Plot the ephaptic influence vs. inter-axonal distance
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import csv
import sys
import os
# Load style file
# Results folder
cwd = os.getcwd()
results_folder = os.path.join(cwd, "code/data/results")
# List all the items in the results folder
items = sorted(os.listdir(results_folder))
# Select the csv files
items = [item for item in items if ".csv" in item]
# Select the axon recording files
items = [item for item in items if item[:4] == "Axon"]
# Array for the axons' activity maxima and minima
maxima = {}
minima = {}
vminimum = 1e99
# Flags indicating which axons did fire and which not
hasAP = {}
# Voltage data
data = {}
# Geometrical properties
xx_ = []
yy_ = []
rr_ = []
# z-axis anatomy
# Nodes of Ranvier
zprofile_RN = {}
# Diamters
diameters = OrderedDict()
# Iterate over the files and read them
i = 0
for filename in items:
data[i] = {}
zprofile_RN[i] = []
with open(os.path.join(results_folder, filename), "r") as f:
# data[i][key] = []
fr = csv.reader(f)
for row in fr:
if "NODE" in row[0]:
data[i][key].append([float(x) for x in row[1:]])
elif len(row) == 3:
elif len(row) == 1:
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
except NameError:
# There's no key yet
key = row[0]
data[i][key] = []
elif "segment positions" in row[0]:
for item in row[1:]:
value = float(item)
except ValueError:
segname = item
if "NODE" in segname:
# Store zprofile_RN[i] as an array
zprofile_RN[i] = np.array(zprofile_RN[i])
# When the last key is read, don't forget storing it
data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
del key
# Store data in the dictionary
i += 1
# Geometrical properties to array
xx_ = np.array(xx_)
yy_ = np.array(yy_)
rr_ = np.array(rr_)
# Distances of the axons from the center of the bundle
dists_center = np.hypot(xx_, yy_)
# Scale it
dists_center_scaled = dists_center / dists_center.max()
vrest = -80
# Avoid the margins to avoid boundary effects
nodes = np.arange(len(zprofile_RN[0]))[2:-2]
# deflections will be an array, but now it needs to be a list
deflections = []
for node in nodes:
maxima[node] = []
minima[node] = []
for i, data_ in data.items():
axondata = data_["v"]
# Store maximum and minimum value of v
# Store overall minimum
vminimum = min(vminimum, axondata.min())
# Check if the maximum is an AP
if axondata.max() > 15:
hasAP[i] = True
stimulated_axon = i
except KeyError:
hasAP[i] = False
# Deflections from -80 mV
maxima[node] = np.array(maxima[node])
minima[node] = np.array(minima[node])
deflections_item = maxima[node] - vrest
# Remove the highest value, which corresponds to the source axon
deflections_item = np.ma.masked_where(deflections_item == deflections_item.max(), deflections_item)
# Append deflections_item to the list deflections
# deflections to array
deflections = np.ma.array(deflections)
# Mean of deflections per node
defmeanpernode = deflections.mean(axis=1)
# Max of deflections per axon
defmaxperaxon = deflections.max(axis=0)
# Figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Distances from the stimulated axon
distances = np.hypot(xx_ - xx_[stimulated_axon], yy_ - yy_[stimulated_axon])
ax.scatter(distances, defmaxperaxon, c="k", s=1)
ax.set_xlabel(r"Distance ($\rm \mu m$)")
ax.set_ylabel(r"Rise above $v_{r}$ $\rm (mV)$")
ax.set_ylim(0.2575, 0.2675)
ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 250, 50))
# Save results in a csv
with open('fig9a.csv', 'w') as f:
fw = csv.writer(f)
fw.writerow(['distance (um)', 'rise (mv)'])
for d, r in zip(distances, defmaxperaxon):
fw.writerow([d, r])