Default_Eleak = -65
membranecap = 0.64 /* specific membrane capacitance in uF cm^-2 */
membraneresist = 120236 /* specific membrane resistance in ohm cm^2 */
axialresist = 120 /* axial resistivity in ohm cm */
xopen("Purkinje19b972-1.nrn") // Load the morphology file.
forsec "axon" delete_section() // Delete original axon and add a fake AIS
objref g2, b2,c2, distrx, distry, cdistry, p
forall {
insert pas e_pas=Default_Eleak /* Insert Leak everywhere */
insert hpkj // Ih inserted everywhere
insert ds
insert pk
AIS { g_pas=1/membraneresist Ra=axialresist cm=membranecap}
forsec spinydend {g_pas=5.3/membraneresist Ra=axialresist cm=5.3*membranecap}
forsec maindend {g_pas=1.2/membraneresist Ra=axialresist cm=1.2*membranecap}
forsec "soma" { g_pas=1/membraneresist Ra=axialresist cm=membranecap}
forsec maindend {insert cdp4N}
forsec alldend {
insert Kv3
gbar_Kv3 = 0.1512
vshift_Kv3 = 4
insert newCaP
pcabar_newCaP = 0.00019
vshift_newCaP =-5
insert CaT3_1
pcabar_CaT3_1 = 2.7e-05
insert mslo
gbar_mslo = 0.21504
insert SK2
gkbar_SK2 = 2.4000e-04*1.5
scal_SK2 = 1.0
ghbar_hpkj = 0.00036
insert Kv1
gbar_Kv1 = 0.002
insert Kv4
gbar_Kv4 = 0.0252
insert Kv4s
gbar_Kv4s = 0.015
forsec spinydend {
insert cdp4Nsp
gkbar_SK2 = 0.00036
scal_SK2 = 1.0
gbar_Kv4 = 0.0264
gbar_Kv4s = 0.015
ghbar_hpkj = 0.000324
vshift_Kv4 = 0
gbar_Kv1 = 0.001
gbar_Kv3 =0.1512
vshift_Kv3 = 0
pcabar_CaT3_1 = 0.000108
pcabar_newCaP = 0.00076
vshift_newCaP = -5
scale_cdp4Nsp = 3.5
gbar_mslo = 0.0896
insert abBK
gabkbar_abBK = 0.15
access somaA
somaA distance(0,0.5)
forsec "soma" {
insert naRsg
gbar_naRsg = 0.03168
vshifta_naRsg = 0
vshiftk_naRsg = 0
vshifti_naRsg = -5
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.00014
insert pk
ena = 63
ghbar_hpkj = 0.000108
insert cdp20N_FD2
insert Kv3
gbar_Kv3 = 1.8
vshift_Kv3 = 4
insert newCaP
pcabar_newCaP =0.00019
kt_newCaP = 1
vshift_newCaP = -5
insert mslo
gbar_mslo = 0.8736
insert abBK
gabkbar_abBK = 0.3
insert SK2
gkbar_SK2 = 0.0075
insert naRsg
gbar_naRsg = 0.56
vshifta_naRsg = 15
vshiftk_naRsg = 5
vshifti_naRsg = -5
insert nap
gbar_nap = 0.0023
insert CaT3_1
pcabar_CaT3_1 = 0.000128
ena = 63
ghbar_hpkj = 0.000108
insert cdpAIS
insert Kv3
gbar_Kv3 =115.2
vshift_Kv3 = 4
insert newCaP
pcabar_newCaP = 0.00228
kt_newCaP = 1
vshift_newCaP = -5
insert mslo
gbar_mslo = 6
insert abBK
gabkbar_abBK = 1.05
insert SK2
gkbar_SK2 = 0.027777778
objref patch_site
patch_site = new List()
ip = 0
forsec patch_list {
patch_site.append(new SectionRef())
celsius = 34
dt = 0.02
steps_per_ms = 1/dt
dtsim = 0.02
ntrial = 500
tstop = 600
Nsyn_grc = 1
Ngrc = 2000
NPFsyn = Ngrc*Nsyn_grc
Nsyn_ST = 16
NST = 9
NSTsyn = Nsyn_ST*NST
Nsyn_BS = 40
NBS = 4
NBSsyn = Nsyn_BS*NBS
Freq_pf = 0.135
Freq_st = 14.4
Freq_bs = 14.4
objref g2, b2,c2, distrm, distrd, rt, rn
xopen ("electrode.hoc")
xopen("distri.hoc") //voltage spatial distribution
v_init = -70
objref scalefile
scalefile=new File()
//start parallel instance
objref pc
pc = new ParallelContext()
//print "number of hosts: ", pc.nhost(), "\thost id: ", pc.id()
//function farmed out to slave nodes
func distscale() {local key, errval, cu_id, spk_id, syn_id localobj parvec, returnlist
key = $1
cu_id = int($1/10000000000)
spk_id = int(($1 - cu_id*10000000000)/100000000)
site_id = int(($1 - cu_id*10000000000-spk_id*100000000)/1000000)
syn_id = int(($1 - cu_id*10000000000-spk_id*100000000-site_id*1000000)/10000)
trial_id = $1 - cu_id*10000000000-spk_id*100000000-site_id*1000000-syn_id*10000
returnlist = new List()
returnlist = calc_EPSP_single(cu_id,spk_id,site_id,syn_id,trial_id)
return key
objref aSynapseList[11]
objref recording, baby1, babyend,babybranchlet, temone,terminal
obfunc calc_EPSP_single() {localobj outlist, currecord, integ_soma, br0, br1,tip0,tip1,onpath,patch
//function to calculate the max deflection due to a single synapse
cu_id = $1
dspk_id = $2
siteval = $3
synval= $4
tr_id = $5
curr = -0.4+(cu_id-1)*0.2
nlist = 2
Npf = 5+(synval-1)*5
for i = 1,nlist {aSynapseList[i-1] = new List() } // every time this will be initialized.
randomseed0 = cu_id*10000000000+dspk_id*100000000+siteval*1000000 +synval*10000 + tr_id
randomseed1 = randomseed0+dspk_id-siteval
rt = new Random(randomseed0)
rn = new Random(randomseed0)
rn.normal (0, 0.6)
br0 = new SectionList()
br1 = new SectionList()
patch_site.o(dspk_id-1).sec br0.subtree()
patch_site.o(siteval-1).sec br1.subtree()
if (dspk_id==12) {
br0 = new SectionList()
forsec "dendA1_001101100*" br0.append()
if (dspk_id==13) {
br0 = new SectionList()
forsec "dendA1_0011011100*" br0.append()
forsec "dendA1_0011011101*" br0.append()
if (siteval==12) {
br1 = new SectionList()
forsec "dendA1_001101100*" br1.append()
if (siteval==13) {
br1 = new SectionList()
forsec "dendA1_0011011100*" br1.append()
forsec "dendA1_0011011101*" br1.append()
tip0 = new Vector()
aSynapseList[0] = distSyns(Npf,br0,randomseed0)
if (dspk_id == 8) {
} else if (dspk_id == 21) {
aSynapseList[1] = distSyns(Npf,br1,randomseed1)
for i = 1,nlist {
for ii=1,aSynapseList[i-1].count() {
aSynapseList[i-1].object(ii-1).onset = 386+20
aSynapseList[i-1].object(ii-1).tau0 = 0.3
aSynapseList[i-1].object(ii-1).tau1 = 3
aSynapseList[i-1].object(ii-1).e = 0
aSynapseList[i-1].object(ii-1).gmax = 0.5e-3//
// following are background synapses
// need new random numbers
nvecpf = new Vector(numsegsp, 0)
nvecst= new Vector(numsegsp, 0)
nvecbs= new Vector(numsegbs, 0)
ampsynlist = new List()
gabastsynlist = new List()
gababssynlist = new List()
ampsynprelist = new List()
gabastsynprelist = new List()
gababssynprelist = new List()
for ii=1,NPFsyn {
x = mtotalpf/NPFsyn*(ii-1) //value drawn from uniform distribution over [0,mtotal]
jj = mvecpf.indwhere(">=", x) // the first element in mvecpf that is >=x
// this is the index of the segment that should get the synapse
nvecpf.x[jj] += 1 // the value will be 1 if it get the synapses
for ii=1,NSTsyn {
x = mtotalpf/NSTsyn*(ii-1) //value drawn from uniform distribution over [0,mtotal]
jj = mvecst.indwhere(">=", x) // the first element in mvecpf that is >=x
// this is the index of the segment that should get the synapse
nvecst.x[jj] += 1 // the value will be 1 if it get the synapses
for ii=1,NBSsyn {
x = mtotalbs/NBSsyn *(ii-1) //value drawn from uniform distribution over [0,mtotal]
jj = mvecbs.indwhere(">=", x) // the first element in mvecpf that is >=x
// this is the index of the segment that should get the synapse
nvecbs.x[jj] += 1 // the number of synapses in this segment
ii = 0
forsec spinydend {
for (x, 0) {
num = nvecpf.x[ii]
if (num>0) {
for jj=1,num {ampsynlist.append(new Exp2Syn(x)) ampsynprelist.append(new NetStim(x))}
ii += 1 // we're moving on to the next segment,
ii = 0
forsec spinydend {
for (x, 0) {
num = nvecst.x[ii]
if (num>0) {
for jj=1,num {gabastsynlist.append(new Exp2Syn(x)) gabastsynprelist.append(new NetStim(x))}
ii += 1 // we're moving on to the next segment,
ii = 0
forsec bs {
for (x, 0) {
num = nvecbs.x[ii]
if (num>0) {
for jj=1,num {gababssynlist.append(new Exp2Syn(x)) gababssynprelist.append(new NetStim(x))}
ii += 1 // we're moving on to the next segment,
for i = 0, Ngrc-1 {
ampsynprelist.object(i).interval = 1000/Freq_pf
ampsynprelist.object(i).number = 10000
ampsynprelist.object(i).start = 0
ampsynprelist.object(i).noise = 1
for j=0,Nsyn_grc-1 {
ampsynlist.object(Nsyn_grc*i+j).tau1 = 0.3
ampsynlist.object(Nsyn_grc*i+j).tau2 = 3
ampsynlist.object(Nsyn_grc*i+j).e = 0
ampcon[Nsyn_grc*i+j] = new NetCon(ampsynprelist.object(i),ampsynlist.object(Nsyn_grc*i+j))
ampcon[Nsyn_grc*i+j].weight = 0.5e-3
for i = 0,NST-1 {
gabastsynprelist.object(i).interval = 1000/Freq_st
gabastsynprelist.object(i).number = 10000
gabastsynprelist.object(i).start = 0
gabastsynprelist.object(i).noise = 1
for j=0,Nsyn_ST-1 {
gabastsynlist.object(Nsyn_ST*i+j).tau1 = 1
gabastsynlist.object(Nsyn_ST*i+j).tau2 = 8
gabastsynlist.object(Nsyn_ST*i+j).e = -85
gabastcon[Nsyn_ST*i+j] = new NetCon(gabastsynprelist.object(i),gabastsynlist.object(Nsyn_ST*i+j))
gabastcon[Nsyn_ST*i+j].weight = 0.1e-3
for i = 0, NBS-1{
gababssynprelist.object(i).interval = 1000/Freq_bs
gababssynprelist.object(i).number = 10000
gababssynprelist.object(i).start = 0
gababssynprelist.object(i).noise = 1
for j=0,Nsyn_BS-1 {
gababssynlist.object(Nsyn_BS*i+j).tau1 = 1
gababssynlist.object(Nsyn_BS*i+j).tau2 = 8
gababssynlist.object(Nsyn_BS*i+j).e = -85
gababscon[Nsyn_BS*i+j] = new NetCon(gababssynprelist.object(i),gababssynlist.object(Nsyn_BS*i+j))
gababscon[Nsyn_BS*i+j].weight = 0.1e-3
forsec br1 {
temone = new SectionRef()
if (temone.nchild == 0) {temone.sec terminal = new SectionRef()}
outlist=new List()
integ_soma = new Vector()
/****** Details: Transfers take place on exit from finitialize() and on exit from fadvance(). *******/
tip1 = new Vector()
stim1.del = 0
stim1.dur = rt.repick()
stim1.amp = -0.3
rn.play (&CCn.amp)
for i = 1,nlist {aSynapseList[i-1].remove_all()}
return outlist
//objects for input/output
objref somavec, tipvec, patchvec, onpathvec
somavec = new Vector()
tipvec = new Vector()
patchvec = new Vector()
strdef tmpstr
strdef outDir
strdef cmd
objref outfile
outfile = new File()
proc calcEPSPs() {
sprint(cmd, "system(\"mkdir -p %s\")",outDir)
somaA distance(0,0.5)
// cu = 3 set the holding current to be 0 nA.
for cu = 3, $1 {
for dspk = $2, $2 {
for site = $3, $3 {
for m = 1, $4 {
for nt =1 ,$5 {
mmtag=cu*10000000000 + dspk*100000000 + site*1000000 + m*10000 + nt
pc.submit("distscale",mmtag) //send out the error calculations
//collect error values
while (pc.working()) {
key = pc.retval() //retrieve the tag
pc.look_take(key) //remove the tag/job from the bulletin
somavec = pc.upkvec() //unpack the error value associated with the tag
tipvec = pc.upkvec()
patchvec = pc.upkvec()
print "received key ",key
cuno = int(key/10000000000)
frno = int((key- cuno*10000000000)/100000000)
siteno = int((key - cuno*10000000000 - frno*100000000)/1000000)
synno= int((key - cuno*10000000000 - frno*100000000 - siteno*1000000)/10000)
trno = key - cuno*10000000000-frno*100000000-siteno*1000000-synno*10000
// first compute the left most branch interactions.
// notice the difference here, previously simulation starts from 5 synapses, here in other branches, starts from 0 syanpses
co_br = 15