
items = sorted(os.listdir(results_folder))
# Select the csv files
items = [item for item in items if ".csv" in item]
# Select the axon recording files
items = [item for item in items if item[:4] == "Axon"]
# Flags indicating which axons did fire and which not
hasAP = []
# Voltage data
data = {}
# Geometrical properties
xx_ = []
yy_ = []
rr_ = []
# z-axis anatomy
# Nodes of Ranvier
zprofile_RN = {}
# Diamters
diameters = OrderedDict()
# Minima and maxima for the plot limits
tmin = 0.
tmax = -1e99
zmin = 1e99
zmax = -1e99
# Iterate over the files and read them
i = 0
for filename in items:
data[i] = {}
zprofile_RN[i] = []
with open(os.path.join(results_folder, filename), "r") as f:
fr = csv.reader(f)
for row in fr:
if "NODE" in row[0]:
data[i][key].append([float(x) for x in row[1:]])
elif len(row) == 3:
elif len(row) == 1:
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
except NameError:
# There's no key yet
key = row[0]
data[i][key] = []
elif "segment positions" in row[0]:
for item in row[1:]:
value = float(item)
except ValueError:
segname = item
if "NODE" in segname:
# Store zprofile_RN[i] as an array
zprofile_RN[i] = np.array(zprofile_RN[i])
# When the last key is read, don't forget storing it
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
del key
i += 1
for i, data_ in data.items():
axondata = data_["v"]
# Check if the maximum is an AP
if axondata.max() > 15:
# Time and position along the z-axis of the AP maxima
ptime_ = []
pzpos_ = []
# Iterate over compartments
for j, zj in enumerate(zprofile_RN[i]):
if method == "AP peaks":
# Peaks along time
peak_time_indices = argrelextrema(axondata[j], np.greater)[0]
peak_times = dt * peak_time_indices
# Select only those which are greater than 15 mV
local_maxima = axondata[j][peak_time_indices]
peak_times = peak_times[np.where(local_maxima > 15)]
elif method == "15 mV":
# First time v reaches 15 mV
tinds = np.where(axondata[j] >= 15)[0]
if len(tinds) > 0:
peak_time_indices = np.array([np.where(axondata[j] >= 15)[0].min()])
peak_times = dt * peak_time_indices
peak_times = []
# Add the data if there are valid peaks
if len(peak_times) > 0:
data[i]["ptime_"] = np.array(ptime_)
data[i]["pzpos_"] = np.array(pzpos_)
# Minima and maxima
tmax = max(tmax, max(ptime_))
zmin = min(zmin, min(pzpos_))
zmax = max(zmax, max(pzpos_))
# Geometrical properties to array
xx_ = np.array(xx_)
yy_ = np.array(yy_)
rr_ = np.array(rr_)
# Colors for the diameters
diameters_ = 2 * rr_
dmin = diameters_.min()
dmax = diameters_.max()
diameters_scaled = (diameters_ - dmin) / diameters_.ptp()
diameters_scaled = (diameters_ - 9.) / 2.
cmap_diams = plt.cm.gnuplot
cmap_diams = plt.cm.jet
diamcolors = [cmap_diams(x) for x in diameters_scaled]
for i, data_ in data.items():
if hasAP[i]:
ptime_ = data_["ptime_"]
pzpos_ = data_["pzpos_"]
# Select the time of the first AP in each case
times = np.array([t[0] for t in ptime_])
# Minima and maxima
tmax = max(tmax, times.max())
# Conduction Velocities
# Avoid boundaries
margin = 3
times_cropped = times[margin:-margin]
pzpos_cropped = pzpos_[margin:-margin]
vels = []
# Window: ALWAYS ODD!
window_lr = 11
lr_margin = window_lr // 2
for j in range(len(times_cropped) - window_lr + 1):
times_cropped[j : j + window_lr],
pzpos_cropped[j : j + window_lr]
# Velocities to array
vels = np.array(vels)
# Save data
velocities[zname][i] = {
"time": times_cropped[lr_margin:-lr_margin],
"velocities": vels
# Dummy scatter for the plots' colorbar
xdummy = times.mean() * np.ones_like(diameters_)
ydummy = pzpos_.mean() * np.ones_like(diameters_)
except NameError:
xdummy = np.zeros_like(diameters_)
ydummy = np.zeros_like(diameters_)
scdummy = ax.scatter(xdummy, ydummy, s=0, c=diameters_, cmap=cmap_diams, vmin=int(dmin), vmax=11)
# Averages for noEC
avgnoEC = np.zeros_like(diameters_)
for zname, data_ in velocities.items():
if "noEC" in zname:
for i, vels in data_.items():
vels = vels["velocities"]
avgnoEC[i] = vels.mean()
# Plot velocities
for zname, data_ in velocities.items():
if "nominalEC" in zname:
for i, vels in data_.items():
time = vels["time"]
vels = vels["velocities"]
# Scale the velocities and plot
ax.plot(time, vels / avgnoEC[i], color=diamcolors[i])
# Return scdummy to use it for the colorbar
return velocities, scdummy
# Time
dt = 0.005
# Cwd
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Items
cwd_items = os.listdir(cwd)
# Load style file
# Figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# List zip files containing the outputs of the simulations
zipflist = [
# Draw the subfigures
velocities, scdummy = draw_subfigure(ax, zipflist)
# Arrange the figure
ax.set_xlim(0.5, 3.0)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (ms)")
ax.set_ylim(0.3, 1.)
ax.set_ylabel("Scaled CV")
# Colorbar
ticks = np.arange(9., 11., 0.3)
cb = plt.colorbar(scdummy, ax=ax, label=r"Fiber Diameter ($\rm \mu m$)", ticks=ticks)
# Store data in a json file
# Custom json encoder
class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return obj.tolist()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
# Write data to file
with open("fig7.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(velocities, f, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)