# amplifier-model
The model relates to the manuscript entitled:
"Small size of recorded neuronal structures confines the accuracy in direct axonal voltage measurements"
by Viktor János Oláh, Gergely Tarcsay and János Brunner
ENEURO.0059-21.2021; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0059-21.2021
Simulations have been tested using NEURON 7.4-7.6 under Windows10
Folder description:
1_VC and CC operation --- model sessions to show how the model amplifiers operate
2_real experiment reconstruction --- The model representation of a direct axonal voltage recording used for the prediction of native AP shape and underlying conductances
3_complete morphology --- pipette-measured, local- and native AP waveforms in simulated recordings from different parts of a mossy fiber
Any feedbacks, questions or bug reports can be sent to:
brunner.janos at koki.hu