//Created by Paulo Aguiar [pauloaguiar@fc.up.pt]
// Adapted by Ariane Delrocq and Romain Veltz (Université Côte d’Azur and INRIA Sophia Antipolis France), 2019.

// Steps:
// 1 - CREATE WDR neuron and interneuron from the respective template cells

// 1 *****************************************************************************************************

// CREATE WDR neuron and interneuron from the respective template cells


objref wdr   // declare the variable wdr
wdr = new WDRwithoutinter()   // create a cell as defined in the template WDRwithoutinter
default_stp = 0

// 2 *****************************************************************************************************

// C-fibres and Ad-fibres signals are driven by spike-times stored in vectors
// noise signals are driven by NetStim objects

// signal periods; all times are in ms
n_burst_spikes = 1		 	// define the number of spikes created by each stim in the fibres
T0 = 10.0					// if each stim produces a short burst of spikes, this is their ISI [ms]
n_close_stims = 1			// define the number of stims in each set (ex: 1=singlet; 3=triplets)
T1 = 300.0					// in heterogeneous stimulation n_close_stims are separated by T1 [ms]
n_stim_sets = 15			// define the number of stim sets
T2 = 1000.0					// period between stimuli sets [ms]
start_time = 1000.0			// time for first stim [ms]

//tstop is defined after loading the session (close to the end of this file)

// NOTES:	average stimuli period = T2 / n_close_stims
//			total stims = n_close_stims * n_stim_sets

// contruct the stimulus times vector
objref stim_times
stim_times  = new Vector(n_stim_sets*n_close_stims*n_burst_spikes, 0.0)   // creates a zero-filled vector of size n_stim_sets*n_close_stims*n_burst_spikes
index = 0
for i=0,n_stim_sets-1 {
    for j=0,n_close_stims-1 {
		for k=0,n_burst_spikes-1 {
		    stim_times.x[index] = start_time + i * T2 + j * T1 + k * T0   // the syntax stim_times.x[index] simply refers to the element of stim_times with index index.
		    index = index + 1

// for Poisson stimulation: contruct the stimulus times vector
// multiline comment:
objref r, stim_times
r = new Random(666)
stim_times  = new Vector(n_stim_sets, 0.0)
last_time = start_time
for i=0,n_stim_sets-1 {
    stim_times.x[i] = last_time
    last_time = last_time + r.repick()


// 3 *****************************************************************************************************

//	Ad-fibres	--> NMDAR, AMPAR	--> wdr
//	C-fibres	--> NMDAR, AMPAR, NK1R	--> interneuron
//	interneuron	--> NMDAR, AMPAR, GABAR	--> wdr
//	interneuron	--> GABAAR		--> wdr
//	noise_inh	--> GABAAR		--> wdr
//	noise_exc	--> AMPAR		--> wdr

// Create post-synaptic receptors for all synapses

// -----------------------

N_A  = 20		// number of A synapses impinging on WDR
Ad_delay = 30.0		// delay in the activation of Ad synapses [ms]
Ad_dispersion = 5.0	//dispersion in the arrival time of Ad signals [ms]

objref nil
objref ampar_Ad[N_A], nmdar_Ad[N_A]   // declare arrays of size N_A
objref ampa_Ad_conn[N_A], nmda_Ad_conn[N_A]

for i=0,N_A-1 {

    wdr.dendrite ampar_Ad[i]  = new AMPA_DynSyn(0.5)
    // create AMPA receptor mechanism (as defined in the .mod file) at the middle (0.5) of the dendrite of wdr
    // then set parameters for this mechanism:
    ampar_Ad[i].tau_fac   = 0.1 // NOT SUBJECT TO SHORT-TERM PLASTICITY
    ampar_Ad[i].tau_rec   = 0.1
    ampar_Ad[i].U1        = 1.0
    ampar_Ad[i].tau_rise  = 0.1
    ampar_Ad[i].tau_decay = 5.0
    ampar_Ad[i].stp = default_stp

    //netcon = new NetCon(source, target, threshold [mV], delay [ms], weight [uS]) -> delay is overwritten by FIinitializeHandler
    ampa_Ad_conn[i] = new NetCon(nil, ampar_Ad[i], -30.0, 0.0 , 0.0008)   // (0.00085 in NMDA block exp)
    // create a NetCon object to trigger events for the ampa receptor.
    // The source is nil because events are to be artificially triggered (i.e. not by a variable crossing the threshold).
    // The threshold value is therefore useless.
    // The value of weight will be transmitted to and used by the NET_RECEIVE procedure of the target mechanism.

    wdr.dendrite nmdar_Ad[i]  = new NMDA_DynSyn(0.5)
    nmdar_Ad[i].tau_fac   = 0.1 // NOT SUBJECT TO SHORT-TERM PLASTICITY
    nmdar_Ad[i].tau_rec   = 0.1
    nmdar_Ad[i].U1        = 1.0
    nmdar_Ad[i].tau_rise  = 2.0
    nmdar_Ad[i].tau_decay = 100.0
    nmdar_Ad[i].stp = default_stp

    //netcon = new NetCon(source, target, threshold [mV], delay [ms], weight [uS]) -> delay is overwritten by FIinitializeHandler
    nmda_Ad_conn[i] = new NetCon(nil, nmdar_Ad[i], -30.0, 0.0 , 0.0001)


// ----------------------

C_delay = 200.0		// conduction in C-fibres is slower; this is the delay
C_dispersion = 20.0	// dispersion in the arrival time of C signals [ms]

N_IC = 20		// number of C-fibre synapses impinging on WDR

objref nil
objref ampar_C[N_IC], nmdar_C[N_IC], gabaar_C[N_IC], nk1r_C[N_IC], asic[N_IC], pH[N_IC]
objref ampa_C_conn[N_IC], nmda_C_conn[N_IC], gabaa_C_conn[N_IC], nk1_C_conn[N_IC], pH_conn[N_IC]

objref r
r = new Random(123456789) // use a different seed if you need different random streams; the seed used for the figures in the paper was 123456789

for i=0,N_IC-1 {
    wdr.dendrite asic[i] = new ASICnativeTone(0.5)
    asic[i].gbar = 0.00010

    wdr.dendrite ampar_C[i]  = new AMPA_DynSyn(0.5)   // synapse in the middle of the dendrite
    ampar_C[i].tau_fac   = 0.1
    ampar_C[i].tau_rec   = 0.1
    ampar_C[i].U1        = 1.0
    ampar_C[i].tau_rise  = 0.1
    ampar_C[i].tau_decay = 5.0
    ampar_C[i].stp = default_stp

    wdr.dendrite nmdar_C[i]  = new NMDA_DynSyn(0.5)
    nmdar_C[i].tau_fac   = 0.1
    nmdar_C[i].tau_rec   = 0.1
    nmdar_C[i].U1        = 1.0
    nmdar_C[i].tau_rise  = 2.0
    nmdar_C[i].tau_decay = 100.0
    nmdar_C[i].stp = default_stp

    wdr.dendrite nk1r_C[i] = new NK1_DynSyn(0.5)
    nk1r_C[i].tau_fac    = 0.1
    nk1r_C[i].tau_rec    = 0.1
    nk1r_C[i].U1         = 1.0
    nk1r_C[i].tau_rise   = 150.0
    nk1r_C[i].tau_decay  = 3000.0
    nk1r_C[i].stp  = default_stp

    wdr.dendrite gabaar_C[i]  = new GABAa_DynSyn(0.5)
    gabaar_C[i].tau_fac   = 0.1 // NOT SUBJECT TO SHORT-TERM PLASTICITY
    gabaar_C[i].tau_rec   = 0.1
    gabaar_C[i].U1        = 1.0
    gabaar_C[i].tau_rise  = 0.1
    gabaar_C[i].tau_decay = 10.0
    gabaar_C[i].stp = default_stp

    wdr.dendrite pH[i] = new PostProtCleftDyn(0.5)
        pH[i].tau = 0.5
        pH[i].pKd = 6.3
        pH[i].b0 = 22
        pH[i].pH0 = 7.4
        pH[i].q0 = 0.5
        pH[i].duration = 1

    //netcon = new NetCon(source, target, threshold [mV], delay [ms], weight [uS])
    ampa_C_conn[i]  = new NetCon(nil, ampar_C[i],  -30.0, 0.0,     0.006)
    nmda_C_conn[i]  = new NetCon(nil, nmdar_C[i],  -30.0, 0.0,     0.004)
    nk1_C_conn[i]  = new NetCon(nil, nk1r_C[i],  -30.0,   0.0,     0.000003)
    gabaa_C_conn[i] = new NetCon(nil, gabaar_C[i], -30.0, 0.0,     0.0003) //+1.0 (this is not required for windup!; it serves only the purpose of demostrating that GABA_A blockers enhance windup profile responses)
    pH_conn[i] = new NetCon(nil, pH[i], -30.0, 0.0,     0.0)


//set activation times
objref fih
fih = new FInitializeHandler("loadqueue()")
// since initialization with init() (which calls finitialize()) clears the event queue, defining the stimulation events cannot be done now.
// Thanks to this type 1 (default) FInitializeHandler,
// loadqueue() will be called by finitialize AFTER it has cleared the event queue and initialized all mechanisms.

proc loadqueue() { local ii, jj, event_time  localobj r

    r = new Random(123456789) // use a different seed if you need different random streams; "123456789" is the seed used in the paper figures

    //load Ad-fiber spike times
    for ii=0,stim_times.size()-1 {

	//distribute through all synapses
	for jj=0,N_A-1 {

	    event_time = stim_times.x[ii] + Ad_delay + Ad_dispersion * r.repick()

	    ampa_Ad_conn[jj].event( event_time )
	    // The NetCon object stored at index jj in ampa_Ad_conn will deliver an event at time event_time
	    nmda_Ad_conn[jj].event( event_time )


    //load C-fiber spike times
    for ii=0,stim_times.size()-1 {

    //distribute through all synapses
	for jj=0,N_IC-1 {

        event_time = stim_times.x[ii] + C_delay + C_dispersion * r.repick()

        ampa_C_conn[jj].event( event_time )
        nmda_C_conn[jj].event( event_time )
        nk1_C_conn[jj].event( event_time )
        pH_conn[jj].event( event_time )
        gabaa_C_conn[jj].event( event_time  + 1.0)


// 5 ****************************************************************************************************


// create source of stimulation for inhibitory and excitatory noise synapses
objref stim_exc, stim_inh

wdr.soma stim_exc = new NetStim(0.5)
stim_exc.interval	= 10.0
stim_exc.start		= 0.0
stim_exc.number		= 1000000
stim_exc.noise		= 1.0

wdr.soma stim_inh = new NetStim(0.5)
stim_inh.interval	= 10.0
stim_inh.start		= 0.0
stim_inh.number		= 1000000
stim_inh.noise		= 1.0

objref ampar_noise, gabaar_noise

wdr.soma ampar_noise = new AMPA_DynSyn(0.5)   // excitatory
ampar_noise.tau_fac    = 0.1
ampar_noise.tau_rec    = 0.1
ampar_noise.U1         = 1.0
ampar_noise.tau_rise   = 0.1
ampar_noise.tau_decay  = 5.0
ampar_noise.stp  = default_stp

wdr.soma gabaar_noise = new GABAa_DynSyn(0.5) // inhibitory
gabaar_noise.tau_fac    = 0.1
gabaar_noise.tau_rec    = 0.1
gabaar_noise.U1         = 1.0
gabaar_noise.tau_rise   = 0.1
gabaar_noise.tau_decay  = 5.0
gabaar_noise.stp  = default_stp

//netcon = new NetCon(source, target, threshold [mV], delay [ms], weight [uS])
objref ampa_noise_conn, gabaa_noise_conn
ampa_noise_conn  = new NetCon(stim_exc, ampar_noise,  -30.0, 0.0, 0.0001)
gabaa_noise_conn = new NetCon(stim_exc, gabaar_noise, -30.0, 0.0, 0.0001)
//the mean of the noise current is roughly 0.001 mA/cm²

proc set_noise() {
    ampa_noise_conn.weight = $1
    gabaa_noise_conn.weight = $2

// 6 ****************************************************************************************************

for i=0,N_IC-1 {
    setpointer asic[i].he, pH[i].he
    // // he is a normal variable of PostProtCleftDyn mechanism pH[i], and is shared with the ASIC mechanism asic[i] thanks to its pointer he

// store spike-times
objref nc, nil, vec
// create a Netcon object to watch for membrane potential crossing AP threshold:
wdr.soma nc = new NetCon(&v(.5), nil, -30.0, 0.0, 1.0)
vec = new Vector()
// record threshold crossing instants:

//// store plotted variables:
objref wdr_tvec, wdr_soma_v, wdr_dend_v, wdr_soma_cai, wdr_dend_cai, wdr_dend_icaan, wdr_dend_ical, wdr_dend_ikca, wdr_dend_ica
wdr_tvec = new Vector()

  // record membrane potential of wdr
wdr_soma_v = new Vector()
wdr_dend_v = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&v(.5), wdr_soma_v, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&v(.5), wdr_dend_v, wdr_tvec)

  // record intracellular calcium concentration
wdr_soma_cai = new Vector()
wdr_dend_cai = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&cai(.5), wdr_soma_cai, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&cai(.5), wdr_dend_cai, wdr_tvec)

  // record various channel variables...
objref m_inf_icaan, tau_m_icaan, m_icaan
wdr_dend_icaan = new Vector()
tau_m_icaan = new Vector()
m_inf_icaan = new Vector()
m_icaan = new Vector()
wdr_dend_ical = new Vector()
wdr_dend_ikca = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ican_iCaAN(.5), wdr_dend_icaan, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&tau_m_iCaAN(.5), tau_m_icaan, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_inf_iCaAN(.5), m_inf_icaan, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_iCaAN(.5), m_icaan, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ica_iCaL(.1), wdr_dend_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&i_iKCa(.5), wdr_dend_ikca, wdr_tvec)

wdr_dend_ica = new Vector()

wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ica(.5), wdr_dend_ica, wdr_tvec)

objref wdr_m, wdr_h, wdr_n
wdr_m = new Vector()
wdr_h = new Vector()
wdr_n = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_HH2(.5), wdr_m, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&h_HH2(.5), wdr_h, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&n_HH2(.5), wdr_n, wdr_tvec)

// receptors
objref Ad_tvec, Ad_ampa_i[N_A], Ad_nmda_i[N_A], C_tvec, C_ampa_i[N_IC], C_nmda_i[N_IC], C_gaba_i[N_IC], C_nk1_i[N_IC], Cr_tvec

Ad_tvec = new Vector()
for j=0,N_A-1 {
    Ad_ampa_i[j] = new Vector()
    Ad_nmda_i[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_Ad[j].i, Ad_ampa_i[j], Ad_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_Ad[j].i, Ad_nmda_i[j], Ad_tvec)

Cr_tvec = new Vector()
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    C_ampa_i[j] = new Vector()
    C_nmda_i[j] = new Vector()
    C_nk1_i[j] = new Vector()
    C_gaba_i[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_C[j].i, C_ampa_i[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C[j].i, C_nmda_i[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C[j].i, C_nk1_i[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&gabaar_C[j].i, C_gaba_i[j], Cr_tvec)

objref C_ampa_A[N_IC], C_ampa_B[N_IC], C_nmda_A[N_IC], C_nmda_B[N_IC], C_gaba_A[N_IC], C_gaba_B[N_IC], C_nmda_mgb[N_IC]
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    C_ampa_A[j] = new Vector()
    C_ampa_B[j] = new Vector()
    C_nmda_A[j] = new Vector()
    C_nmda_B[j] = new Vector()
    C_nmda_mgb[j] = new Vector()
    C_gaba_A[j] = new Vector()
    C_gaba_B[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_C[j].A, C_ampa_A[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_C[j].B, C_ampa_B[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C[j].A, C_nmda_A[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C[j].B, C_nmda_B[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C[j].mgb, C_nmda_mgb[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&gabaar_C[j].A, C_gaba_A[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&gabaar_C[j].B, C_gaba_B[j], Cr_tvec)

objref m_inf_dend_ical, tau_m_dend_ical, ghk_dend_ical, m_dend_ical
m_inf_dend_ical = new Vector()
tau_m_dend_ical = new Vector()
ghk_dend_ical = new Vector()
m_dend_ical = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_inf_iCaL(.5), m_inf_dend_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&tau_m_iCaL(.5), tau_m_dend_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ghkval_iCaL(.5), ghk_dend_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_iCaL(.5), m_dend_ical, wdr_tvec)

objref m_inf_soma_ical, tau_m_soma_ical, ghk_soma_ical, m_soma_ical
m_inf_soma_ical = new Vector()
tau_m_soma_ical = new Vector()
ghk_soma_ical = new Vector()
m_soma_ical = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_inf_iCaL(.5), m_inf_soma_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_m_iCaL(.5), tau_m_soma_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ghkval_iCaL(.5), ghk_soma_ical, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_iCaL(.5), m_soma_ical, wdr_tvec)

objref m_inf_dend_ikca, tau_m_dend_ikca, m_dend_ikca
m_inf_dend_ikca = new Vector()
tau_m_dend_ikca = new Vector()
m_dend_ikca = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_inf_iKCa(.5), m_inf_dend_ikca, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&tau_m_iKCa(.5), tau_m_dend_ikca, wdr_tvec)
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&m_iKCa(.5), m_dend_ikca, wdr_tvec)

objref wdr_dend_ipas
wdr_dend_ipas = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&i_pas(.5), wdr_dend_ipas, wdr_tvec)

objref m_inf_soma_ikca, tau_m_soma_ikca, m_soma_ikca
m_inf_soma_ikca = new Vector()
tau_m_soma_ikca = new Vector()
m_soma_ikca = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_inf_iKCa(.5), m_inf_soma_ikca, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_m_iKCa(.5), tau_m_soma_ikca, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_iKCa(.5), m_soma_ikca, wdr_tvec)

objref m_inf_inap, tau_m_inap, m_inap, h_inf_inap, tau_h_inap, h_inap
m_inf_inap = new Vector()
tau_m_inap = new Vector()
m_inap = new Vector()
h_inf_inap = new Vector()
tau_h_inap = new Vector()
h_inap = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_inf_iNaP(.5), m_inf_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_m_iNaP(.5), tau_m_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_iNaP(.5), m_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&h_inf_iNaP(.5), h_inf_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_h_iNaP(.5), tau_h_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&h_iNaP(.5), h_inap, wdr_tvec)

objref m_inf_inahh, tau_m_inahh, m_inahh, h_inf_inahh, tau_h_inahh, h_inahh, n_inf_ikhh, tau_n_ikhh, n_ikhh
m_inf_inahh = new Vector()
tau_m_inahh = new Vector()
m_inahh = new Vector()
h_inf_inahh = new Vector()
tau_h_inahh = new Vector()
h_inahh = new Vector()
n_inf_ikhh = new Vector()
tau_n_ikhh = new Vector()
n_ikhh = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_inf_HH2(.5), m_inf_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_m_HH2(.5), tau_m_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&m_HH2(.5), m_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&h_inf_HH2(.5), h_inf_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_h_HH2(.5), tau_h_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&h_HH2(.5), h_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&n_inf_HH2(.5), n_inf_ikhh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&tau_n_HH2(.5), tau_n_ikhh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&n_HH2(.5), n_ikhh, wdr_tvec)

objref wdr_soma_ikhh, wdr_soma_inahh, wdr_soma_ipas, wdr_soma_ikca, wdr_soma_inap, wdr_soma_ical
wdr_soma_ikhh = new Vector()
wdr_soma_inahh = new Vector()
wdr_soma_inap = new Vector()
wdr_soma_ipas = new Vector()
wdr_soma_ikca = new Vector()
wdr_soma_ical = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ik_HH2(.5), wdr_soma_ikhh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ina_HH2(.5), wdr_soma_inahh, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ina_iNaP(.5), wdr_soma_inap, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&i_pas(.5), wdr_soma_ipas, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&i_iKCa(.5), wdr_soma_ikca, wdr_tvec)
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ica_iCaL(.5), wdr_soma_ical, wdr_tvec)

// pH dynamics
objref cleft_he[N_IC], prot_q[N_IC], cleft_tot_prot[N_IC], h0[N_IC]
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    cleft_he[j] = new Vector()
    prot_q[j] = new Vector()
    cleft_tot_prot[j] = new Vector()
    h0[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&pH[j].he, cleft_he, wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&pH[j].q, prot_q, wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&pH[j].tot_prot, cleft_tot_prot, wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&pH[j].h0, h0, wdr_tvec)

objref ASIC_pH[N_IC], ASIC_m[N_IC], ASIC_h[N_IC], ASIC_i[N_IC], ASIC_m_inf[N_IC], ASIC_h_inf[N_IC], ASIC_tau_m[N_IC], ASIC_tau_h[N_IC]
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    ASIC_pH[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_m[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_h[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_i[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_m_inf[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_h_inf[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_tau_m[j] = new Vector()
    ASIC_tau_h[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].pH, ASIC_pH[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].m, ASIC_m[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].h, ASIC_h[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].i, ASIC_i[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].m_inf, ASIC_m_inf[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].h_inf, ASIC_h_inf[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].tau_m, ASIC_tau_m[j], wdr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ASICnativeTone[j].tau_h, ASIC_tau_h[j], wdr_tvec)

// from here added

//objref C_ampa_A, C_ampa_B
//C_ampa_A = new Vector()
//C_ampa_B = new Vector()
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_C.A, C_ampa_A, Cr_tvec)
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&ampar_C.B, C_ampa_B, Cr_tvec)

//objref C_nmda_A, C_nmda_B
//C_nmda_A = new Vector()
//C_nmda_B = new Vector()
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C.A, C_nmda_A, Cr_tvec)
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C.B, C_nmda_B, Cr_tvec)

objref C_nk1_A[N_IC], C_nk1_B[N_IC]
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    C_nk1_A[j] = new Vector()
    C_nk1_B[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C[j].A, C_nk1_A[j], Cr_tvec)
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C[j].B, C_nk1_B[j], Cr_tvec)

//objref Cdiff_C_nk1_i
//Cdiff_C_nk1_i = new Vector()
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C_WDR.i, Cdiff_C_nk1_i, Cr_tvec)

//objref Cdiff_nk1_A, Cdiff_nk1_B
//Cdiff_nk1_A = new Vector()
//Cdiff_nk1_B = new Vector()
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C.A, Cdiff_nk1_A, Cr_tvec)
//wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C.B, Cdiff_nk1_B, Cr_tvec)

// total and calcium current??
objref wdr_soma_ica
wdr_soma_ica = new Vector()
wdr.soma cvode.record(&ica(.5), wdr_soma_ica, wdr_tvec)

objref dend_nmda_ica[N_IC]
for j=0,N_IC-1 {
    dend_nmda_ica[j] = new Vector()
    wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nmdar_C[j].ica, dend_nmda_ica[j], Cr_tvec)

objref dend_C_nk1_ica
dend_C_nk1_ica = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&nk1r_C.ica, dend_C_nk1_ica, Cr_tvec)

objref wdr_cao
wdr_cao = new Vector()
wdr.dendrite cvode.record(&cao(.5), wdr_cao, wdr_tvec)

// to here added

access wdr.soma


tstop = (n_stim_sets + 1) * T2 + start_time  // end time of the simulation
do_print = 1

celsius = 36

// dt = 0.0125 //has finite representation in binary

// run()

// define the proc that writes spike times (to file "wdr_spike_times.dat" if no file name is given in argument)
objref fileobj
fileobj = new File()
proc store_wdr() {
    if (numarg()){
    } else {
    // write vector vec into file:
//    forall delete_section()

//Category						Variable		Units
//Time							t				[ms]
//Voltage						v				[mV]
//Current						i				[mA/cm2] (distributed)	[nA] (point process)
//Concentration					ko, ki, etc.	[mM]
//Specific capacitance			cm				[uf/cm2]
//Length						diam, L			[um]
//Conductance					g				[S/cm2] (distributed)	[uS] (point process)
//Cytoplasmic resistivity		Ra				[ohm cm]
//Resistance					Ri				[10E6 ohm]