//Created by Paulo Aguiar [pauloaguiar@fc.up.pt]
begintemplate WDRwithoutinter
public soma, dendrite, hillock, axon
create soma, dendrite, hillock, axon
proc init() {
create soma // create a section called soma
soma {
nseg = 3 // define number of segments for discretization
L = 20.0 // define length of compartment
diam = 20.0 // define diameter of compartment
//HH channels: iNat and iK
insert HH2 { // insert the density mechanism HH2 as defined by a .mod file, and set some of its parameter values
gnabar_HH2 = 0.08
gkbar_HH2 = 0.02
vtraub_HH2 = -55.0
//intracellular Ca dynamics
insert CaIntraCellDyn {
depth_CaIntraCellDyn = 0.1
cai_tau_CaIntraCellDyn = 1.0
cai_inf_CaIntraCellDyn = 50.0e-6
//high-voltage activated long-lasting calcium current, L-type
insert iCaL {
pcabar_iCaL = 0.0001 //0.0001 - IMPORTANT: this current drives the (activity control) somatic iKCa current
//non-specific current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration
insert iCaAN {
gbar_iCaAN = 0.0 //0.0
//potassium current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration
insert iKCa {
gbar_iKCa = 0.002 //0.0001
//sodium persistent current
insert iNaP {
gnabar_iNaP = 0.0001 //0.0001
ek = -70.0 // set inversion potential of potassium for all mechanisms of soma
Ra = 150.0 // set axial resistivity of soma
insert pas // pas (for passive) is a predefined mechanism modeling leak current through the membrane
g_pas = 4.2e-5
e_pas = -65.0
create dendrite
dendrite {
nseg = 5
L = 500.0
diam = 4.0
//intracellular Ca dynamics
insert CaIntraCellDyn {
depth_CaIntraCellDyn = 0.1
cai_tau_CaIntraCellDyn = 2.0
cai_inf_CaIntraCellDyn = 50.0e-6
//high-voltage activated long-lasting calcium current, L-type
insert iCaL {
pcabar_iCaL = 3.0e-5 //3.0e-5 IMPORTANT: this current is important for activity control (drives the iKCa current)
//non-specific current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration
insert iCaAN {
gbar_iCaAN = 0.00007 //0.00007; This is a sensible parameter
//higher values of gbar_iCaAN produce graphs similar to Silviloti et al 93
//potassium current dependent on intracellular calcium concentration
insert iKCa {
gbar_iKCa = 0.0025 //0.001; higher values place "holes" in the scatter plot, resulting from the cai bump after synaptic activation);
//naturally, lower values will lead to increased firing
ek = -70.0
Ra = 150.0
insert pas
g_pas = 4.2e-5
e_pas = -65.0
create hillock
hillock {
nseg = 3
L = 3
diam(0:1) = 2.0:1.0 // diameter varies from 2 microns at the 0 end of the section to 1 micron at the other end
//HH channels: iNa,t and iK
insert HH2 {
gnabar_HH2 = 0.1
gkbar_HH2 = 0.04
vtraub_HH2 = -55.0
Ra = 150.0
insert pas
g_pas = 4.2e-5
e_pas = -65.0
create axon
axon {
nseg = 5
L = 1000.0
diam = 1.0
//HH channels: iNa,t and iK
insert HH2 {
gnabar_HH2 = 0.1
gkbar_HH2 = 0.04 //0.04
vtraub_HH2 = -55
Ra = 150.0
insert pas
g_pas = 4.2e-5
e_pas = -65.0
soma connect hillock(0),1 // connect the 0 ending of hillock to the 1 ending of soma
hillock connect axon(0),1
soma connect dendrite(0),0
endtemplate WDRwithoutinter
//Category Variable Units
//Time t [ms]
//Voltage v [mV]
//Current i [mA/cm2] (distributed) [nA] (point process)
//Concentration ko, ki, etc. [mM]
//Specific capacitance cm [uf/cm2]
//Length diam, L [um]
//Conductance g [S/cm2] (distributed) [uS] (point process)
//Cytoplasmic resistivity Ra [ohm cm]
//Resistance Ri [10E6 ohm]