import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
from torch.autograd import Variable
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from import loadmat # for loading mat files
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def ToGrayscale(sample):
# Convert to numpy array and then make the image grayscale
sample = np.asarray(sample)
#sample = sample.sum(axis=-1) # sum over last axis
sample = sample - np.mean(sample)
sample = sample / np.max(sample) # divide by max over the image
sample = np.pad(sample, (7, 7), 'symmetric') # pad with symmetric borders
return sample
class Net(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, filters_temp, filters_notemp, noise_val, num_rfs):
super(Net, self).__init__()
# Convert set of numpy ndarray filters into Pytorch
self.filts_temp = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(filters_temp).permute(1, 0, 2, 3, 4).float(), requires_grad=False)
self.filts_notemp = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(filters_notemp).permute(1, 0, 2, 3, 4).float(), requires_grad=False)
self.num_rfs = num_rfs #Number of RFs to look out for correlations
self.noise_val = noise_val
def forward(self, x):
# Define spatial extent of correlations
corr_x = self.num_rfs * self.filts_temp.shape[3]
corr_y = self.num_rfs * self.filts_temp.shape[4]
num_filts = self.filts_temp.shape[0] + self.filts_notemp.shape[0]
# Convolve filters with input image
# x = F.relu(F.conv2d(x, self.filts))
x_temp = F.conv3d(x, self.filts_temp)/2
x_temp = F.relu(x_temp + self.noise_val*torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(x_temp.size()[0], x_temp.size()[1], x_temp.size()[2], x_temp.size()[3], x_temp.size()[4])).float().cuda())
x_notemp = F.conv3d(x[:, :, x.size()[2]-1, :, :].unsqueeze(2), self.filts_notemp)
x_notemp = F.relu(x_notemp + self.noise_val*torch.from_numpy(np.random.randn(x_notemp.size()[0], x_notemp.size()[1], x_notemp.size()[2], x_notemp.size()[3], x_notemp.size()[4])).float().cuda())
x =, x_notemp), dim=1)
# Normalization with added eps in denominator
x1 = torch.div(x, torch.sum(x, dim=1).unsqueeze(1) + np.finfo(float).eps)
return x1
def train(NF, filter_len):
mypath = '/home/dvoina/ramsmatlabprogram/moving_videos_bsr/'
onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath)]
for i in range(len(onlyfiles)):
video = loadmat(mypath + onlyfiles[i])
video = video["s_modified"]
data_dict = {}
# Put all BSDS images in the 'train' folder in the current working directory
for batch_idx in range(np.shape(video)[0]):
data = video[batch_idx, :, :]
data = ToGrayscale(data)
if (batch_idx>=filter_len-1):
# Extract out image portion of data
Data = np.zeros((1, 1, filter_len, np.shape(data)[0], np.shape(data)[1]))
for j in range(filter_len-1):
Data[0, 0, j, :, :] = data_dict[str(j)]
Data[0, 0, filter_len-1, :, :] = data
Data = torch.from_numpy(Data).float()
if cuda:
Data = Data.cuda()
with torch.no_grad():
Data = Variable(Data) # convert into pytorch variables
x1 = model(Data) # forward inference
x1 = x1.view(1,NF,x1.size()[3],x1.size()[4])
fn_array.append(x1.cpu().numpy()) # load back to cpu and convert to numpyq
for j in range(filter_len-2):
data_dict[str(j)] = data_dict[str(j+1)]
j = filter_len - 2
data_dict[str(j)] = data
data_dict[str(batch_idx)] = data
return np.asarray(fn_array)
filters34_2 = loadmat('data_filts_px3_v2.mat')
filters34_temp = np.array(filters34_2['data_filts2'][0,0:16].tolist())
#filters34_temp = np.array(filters34_2['data_filts2'][0,0:8].tolist())
filters34_temp = np.expand_dims(filters34_temp, axis=0)
filters34_temp = np.transpose(filters34_temp, (0,1,4,2,3))
filters34_notemp = np.array(filters34_2['data_filts2'][0,16:34].tolist())
#filters34_notemp = np.array(filters34_2['data_filts2'][0,8:24].tolist())
filters34_notemp = np.expand_dims(filters34_notemp, axis=1)
filters34_notemp = np.expand_dims(filters34_notemp, axis=0)
filter_len = np.shape(filters34_temp)[2]
# Let's zero mean the filters (make use of numpy broadcasting)
filters34_temp = np.transpose(np.transpose(filters34_temp, (0,2,3,4,1))-filters34_temp.reshape(1,filters34_temp.shape[1],-1).mean(axis=2), (0,4,1,2,3))
filters34_notemp = np.transpose(np.transpose(filters34_notemp, (0,2,3,4,1))-filters34_notemp.reshape(1,filters34_notemp.shape[1],-1).mean(axis=2), (0,4,1,2,3))
NF = np.shape(filters34_temp)[1] + np.shape(filters34_notemp)[1]
# Training settings
cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() # disables using the GPU and cuda if False
batch_size = 1 # input batch size for training (TODO: figure out how to group images with similar orientation)
# Create a new instance of the network
model = Net(filters34_temp, filters34_notemp, noise_val = 0, num_rfs=3)
if cuda:
fn_array = []
filt_avgs = train(NF, filter_len)
XTrain = filt_avgs"XTrain_forPython_34filters_noNoise_reviewSimple.npy", XTrain)